Xbox One Meets Significantly Low Support in Japanese Launch


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Xbox One Meets Significantly Low Support in Japanese Launch

Since its September 4 launch in Japan, the Xbox One's Japanese sales lag behind the PS4 and Wii U.

The Xbox One has had a slow start in Japan since launching September 4. The console sold 23,000 units from September 4 to 7 in Japan, Famitsu reports. The sales report lags far behind the launch weekends for the PS4 and Wii U, and they are also less than the launch weekend sales numbers for Microsoft's previous consoles, the Xbox 360 and the Xbox.

Nintendo sold 308,000 Wii U consoles over its launch weekend in Japan. []

While none of Microsoft's consoles have reached that level over a launch weekend in Japan, the Xbox One sales are less than half of the the original Xbox sold 123,000 units in Japan. []

Famitsu noted that the most popular Xbox One game was Titanfall, followed by Kinect Sports Rivals and Dead Rising 3. A Titanfall Xbox One bundle was available for purchase, bringing up the game's sales.

The Xbox One launched in several countries in Europe, Australia, North America, and Brazil on September 22 last year to what Microsoft said was its best console launch yet [].

Source: CVG []



Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
I would be surprised if anyone expected the Xbox One to be a booming success in Japan in all honesty. The Original Xbox was the only system in Japan for Microsoft to sell at least decently. With the 360, according to my cousin who lives there, he would constantly see the store owners trying to get the things out of their shops because they would take up space. So it was common to see giant discounts on the systems, just to try and get them out of there. I think it'll be the same thing for the Xbox One as well, since console gaming in Japan has also been dying down and handheld gaming is still growing.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
So by this trend can we expect the XboxTwo to only sell 10,000 units over the launch weekend? Its been halving with each generation lol


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
I think this deserves a...

Sarcastically, of course.

I dont think anyone seriously thought that Japan of all places was going to jump at the dinner bell a year of delay. Among other things.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
Does the Xbone still have most of its features not work in areas other than the US? Could that be a reason?
Apr 5, 2008
I think the current gen consoles have diverged further apart than any competing consoles in previous generations. The issue MS faces is now a cultural one. Sony and Nintendo are Japanese and their products are designed primarily for this home market. XBox is distinctly American and is designed primarily American customers. The Japanese are less interested in endless Calls of Duty, AssCreeds and other western AAA stuff. They're less interested in guns, less interested in stubbled, white, male protagonists, less interested in the "living room".

It's the same reason Bollywood films do better in India than Hollywood films. The products come from a different culture and ethos and in the case of consoles, the games available for each are telling. Japan is a different market than the US, EU and AUS.


SEGA fanboy
Jun 2, 2009
Xbox One was never going to be a huge hit Japan.
Microsoft must of known that as well.

Just because it won't be as massive as the Japanese consoles doesn't mean Microsoft shouldn't try.
I am sure over time it will grow slowly, I am sure there are people in Japan who are going to enjoy it even if they're not many.

Some people act as if Microsoft shouldn't bother at all.
I mean sales are sales even if they're small.
As long as they can turn a profit, they're still good.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mcoffey said:
Well there's a shock. Microsoft could release a blowjob and gold nugget dispenser and it would still underperform in Japan. It's a pretty insular society. They like their stuff home-grown.
Exactly this. I dont see why folks do not expect this, including Microsoft. (or maybe they do) But in Japan, they are going to support the japanese based consoles first and foremost. IE Sony and Nintendo. Honestly, I wish we would do the same thing here in the states, but it will never happen.

