Riff Moonraker said:
Mcoffey said:
Well there's a shock. Microsoft could release a blowjob and gold nugget dispenser and it would still underperform in Japan. It's a pretty insular society. They like their stuff home-grown.
Exactly this. I dont see why folks do not expect this, including Microsoft. (or maybe they do) But in Japan, they are going to support the japanese based consoles first and foremost. IE Sony and Nintendo. Honestly, I wish we would do the same thing here in the states, but it will never happen.
Microsoft is not "our" corporation - it serves itself.
http://www.businesspundit.com/25-corporations-that-pay-less-taxes-than-you-do/ (Microsoft is 18th on the list, and Google is 2nd).
Obviously one can argue that Sony and Nintendo pay even less in taxes to the American government than Microsoft does, but given that less and less of the tax revenue received by the American government goes to anything positive (cuts to State and Local governments, cuts to Education and Social Services, increases in military spending) we should re-evaluate the meaning of an "American" corporation, the interests a corporation serves, and the meaning of the "American" government.
Microsoft is not your friend. You're a meatbag with tasty money and it's job is to part you from your money in exchange for entertainment, which you need more than ever in a world that Microsoft itself is helping to destroy.
As a disgruntled employee of Versalife or a local drug dealer might say - "We gave you the disease for free. Now buy the cure."