Why You Should Still Be Pumped For Watch Dogs


New member
Mar 18, 2013
Why You Should Still Be Pumped For Watch Dogs

Turning our greatest weakness into a strength, Watch Dogs puts you in the shoes of hacker extraordinaire, Aiden Pierce.

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New member
Mar 18, 2013
Scrumpmonkey said:
**Sigh** more PR department extension, 'promotional shots' and ramping up the hype train. I expect "Why you should be be pumped for X" as the title for a preview more from a site like IGN. After the PR disaster of dubious early marketing and bad damage control i think the most we can be is "Cautiously optimistic".
Is it so inconceivable to be excited for something? Because this is the Escapist I'm automatically supposed to hate everything? I had a genuinely awesome experience playing the game, plain and simple. But I love video games, and it seems more and more like a lot of this community doesn't love anything.

Suicidal Zebra

New member
Feb 11, 2011
We love videogames too. Which is why the current trend of over-promising and under-delivering, coupled with popular media serving as a mouthpiece rather than critical analyser, makes some of us ever so wary of pieces like these.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I'm pretty optimistic about the game. Hyped and pumped for it? I was at one time, but a couple delays later has toned that down. I mean, I'm grateful they are taking the time to fix anything that could cause the game to be less fun, but time wears almost anything down. I'll still buy it brand new I'm sure. I'm just hoping I can run the game on my PC in all its glory. I should be able to afford that 780ti I want before the end of May. I've been working a few days extra to make sure of that.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
Suicidal Zebra said:
We love videogames too. Which is why the current trend of over-promising and under-delivering, coupled with popular media serving as a mouthpiece rather than critical analyser, makes some of us ever so wary of pieces like these.
Out of sheer curiosity, what was the last game you loved?

Also: I don't do reviews by choice, and it's important to remember this is a preview. I didn't get to see the final game, so it isn't fair to judge it, and analyze it, like it is the final game.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
andrearene said:
Suicidal Zebra said:
We love videogames too. Which is why the current trend of over-promising and under-delivering, coupled with popular media serving as a mouthpiece rather than critical analyser, makes some of us ever so wary of pieces like these.
Out of sheer curiosity, what was the last game you loved?

Also: I don't do reviews by choice, and it's important to remember this is a preview. I didn't get to see the final game, so it isn't fair to judge it, and analyze it, like it is the final game.
Conversely it's unfair to encourage optimism when experience has shown us that what's shown in preview or even a review copy can have very little to do with what the public ultimately gets.

If The Escapist wants to be viewed as a higher class of website, then it must be held to a higher standard. I don't have the answer for how you should be doing previews, but all I can say is that the current model is fostering the ill will between the public and game creators (as well as those that report on them)

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
andrearene said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
**Sigh** more PR department extension, 'promotional shots' and ramping up the hype train. I expect "Why you should be be pumped for X" as the title for a preview more from a site like IGN. After the PR disaster of dubious early marketing and bad damage control i think the most we can be is "Cautiously optimistic".
Is it so inconceivable to be excited for something? Because this is the Escapist I'm automatically supposed to hate everything? I had a genuinely awesome experience playing the game, plain and simple. But I love video games, and it seems more and more like a lot of this community doesn't love anything.

Didn't you know that's the way it goes around here? =P

Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to Watch Dogs.

Suicidal Zebra

New member
Feb 11, 2011
The last game that I truly loved throughout was Thomas Was Alone, but I have certainly loved moments of other games more recently - Bioshock Infinite's DLC plot-twists, and the more atmospheric chapters of the Thief reboot.


I am sure that we all recognise that this is a preview, but I'm sure that you understand our perspective that the hype train is intended to drive pre-orders and little else. As consumers we're better off informed (which I hope was your own intention in writing this piece) rather than exhorted to part with our cash before reviews are even published. Certainly the headline/title, which I recognise may have been chosen by someone in the editorial team, makes it seem like the article is the latter type.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
Except what you wrote is a fluff piece, there's no critical eye. As a preview of an unfinished product, there needs to be notes about what is wrong, with the reminder it could be fixed by release. If anything, a preview needs to be MORE harshly judged than the final product because there is NO word of mouth from alternative sources, either warning or promoting the game, because the public has no access to it.

