Doctor Who Season 8 Premieres August 23rd


New member
May 20, 2014
Doctor Who Season 8 Premieres August 23rd

Peter Capaldi will star in his first full episode as the Doctor on BBC and BBC America August 23rd.

Though the BBC had teased us with the less tiny trailer [] in that there's actually dialog... albeit not much of it.

"Am I a good man?" Capaldi asks... and that conceit is really what makes Doctor Who's regeneration episodes so interesting. The new actor doesn't yet quite know who he's playing, the audience doesn't quite know who they're watching, and the character himself doesn't yet have the answer to who he is. Regeneration episodes are usually full of surprises... but we can already say for a fact that Capaldi's Doctor is better on the post-regeneration "good man" front than Colin Baker's Doctor, who attacked his companion immediately after regenerating. (In the show's defense, that was during the 1980's.)

Are you looking forward to this new era of Doctor Who are are you already over this 50-year old show? Either way, it's coming to your TV this summer.

Source: io9 []


Adam Locking

New member
Aug 10, 2012
Had to go to the BBC's own website to view this, because despite being from the show's country of origin, the trailer above can't be viewed in this country!

Would it be considered an extreme ideological viewpoint to want the death penalty for anyone publishing or advocating region-locked content?
Dec 14, 2009
Region locking the trailer for a show made in my own country.

Seems legit.

That aside, I'm totes hyped for this. I only started watching Dr Who this year, watched everything from Eccleston up to the end of Smith.

Gonna be awesome :3


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
Daystar Clarion said:
Region locking the trailer for a show made in my own country.

Seems legit.

That aside, I'm totes hyped for this. I only started watching Dr Who this year, watched everything from Eccleston up to the end of Smith.

Gonna be awesome :3
You should check out some Classic who to hold you over there's tons of eps to watch.

OT: So excited for this im so glad to have a old man doctor again and not that manchild doctor


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
My body, is ready.

I rather enjoyed the previous Doctors, even if Moffats gone full on retarded with a lot of the stuff.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

Seriously BBC? Why the hell would you region lock a trailer, surely you want people to see it, especially those from your own country. I can't see the motivation there at-all, unless they're trying to attract attention to their own website. For any other British Whovians, here's a link that works:

On-topic, I'm excited for this, I was getting a little tired of Smith's Doctor to be honest so I'm hoping this new guy will be a breath of fresh air for the role.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
My love of Capaldi has me hopfull but my hope is being kept in cheak by my dislike of Moffat.

But role on a darker Doctor. From what little has been said about Capaldi's Doctor it sounds like he will spend this series doing his best not to become the Valeyard. I imagin it will take him time to get over Trezilor as well. Who knows how long he was on that planet, fighting of all the bad guys. That would screw anyone up.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Of course I'm looking forward to this! Heh, was there ever a doubt? And that's not all I'm looking forward to...


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I really wish region locking would go die in some horrid fire and then fall in a pool of acid, region locking only serves to piss us off and tell us we're not welcome.

With that said I can't wait to see what the new doctor brings, I loved Peter's acting in the Thick of it, all those swears.

Also lol at Master Race mention in the clip.



New member
Mar 27, 2011
Just expressing the same sentiment as the first post. From the UK, but the video hasn't been made available. Serious /facepalm


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2013
Shadow-Phoenix said:
I really wish region locking would go die in some horrid fire and then fall in a pool of acid, region locking only serves to piss us off and tell us we're not welcome.

With that said I can't wait to see what the new doctor brings, I loved Peter's acting in the Thick of it, all those swears.

Also lol at Master Race mention in the clip.

Well... that was something.

I can't even imagine the doctor swearing like that.

But 23-8 can't wait.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
BAH! I can't watch the trailer!! Stupid region locking!
Anyway, I'm going into this new season with a great deal of apprehension. I do not like Steven Moffit's writing.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
harpere said:
Though the BBC had teased us with the tiniest possible teaser trailer [] and a promise of August, today they've released a slightly longer teaser trailer with an actual date: August 23rd.
I'm glad you emphasised slightly, because this is still almost nothing. And it's weird they're trying to be all mysterious here. It's not like we don't know who the Doctor is played by, or Peter Capaldi is an unknown actor, or anything.

canadamus_prime said:
Anyway, I'm going into this new season with a great deal of apprehension. I do not like Steven Moffit's writing.
I love his writing. I basically just dislike everything else about his run on the show. He seems unable to structure a long-term narrative, seems to recycle ideas to death (including his own), and seems to just think some rather stupid things.

But Moffatt's credits include many of my favourite New Who episodes. I just would rather he not be the show's front runner.

And sometimes, that he just wouldn't speak.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
canadamus_prime said:
Anyway, I'm going into this new season with a great deal of apprehension. I do not like Steven Moffit's writing.
I love his writing. I basically just dislike everything else about his run on the show. He seems unable to structure a long-term narrative, seems to recycle ideas to death (including his own), and seems to just think some rather stupid things.

But Moffatt's credits include many of my favourite New Who episodes. I just would rather he not be the show's front runner.

And sometimes, that he just wouldn't speak.
I suppose I can agree with that. However I don't know how many plot devices he's introduced and then never utilized properly.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
I love his writing. I basically just dislike everything else about his run on the show. He seems unable to structure a long-term narrative, seems to recycle ideas to death (including his own), and seems to just think some rather stupid things.

But Moffatt's credits include many of my favourite New Who episodes. I just would rather he not be the show's front runner.

And sometimes, that he just wouldn't speak.
Moffat has penned some of my all time favourite episodes but the last couple of seasons have had some serious stinkers.
The last season in particular was just kind of painful to watch.