Riff Moonraker

New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mcoffey said:
Riff Moonraker said:
Mcoffey said:
Well there's a shock. Microsoft could release a blowjob and gold nugget dispenser and it would still underperform in Japan. It's a pretty insular society. They like their stuff home-grown.
Exactly this. I dont see why folks do not expect this, including Microsoft. (or maybe they do) But in Japan, they are going to support the japanese based consoles first and foremost. IE Sony and Nintendo. Honestly, I wish we would do the same thing here in the states, but it will never happen.
Well it makes more sense for Japan to put their own companies first because they're such a small nation (About a third the size of the US population). The United States is much larger, and our economy is much more intertwined with the markets of other nations, so a portion of consumers spending money on foreign products isn't going to hurt the economy all that much.
Oh, I know. Just dreaming a little, you know? Because, I cannot help but at least SLIGHTLY feel that one of the reasons for the (for all practical purposes) ignoring of the Xbox brand is to basically give us the middle finger. Speaking of which, when Microsoft starts selling the One in China, I am curious how that will go, as well. Because I have a feeling that the Chinese will support the Xbox a HELLUVA lot more than japanese based Sony and Nintendo. At the very least, it will be interesting to see.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Riff Moonraker said:
Mcoffey said:
Well there's a shock. Microsoft could release a blowjob and gold nugget dispenser and it would still underperform in Japan. It's a pretty insular society. They like their stuff home-grown.
Exactly this. I dont see why folks do not expect this, including Microsoft. (or maybe they do) But in Japan, they are going to support the japanese based consoles first and foremost. IE Sony and Nintendo. Honestly, I wish we would do the same thing here in the states, but it will never happen.
I never really understood the "support x because it's made by our country" mindset. Either in Japan, America, or anywhere else. I always felt like I should support the company that makes the best product for the best price and treats its consumers with respect. I'm not a serious Microsoft hater, but I think they need this right now. They needed to be humbled, and to realize they couldn't treat people with disrespect. They're already improving, and they've purged their ranks of some of their less... Savory leaders. Sony learned its lesson last generation, and now it's microsofts turn. Hopefully they become more consumer friendly in the future, and earn more success as a result. Now, if we could just work on EA...

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
It's Japan. They released their console almost a year later in PlayStation's home country. That tells us one of two things, though they're not mutually exclusive. Either Microsoft is profoundly stupid, or they had serious issues with the Xbone production.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Mcoffey said:
Well there's a shock. Microsoft could release a blowjob and gold nugget dispenser and it would still underperform in Japan. It's a pretty insular society. They like their stuff home-grown.
That's not nearly perverse enough for Japan!

But yeah - I work in the motor industry and it's the same - Toyota and Nissan put the most pressure on getting Japanese suppliers, which sucks if you have to compete against them. The Germans like German stuff too, but the German stuff is usually pretty good, and their representatives can usually converse in English so you can come to a consensus.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Guess it's time for Microsoft to buy up exclusive rights to a JRPG so barely anyone in the main target audience will ever be able to play it!


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
jackpipsam said:
Xbox One was never going to be a huge hit Japan.
Microsoft must of known that as well.

Just because it won't be as massive as the Japanese consoles doesn't mean Microsoft shouldn't try.
I am sure over time it will grow slowly, I am sure there are people in Japan who are going to enjoy it even if they're not many.

Some people act as if Microsoft shouldn't bother at all.
I mean sales are sales even if they're small.
As long as they can turn a profit, they're still good.
Well it depends really. Would it cheaper to just look at these Xbox Ones before they're shipped, tweak an few things and send them to the UK or somewhere where Xbox is a guaranteed success?

It's still the same amount of units, just that less will be gathering dust on store shelves like the last two generations.


New member
May 10, 2011
RandV80 said:
Guess it's time for Microsoft to buy up exclusive rights to a JRPG so barely anyone in the main target audience will ever be able to play it!

I'm still bugged that this is an Xbox only game. It would have been so successful if it had been on a system JRPG players actually cared about...


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
It's Japan. They released their console almost a year later in PlayStation's home country. That tells us one of two things, though they're not mutually exclusive. Either Microsoft is profoundly stupid, or they had serious issues with the Xbone production.
Or they decided to concentrate their launch marketing efforts on countries where they have a chance in hell of being successful (and they still failed)