Johnny Gat Goes to Hell in Saints Row Standalone Expansion

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Johnny Gat Goes to Hell in Saints Row Standalone Expansion

The gang from Saints Row channels Disney by battling Satan with a talking gun and terrifying musical numbers.

The Saints Row series has gotten more and more absurd as it has progressed, so it kind of makes sense for the characters to go full fantastical. At the Volition panel at PAX Prime this morning, Lead Writer Steve Jaros and the rest of the team announced a standalone expansion called Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell. Over the course of a 6-8 hour romp, you can play as Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington (or both in 2-player coop) as they both travel to the city of Hell to save the soul of the boss of the 3rd Street Saints from Satan. The expansion will cost $19.99, and it'll be available on January 27th 2015 on Xbox One, 360, PS3, PS4 and PC. The release of Gat Out of Hell coincides with Saints Row IV: Re-Elected for the Xbox One and PS4 to make a nice package for those who have moved on to new consoles.

Gat Out of Hell sounds like something you don't want to miss, though. I got to speak with Jaros before the announcement and he was audibly excited to show off his version of the classic Orphean myth of traveling into Hades. There's also some comparison to Dante's Inferno as Jaros said you'll be able to meet characters from past games in the series to have some closure. There's also a full musical number. Basically, it sounds insanely fun.

"It's very much an over-the-top crazy adventure where Johnny Gat goes into hell," Jaros said. "You tear up Hell. It's an open world sand box you have lots of different activities and diversions to go play in to try and take over the city."

I learned at the Escapist Expo last year that Jaros shares my background in theater, and we nerded out talking about the silly references in his games. Little did I know that while Jaros was in Durham for the Expo, he was actually writing a full musical number that appears in Gat Out of Hell. "I was actually at the Escapist Expo and I was writing the musical in my hotel room and I'd be walking around the halls of the Escapist [Expo] singing the song in my head," he told me. "It was fun - it was a labor of love."

[video=9696 autoplay=0]

The song occurs about halfway through the main story of the game and serves to introduce the Satan character to the player. The number is probably more Disney-inspired than a true Broadway style song. Jaros said the story is told by Jane Austen (as in Saints Row 4) but steals many cues from animated films. "It's not like a Disney parody or anything like that, but it's inspired by some of the tropes. For instance in a Disney movie there's usually a talking animal companion - there'll be some mice, Sebastian in The Little Mermaid. In our game it's a gun. Johnny Gat has a talking gun that keeps him company."

In your adventures through Hell, you'll also gain supernatural powers similar to how you gained superpowers in Saints Row 4 except now you'll have a dark angel's wings or be able to summon imps to fight for you. There's also special weapons for each of the seven deadly sins. "Tell him about the armchair," prompted Aubrey Norris, head PR for Deep Silver.

"Our sloth weapon is an armchair with miniguns on it and then when you pull the recliner to put your feet up you fire missles," Jaros said. "There's something beautifully silly about sliding around in an armchair with miniguns."

Is the sloth armchair weapon funnier than the dubstep gun from SR4? Only time will tell.

the objectification of women both in his games and the industry [].

I'll also be playing through a portion of Gat Out of Hell at the Volition booth during PAX so expect a full preview on what to expect from the standalone expansion to be published this weekend.



Oct 5, 2011
United States
You just don't see fun ideas like this in the rest of the AAA industry.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
youji itami said:
erttheking said:
You just don't see fun ideas like this in the rest of the AAA industry.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon says high.
True, but games like this and Blood Dragon are very sadly in the minority.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I am getting a bit of a metal vibe off the trailer. well at least I am hoping there will be a bunch of metal music in the game.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Instant purchase. Well, the day it does come out.

The only thing that would make me even happier would be a crossover between Blood Dragon and Saints Row. Not that this is likely to happen, though.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
The Jonny Gat focus is quite offputting (I started the series with 3, was baffled by the opening sequence but loved the rest of the game, but didn't see anything to like when he was reintroduced later in 4 - just a bunch of characters hero-worshipping what seemed to be the least remarkable character on the screw)... but if I play single player it sounds like I can sidestep him for the far more interesting Kenzie anyway, so that'll do. Torpedoes my chances of getting to co-op it, but I'm game for 6-8 hours of single player Saints Row fun!

Micah Weil

New member
Mar 16, 2009
I came for the Saints Row, but stayed for the price tag. This is fantastic.
Also answers my question of "where are they going to go next with this?".
The answer? Not disappointing at all...


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
I am getting a bit of a metal vibe off the trailer. or maybe that is me hoping there will be a bunch of metal music in the game.
Based on the fact that nearly every frame in the trailer looks like it could be an 80's thrash metal album cover, I'm getting that vibe too. And I like it.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Huh. Just when you were thinking they couldnt possibly find another level to take it to...


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Kolyarut said:
The Jonny Gat focus is quite offputting (I started the series with 3, was baffled by the opening sequence but loved the rest of the game, but didn't see anything to like when he was reintroduced later in 4 - just a bunch of characters hero-worshipping what seemed to be the least remarkable character on the screw)... but if I play single player it sounds like I can sidestep him for the far more interesting Kenzie anyway, so that'll do. Torpedoes my chances of getting to co-op it, but I'm game for 6-8 hours of single player Saints Row fun!
I am in the same situation than you. Never got the worship of Galt, and given that I spent most of my time with 3 and 4 (tried 2 for a few hours, before losing interest). I am also disappointed the character creator (one of my favorite features of Saints Row) is completely absent because you don't play as the boss...

But at least we got Kenzie, which is good because I can always welcome more Saints Row...


New member
Dec 4, 2008
hermes200 said:
But at least we got Kenzie, which is good because I can always welcome more Saints Row...
and if they keep the trend of cammeos
im guessing the rest of SR3 cast that did not show up in SR4
lets face it, it's not like they could have ended up anywhere else.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Will I still be able to run around at super-fast speeds while listening to "What Is Love" and "The Boys are Back in Town"?

If so...sold!

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
The dubstep gun wasnt funny. I have to say. Interesting for half a second perhaps. In general the silly humour isnt funny to me unless there are high levels of alcohol and thc in my bloodstream. The games are fun yeeees i admit. Just not funny. Though my opinion is tainted by English cynicism, so it takes a helluva (punpun) lot to get a chuckle out of this ice soul (that isnt anyone elses physical and mental pain).
There is only one more level they could take this series to. That of multi dimensional travel with horrific monstrousities and mind bending, weapons!

Perhaps Gat and Lightening should get together at the 'characters we're forced to think are awesome' reunion?

Lastly, did anyone ever think Shadows of the damned, when talking gun and traversing hell were mentioned? Gat even slighhtly resembles the protagonist there!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
It's true! Everybody wants to be Johnny Gat!

(Totally needs to be a Gat-type anime somewhere along the lines of Gurren Lagann and Kill La Kill now.)


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I'll be honest, I'm a bit conflicted about this. The Saints Row series is honestly my favorite set of video games. I was sad that when they released 4 they pretty much said this would be the last we would see of the current crew and they ended the game really well. While I'm super happy to see more of the Saints I'm just hoping this game does the 4th game's send-off justice.

If anything I really wish they would've remade Saints Row 1. The story is great, the mechanics however are god awful. It was such a chore to get through that game, I wish they would take the mechanics and assets from 3 and 4 and plug them into the story of 1.