I think he needs someone to rein him in.
Someone to go "No, Moffat, no more wibbly wobbly today" or someone to put a quota on how many times he can get characters to say "Doctor Who" in an episode. I think he's just too much of a fanboy so he tries to make everything as Who-y as possible and, in doing so, just makes some really convoluted story arcs.

That and the "River Song" female characters need to stop, you know the type.
I miss the days when the companion wasn't a big mysterious timey wimey entity and Eccleston just picked up Rose in an estate.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Well, another resident of the British Isles who had to go searching for an alternative source for this trailer for a British tv series uploaded by to an official BBC youtube channel.

I guess we'll just have to see what the "new" New New Who episodes will be like. There was an article in some SF magazine over here that made everything sounds great (on paper) but whether all that can translate into a good season in practice remains to be seen.

I think Moffat should just stick to writing the occasional good episode (which we know he can do) and not try to pen some insanely convoluted story only matched in complexity of his relationship with whoever he runs into this episode.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Gizmo1990 said:
My love of Capaldi has me hopfull but my hope is being kept in cheak by my dislike of Moffat.

But role on a darker Doctor. From what little has been said about Capaldi's Doctor it sounds like he will spend this series doing his best not to become the Valeyard. I imagin it will take him time to get over Trezilor as well. Who knows how long he was on that planet, fighting of all the bad guys. That would screw anyone up.
I'm really hoping they do something regarding the Valeyard, it's been touched on with Tennants darker side and it would be absoloutely pointless for Richard E Grants character (Symion?) to mention the Valeyard if they wern't going to use it. Plus Capaldi is certainly the man who could pull it off; dude looks ominous enough as it is.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
I suppose I can agree with that. However I don't know how many plot devices he's introduced and then never utilized properly.
I'ma go with "all of them."

....Well, okay, he's not that bad, but things do seem to be dropped. One of the big complaints I've seen about the final special with Matt Smith is that they still left a bunch of things unfinished. The ones I know they finished up were mostly unsatisfactory.

And then there's the things he doesn't drop, like Season 6's arc. I liked a lot of the individual episodes, but GAWD.

Colour Scientist said:
Moffat has penned some of my all time favourite episodes but the last couple of seasons have had some serious stinkers.
The last season in particular was just kind of painful to watch.

I think he needs someone to rein him in.
Someone to go "No, Moffat, no more wibbly wobbly today" or someone to put a quota on how many times he can get characters to say "Doctor Who" in an episode. I think he's just too much of a fanboy so he tries to make everything as Who-y as possible and, in doing so, just makes some really convoluted story arcs.

That and the "River Song" female characters need to stop, you know the type.
I miss the days when the companion wasn't a big mysterious timey wimey entity and Eccleston just picked up Rose in an estate.
He really does need to be reined in.

I'm hoping the Buffy Speak will be toned down for 12 and Capaldi. From the very little I know, it doesn't seem he's going to be a similar Doctor. With Smith it was somewhat forgivable, as he was playing a 900+ year old child. The guy who didn't want to be a grown-up. But if he continues it with a more serious Doctor, yeah. Ugh. And the "Doctor Who?" thing, hopefully the limit counts all the extras he's accrued, because I could do a couple years without hearing it. It's cute occasionally, but...Blarg.

Moffatt repeats a lot of things, though. The "River Song" type character as you mention, but also things like killing Rory over and over again, or parting ways with Rory/Amy or Clara over and over again, the ad nauseum drama of Amy "choosing" between the Doctor and Rory (doesn't she make the same choice like, twice a season), etc. I know the examples I give are mostly Amy-centric, but they were a big part of two of the seasons.

This was also the case before he became the lead, but his adventures were more spaced out and didn't have an overall arc going on. He's got like three times the episodes to his name and he's setting the overall plot. It's a loooooooot easier to see a pattern.

So yeah. Rein him in indeed. And maybe get someone to go over his work for retreads.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
canadamus_prime said:
I suppose I can agree with that. However I don't know how many plot devices he's introduced and then never utilized properly.
I'ma go with "all of them."

....Well, okay, he's not that bad, but things do seem to be dropped. One of the big complaints I've seen about the final special with Matt Smith is that they still left a bunch of things unfinished. The ones I know they finished up were mostly unsatisfactory.

And then there's the things he doesn't drop, like Season 6's arc. I liked a lot of the individual episodes, but GAWD.
The most egregious I can think of is the whole Trensalor thing. After seeing the battlefield of Trenselor in "The Name of the Doctor" I was expecting something epic out of that, but nope;
apparently it's a Christmas town/planet and the Doctor spends 300+ years there defending it before succumbing to old age.
What a disappointing send off for Matt Smith too. Also I thought that whole 12 regenerations thing had been retconed or something.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
The most egregious I can think of is the whole Trensalor thing. After seeing the battlefield of Trenselor in "The Name of the Doctor" I was expecting something epic out of that, but nope;
apparently it's a Christmas town/planet and the Doctor spends 300+ years there defending it before succumbing to old age.
What a disappointing send off for Matt Smith too. Also I thought that whole 12 regenerations thing had been retconed or something.
In fairness, they've established several times that there are ways around the 12 regeneration limit since Classic Who, but I don't think they ever retconned it out entirely. I could be wrong, as my viewing of the classic series was long subject to availability and so I've missed quite a few serials. I mean, we knew the show wouldn't end, but I think there was still technically a cap. I think New Who even referenced it a couple of times.

Trenzalor was a letdown on so many levels. It was payoff that didn't pay off.

And overall disappointed with Smith's farewell. Then again, in New Who, Eccleston's end is the only one I've been even remotely satisfied with. And even then, well...Rose.

Ah, well. At least he didn't say something like "I don't want to go."