Ancient Arachnid Resurrected through Fossils in CGI Video


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
Ancient Arachnid Resurrected through Fossils in CGI Video

Researchers have used the fossils of a 410 million-year-old spider ancestor to recreate its appearance and movement in a computer generated video.

In a study published in the Journal of Paleontology [], researchers from The University of Manchester and the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, have shown their best recreation of the walking gait of one of the first land predators.

The fossils, taken from Natural History Museum in London, are said to have been exceptionally preserved in a type of rock known as chert that is ideal for fossil preservation thanks to its ability to withstand weathering and geologic activity. Consisting of thin slices of rock, the fossils showed cross-sections of the ancient creature, which is an early relative of the spider. Using the computer graphics software Blender, the researchers created a 3D model of the creature and animated its movement.

"When it comes to early life on land, long before our ancestors came out of the sea, these early arachnids were top dog of the food chain," said author Dr Russell Garwood, a palaeontologist in the University of Manchester's School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences. "They are now extinct, but from about 300 to 400 million years ago, seem to have been more widespread than spiders. Now we can use the tools of computer graphics to better understand and recreate how they might have moved - all from thin slivers of rock, showing the joints in their legs."

Co-author Jason Dunlop, a curator at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, said: "These fossils - from a rock called the Rhynie chert - are unusually well-preserved. During my PhD I could build up a pretty good idea of their appearance in life. This new study has gone further and shows us how they probably walked. For me, what's really exciting here is that scientists themselves can make these animations now, without needing the technical wizardry - and immense costs - of a Jurassic Park-style film."

When researchers who work on fossils start talking about Jurassic Park, I get nervous. I'm not implying that they'd take their research a step beyond the virtual and try to actually clone an ancient creature, eventually resulting in us being overrun by primeval predators. No, I'm, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way.

Source: The University of Manchester []



books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
If science were to ever re-create one of those fuckers then I'm moving off this planet, and then nuke the place because that's a whole lot of 'NOPE' going on.

That's cool, I guess, and I would watch that video, but, ya know, spiders. That said, I think this is kinda neat, and hopefully they keep this studying in the virtual world, and not the flesh and squishy one.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I don't know why I find it funny to view that fossil as the caveman spider!

Als ogood to know, if I want to erase spider from existance, I have to travel back in time and killed all of that (yes doing so will alter the timeline so much but it will be worth it)!


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Rhykker said:
When researchers who work on fossils start talking about Jurassic Park, I get nervous. I'm not implying that they'd take their research a step beyond the virtual and try to actually clone an ancient creature, eventually resulting in us being overrun by primeval predators. No, I'm, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way.
I doubt venomless arachnids that were few centimetres long at most will bring about the end of human race.

Unless we go with my plan of throwing them into a nuclear blast to turn them into giant radioactive bugs.
And when I say 'giant', I mean like dog-sized.

Scarim Coral said:
I don't know why I find it funny to view that fossil as the caveman spider!

Als ogood to know, if I want to erase spider from existance, I have to travel back in time and killed all of that (yes doing so will alter the timeline so much but it will be worth it)!
I'm pretty sure that's not a direct ancestor of modern spiders. More like a great-great uncle.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Rhykker said:
When researchers who work on fossils start talking about Jurassic Park, I get nervous. I'm not implying that they'd take their research a step beyond the virtual and try to actually clone an ancient creature, eventually resulting in us being overrun by primeval predators. No, I'm, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way.

Source: The University of Manchester []

Perhaps in this case, they are referencing the wrong movie here. I feel it time we face up to the all too real possibilities shown in Tron: Legacy, where a digital creation was able to physically manifest itselfr in the real world. This spider may only exist in the form of a 3D model today, but tomorrow? Who knows.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Why do I want to see it dance.. put some nice music in the background and see it dance. It would even be fine without tophat and monocle.

But yeah spiders we're huge in a long long past and that is pretty bad news. Now nothing as big as some B-movies <??? They actually made a 2013 movie using I hope the old B-movie charm. Nothing as fun as projecting a movie with before it a normal spider. Or other animal. Ah remember night of the lepus.

But yeah bad news.. luckily the size of spiders seems bound by the oxygen content so lucky us. This means if it would be revived these days it would only survive in a high oxygen room.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
That feel when after two years of Palaeontology in England, you still can't remember why the Rhynie chert is so good at doing what it does... I gotta go study...


