Ancient Arachnid Resurrected through Fossils in CGI Video


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Chinchama said:
As great as this video realllyyyy frustrates me that there is no scale anywhere. It's a prehistoric fossil, I need to know how big (or small) this was. Since it's so old my mind is just like, yahhh go ahead and assume its like 2 feet long, but its probably only an inch or two at max.

Kids, always include a scale with your models.

If Wikipedia is correct, this order has an upper limit of 5cm. So big, but not a spot on the largest extant spiders.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
aren't there better fossils out there that should get this treatment before this damn nightmare fuel thing


Oct 6, 2009
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Tsaba said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
If science were to ever re-create one of those fuckers then I'm moving off this planet, and then nuke the place because that's a whole lot of 'NOPE' going on.

That's cool, I guess, and I would watch that video, but, ya know, spiders. That said, I think this is kinda neat, and hopefully they keep this studying in the virtual world, and not the flesh and squishy one.
Well first off, it most likely wouldn't survive long especially since the atmosphere has changed much since then, but, if one said spider of such caliber did exist:
My completely rational fear of spiders dictates that logic, in any form, has no affect on me. You're probably right though since I would image that the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels were completely different than they are today.

Not really willing to let science take that chance if I'm honest.

Fuck spiders, man. D:
If I remember my science class right, spider's aren't much bigger, because, they have what's called Book Lungs, the earliest found of such lungs are in these spiders, and because they had these lungs, the O2 levels which where WAY higher around this time on Earth, allowed for them to be much larger than today's little bastards.


New member
Nov 21, 2011

for a minute there i thought the end of the world was about to happen for me...

"collapses and weeps" really thank god :'''<

...but for good measure someone send a virus to delete it from existence :D


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Vendor-Lazarus said:
MarsProbe said:
Perhaps in this case, they are referencing the wrong movie here. I feel it time we face up to the all too real possibilities shown in Tron: Legacy, where a digital creation was able to physically manifest itselfr in the real world. This spider may only exist in the form of a 3D model today, but tomorrow? Who knows.
Imagine if you will;
The continued strive for A.I.
The (biological) 3D printer.
All hooked up to the internet.

Recipe for disaster, or the "salvation" of (man-made) extinct species?

Quite an interesting notion of the future and what it may or might not hold.
It is said the future is what we make of it. (based on the prevailing base paths available ofc..)
Intriguing prospect. I wonder if this storyline has been done yet - AI controlled biological constructs running amok, all thanks to the power of the cloud.

Inevitably, the only solution for humanity will be to permanently kill the internet while we still have control.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
MarsProbe said:
Vendor-Lazarus said:
MarsProbe said:
Perhaps in this case, they are referencing the wrong movie here. I feel it time we face up to the all too real possibilities shown in Tron: Legacy, where a digital creation was able to physically manifest itselfr in the real world. This spider may only exist in the form of a 3D model today, but tomorrow? Who knows.
Imagine if you will;
The continued strive for A.I.
The (biological) 3D printer.
All hooked up to the internet.

Recipe for disaster, or the "salvation" of (man-made) extinct species?

Quite an interesting notion of the future and what it may or might not hold.
It is said the future is what we make of it. (based on the prevailing base paths available ofc..)
Intriguing prospect. I wonder if this storyline has been done yet - AI controlled biological constructs running amok, all thanks to the power of the cloud.

Inevitably, the only solution for humanity will be to permanently kill the internet while we still have control.
It might already be outside our control.
It would take an incredibly powerful solar flare directed straight at us to deliver a strong enough EMP to shut down most electronics.
Even so, there are most likely servers around already shielded for just such an occasion.

Inevitably, the only solution for humanity will be to merge with them while we are still able. ,)
(All hail our transhuman overlords!)

Hmm, we seem to have drifted slightly off-topic.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
And here I was thinking I could take that hunk of amber I have to these guys and get an Aerodactyl, but then I saw the words "CGI video".