Report: Destiny's First Two DLC Are Already (Partially) on The Disc

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Report: Destiny's First Two DLC Are Already (Partially) on The Disc

A bug has allowed a Destiny player to discover that content from its upcoming DLC packs already exists in the game.

Destiny players who are thirsty for new content may be interested to know that content from its first two upcoming DLC packs already partially exists on the game's retail disc. A bug has allowed reddit user KilledByDice [] to access a map filled with inaccessible content, which is apparently planned for Destiny's upcoming DLC packs: The Dark Below and The House of Wolves. Check it out to the right.

While this is far from proof that the entire DLC is merely "Disc-Locked Content," [] some of the strikes and areas shown as part of the upcoming DLC are areas that players have reportedly been able to glitch into and explore since the game's Alpha.

KilledByDice reports that some of the areas, such as the Jovian Complex and Kings Watch, have had enemies in them since the beta, and Kings watch even has a fully functioning mini-boss.

We have reached out to Bungie for comment on this story, and to confirm to what extent Destiny's upcoming DLC already exists on the retail disc.

Source: reddit []


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Well, they're just saving Americans bandwidth against their caps. It's a totally consumer-oriented decision and in no way locking off already developed content to sell later.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
So a multimedia product produced by the now-soulless shell of a once great developer, published by a company that actually talked of increasing their product prices by ten to twenty dollars because "they can", with a production cost in excess of half a billion dollars, ends up committing one of the more egregious DLC 'sins'?

I swear, it's as if Bungie is going out of their way to find reasons for me to be happy they didn't bother bringing the game to PC.

Thanks Bungie! Never before have I ever been so happy you decided to give PC gamers the finger. Please, do continue to avoid offering your software to us.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
It just sucks that these companies are getting better at hiding this crap. I'd have never bought this half-finished game if I knew there was locked content that could've made it a more complete experience. It's looking like the first Bungie game I've owned might be the last.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I've always been for Day 1 DLC, but never on-disc.
Definitely trading it in for Halo now.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
Vigormortis said:
I swear, it's as if Bungie is going out of their way to find reasons for me to be happy they didn't bother bringing the game to PC.

Thanks Bungie! Never before have I ever been so happy you decided to give PC gamers the finger. Please, do continue to avoid offering your software to us.
Imagine what would happen if they did, I can already see the expected results anyway, even if they did I know exactly what to expect and VGCharts would tell one half and PC Gamer the other, I don't need another shitty story/spin from PC Gamer, they already lost me with articles like "PC gamers have to fight for PC gaming, and Metal Gear Solid V is a big win", I could imagine almost the same type if Destiny or Halo were released, if it turned out crap we know how the general treatment would go.

It's either gloat or decry, there's not much pleasing that crowd unless another crowd is crushed on purpose for their satisfaction, sure you'll tell me it's not like that but I see otherwise and have done for years, my eyes do not lie.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
A map itself does not make content nor does it mean they are doing anything underhanded. And all the discovered hidden content does not mean shit. Allot of it could be unfinished or cut content that is common to be found in games when you look under the hood. Since that's console and from Reddit nobody is looking under the hood but making guesses for clicks.

@abo ve poster, Stereotype much? Try to start flame wars much?


New member
Mar 22, 2010
JET1971 said:
@abo ve poster, Stereotype much? Try to start flame wars much?
There's that thing called quoting please learn to use it properly, also no there are no stereotypes in what I've seen, to call them that may as well be calling them non existent people but they very much do exist and no I am not trying to start a flame war, unless of course that's the new polite form of saying "shut up you can't say anything ill", hell other users on here have done perfect jobs of starting their own little flame wars without even trying to hide the snide, let me ask you, are you trying to start something with me?, do you think it will get anywhere by doing so?.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Of course this won't change something. We already know many people will buy the DLC.
Also why we make so big deal the existing DLC in the Disc?
Maybe in the past I a had problem myself, and of course this isn't technically a DLC, but if the publisher want to sell it separate from the main game, so be it. Don't buy.
But, of course, they will buy them.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
JET1971 said:
A map itself does not make content nor does it mean they are doing anything underhanded. And all the discovered hidden content does not mean shit. Allot of it could be unfinished or cut content that is common to be found in games when you look under the hood. Since that's console and from Reddit nobody is looking under the hood but making guesses for clicks.
I'd be inclined to agree with you but the missions it shows appear to reference the DLC names directly.

I dont mind them drip-feeding the story via DLCs, nor do I mind it already being on the disc. What I do mind is when they charge considerable amounts of money for it on top of an already pricey game.

Thing is, I know Ill end up buying it just so I can get some more enjoyment out of Destiny. Getting bored of replaying the missions now.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Seeing as it is not even complete content, I'm not really in a position to complain. Evidently, it is not just a bunch of perfectly functional content that is arbitrarily hidden behind a paywall. It's not like there's say, an entire extra class already on the disc. And at any rate, I imagine at least some of this content is meant to facilitate multiplayer between individuals who have the expansions, and those than don't. I mean, there are going to be new weapons and stuff, right?

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
If its half finished then that's pretty normal for stuff like that to happen. As long as its not completed content then I don't mind too much. Hope the dlc is free though.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
This is not as bad as it seems...
This shit is all about balancing it out perfectly and bug fixing.

Just some maps and enemies is *indeed* only part of a much larger experience that needs to be up to scratch.

While I am normally the first to hate on disc locked content, in this case -of an MMO- it is just not that simple as having some stuff local... The server is where everything happens, not the disc.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
As much as i'd love to jump on the hate wagon, there's no way to get into the game unless you're connected to the internet and, more importantly, fully updated.

Feel free to get back to me when there's proof it's actually on the disc, not in one of the many patches since launch or even entirely server-side at the moment.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Guys, look how much of a mess Destiny is. This isn't on disk content that they parcelled off for DLC, this is the remnants of the huge wreck of a game which they probably ripped apart and tried to piece back together as something new after finding out what they originally made was unplayable.

Every sign in the game points to a horrific production disaster. They've got crud loads of lore, yet no way to tell the story in game, there's so many features that must have taken a lot of work to make yet don't fit into the game at all. There's cutscenes that go nowhere and do nothing.

I bet there will be super cynical DLC for this (it is Activision), but I don't believe the production team behind Destiny was competent enough to have DLC finished before launch. I bet the DLC will be as much a mess as the game was


New member
Apr 6, 2010
The game is build as a cash cow. From the few reviews, I've seen, the foundations of future dlc content were already in the game. Some hard assets in the mix doesn't change the situation much.
At this point, I don't see the devs/pubs even trying to lie to us about all this content being developed before the release and even cut from the games.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
So what I got from this was that I really want the Destiny season pass. That and I apparently have a different definition of "on disk DLC" then the internet pitchfork mob.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'd guess that it's simply a matter of time constraints forced them to stop developing said content, and they decided rather than scrap it entirely they could pad it out and release their intended content as DLC.

Look, it's clearly not finished on disc DLC, so I can give them the benefit of the doubt here.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Meh, I'm withholding judgement. There are some things about Destiny that annoy me, but frankly I have too much fun playing it. PVP and Strikes are a ton of fun. Achieving a Gold Ranking on Public Events feels like a real accomplishment which you really can't do without others. Upgrading gear and abilities has a noticeable affect. And the various class abilities do feel different.

Just waiting for my buddy to get his PS4 and join me.