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
MarsProbe said:
Perhaps in this case, they are referencing the wrong movie here. I feel it time we face up to the all too real possibilities shown in Tron: Legacy, where a digital creation was able to physically manifest itselfr in the real world. This spider may only exist in the form of a 3D model today, but tomorrow? Who knows.
Imagine if you will;
The continued strive for A.I.
The (biological) 3D printer.
All hooked up to the internet.

Recipe for disaster, or the "salvation" of (man-made) extinct species?

Quite an interesting notion of the future and what it may or might not hold.
It is said the future is what we make of it. (based on the prevailing base paths available ofc..)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Vendor-Lazarus said:
MarsProbe said:
Perhaps in this case, they are referencing the wrong movie here. I feel it time we face up to the all too real possibilities shown in Tron: Legacy, where a digital creation was able to physically manifest itselfr in the real world. This spider may only exist in the form of a 3D model today, but tomorrow? Who knows.
Imagine if you will;
The continued strive for A.I.
The (biological) 3D printer.
All hooked up to the internet.

Recipe for disaster, or the "salvation" of (man-made) extinct species?

Quite an interesting notion of the future and what it may or might not hold.
It is said the future is what we make of it. (based on the prevailing base paths available ofc..)
So, basically, we're looking at a future more in line with



Oct 6, 2009
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
If science were to ever re-create one of those fuckers then I'm moving off this planet, and then nuke the place because that's a whole lot of 'NOPE' going on.

That's cool, I guess, and I would watch that video, but, ya know, spiders. That said, I think this is kinda neat, and hopefully they keep this studying in the virtual world, and not the flesh and squishy one.
Well first off, it most likely wouldn't survive long especially since the atmosphere has changed much since then, but, if one said spider of such caliber did exist:


New member
Mar 1, 2009
As great as this video realllyyyy frustrates me that there is no scale anywhere. It's a prehistoric fossil, I need to know how big (or small) this was. Since it's so old my mind is just like, yahhh go ahead and assume its like 2 feet long, but its probably only an inch or two at max.

Kids, always include a scale with your models.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Chinchama said:
As great as this video realllyyyy frustrates me that there is no scale anywhere. It's a prehistoric fossil, I need to know how big (or small) this was. Since it's so old my mind is just like, yahhh go ahead and assume its like 2 feet long, but its probably only an inch or two at max.

Kids, always include a scale with your models.
True, they should have. After watching the video I got curious as to how big this type of spider was, and according to what I found it apparently could be between a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size. I'll assume the millimeter ones were the babies. :3


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Neronium said:
Chinchama said:
As great as this video realllyyyy frustrates me that there is no scale anywhere. It's a prehistoric fossil, I need to know how big (or small) this was. Since it's so old my mind is just like, yahhh go ahead and assume its like 2 feet long, but its probably only an inch or two at max.

Kids, always include a scale with your models.
True, they should have. After watching the video I got curious as to how big this type of spider was, and according to what I found it apparently could be between a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size. I'll assume the millimeter ones were the babies. :3
Hey... Small enough to crawl into your ears while you sleep and eat your brain from the inside then... :D


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Tsaba said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
If science were to ever re-create one of those fuckers then I'm moving off this planet, and then nuke the place because that's a whole lot of 'NOPE' going on.

That's cool, I guess, and I would watch that video, but, ya know, spiders. That said, I think this is kinda neat, and hopefully they keep this studying in the virtual world, and not the flesh and squishy one.
Well first off, it most likely wouldn't survive long especially since the atmosphere has changed much since then, but, if one said spider of such caliber did exist:
My completely rational fear of spiders dictates that logic, in any form, has no affect on me. You're probably right though since I would image that the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels were completely different than they are today.

Not really willing to let science take that chance if I'm honest.

Fuck spiders, man. D:


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Dammit, I love science, but this is how you accidentally create Godzilla monsters! DON'T DO THAT!


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am much more interested in the fact that they used Blender to create this animation. That software has seen some serious development over the past couple of years that is making actively competitive with commercial software from autodesk, from a technological standpoint.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Infernai said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
MarsProbe said:
So, basically, we're looking at a future more in line with
Pretty much ,)
Except for the Science Fantasy aspects.
Transhuman here, but I don't "believe" in the singularity[Footnote]A magic cusp or threshold where code and machine suddenly become sentient..because...[/Footnote]. I do believe that Transhumanism will bring untold changes to what is considered "human" and even "sentient".