You trying to build hype with such a poorly concealed promotion deserves skepticism.

As for games I've loved? Dark souls, I just got it two weeks ago. More recent title? Saints row 4, love it endlessly. I can keep going and it will stay pretty constant. I don't hate games, I hate this flow of media bull crap that lacks a sense of responsibility towards the people whose attention is what keeps them afloat.

So you keep pushing hype that will inevitably fall flat because you're making it nigh unobtainable. Then when it collapses, you just pretend that you had nothing to do with it.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I'm actually more interested in the new Spider-Man game that's coming out in a week or so. This is a Ubisoft game. I'll be pumped when they release the full version next year. I'm not getting anywhere near their games on launch ever again.

Sgt Blackout

New member
Oct 29, 2009
andrearene said:
But I love video games, and it seems more and more like a lot of this community doesn't love anything.
On the contrary, we DO love video games, which is why we are critical of games that could have been so much more than they end up being. Especially with the influx of Bullshot promotion lately, I find it difficult to understand how anybody can say with a straight face that they honestly trust the game industry in it's current state.


Professional Procrastinator
Nov 13, 2009
[HEADING=3]Why You Should Still Be Wary Game Journalists Hyping AAA Game Releases[/HEADING]
I'll reserve judgement for the game until reviews come out.
Although with how professional game reviews are, I think I'll have to wait until non-professional reviews come out.


New member
May 13, 2010
I am hyped for this. Have been for a long, loong time! I pre-ordered deadsec for my 360 and I am looking forward til it arrives, very very much so.

Thanks for adding to my hype. Now I am even more impatient. ;(

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
andrearene said:
Is it so inconceivable to be excited for something? Because this is the Escapist I'm automatically supposed to hate everything? I had a genuinely awesome experience playing the game, plain and simple. But I love video games, and it seems more and more like a lot of this community doesn't love anything.
In this case I think it's just an issue of overexposure.

This game has been covered to hell and back, largely thanks to the delay. And with the added "bullshot" scandal, I think people have kind of had there fill with this title for now. Even if it is a quality game, which I'm sure it is, there's just too much bagage for many people to get really excited.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
snekadid said:
Except what you wrote is a fluff piece, there's no critical eye. As a preview of an unfinished product, there needs to be notes about what is wrong, with the reminder it could be fixed by release. If anything, a preview needs to be MORE harshly judged than the final product because there is NO word of mouth from alternative sources, either warning or promoting the game, because the public has no access to it.

You trying to build hype with such a poorly concealed promotion deserves skepticism.

As for games I've loved? Dark souls, I just got it two weeks ago. More recent title? Saints row 4, love it endlessly. I can keep going and it will stay pretty constant. I don't hate games, I hate this flow of media bull crap that lacks a sense of responsibility towards the people whose attention is what keeps them afloat.

So you keep pushing hype that will inevitably fall flat because you're making it nigh unobtainable. Then when it collapses, you just pretend that you had nothing to do with it.
Have you played the game? Or is it that you are just pontificating about something you have no personal experience with?

Lack of responsibility? Responsibility for what? Advising you how to spend your leisure money? I am reporting on the basic facts of the game, features, release date, platforms, background info, and developer insight to provide context for an entertainment product. I throw in my impressions when I think they are substantial enough to do so but this is still a form of entertainment we are talking about.

Also, pretending I have nothing to do with it when it collapses? Nothing to do with what? People not liking the game? I don't care if you don't like the game! I'm not making money off its sale.

I enjoy sharing things when I have a positive experience with them, thinking that maybe someone else will really like it too. That is what I did. If you want to believe I am part of the "hype train" and have no "responsibility" for consumers, because I *gasp* didn't rake it over the coals, so be it. You're entitled to your opinion and I won't even call you irresponsible for it!