DC Finally One-Ups Marvel: Wonder Woman Announced For 2017


New member
Feb 4, 2014
DC Finally One-Ups Marvel: Wonder Woman Announced For 2017

DC and Warner Bros. have finally done the smart thing and beaten Marvel to something important in the Super Hero Movies Arms Race.

On the heels of the recent reveal that Warner Bros. plans to use Wonder Woman's New 52 origin story for her appearance in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/138017-Did-Producer-Reveal-Wonder-Womans-Origin-In-Batman-V-Superman] comes even bigger news: The company has officially announced that a Wonder Woman film is in development, scheduled for release in 2017.

The announcement came as part of Kevin Tsujihara's speech during the Time Warner Investor Day presentation. In addition to Wonder Woman, Tsujihara also revealed 8 other previously-unannounced DC universe films: Suicide Squad in 2016, Justice League Part 1 in 2017; The Flash and Aquaman in 2018; Shazam and Justice League Part 2 in 2019; and Cyborg and Green Lantern in 2020.

During the Presentation, Tsujihara also confirmed that Shazam will indeed star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, recently confirmed to play villain Black Adam [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/137233-The-Rock-Dwayne-Johnson-is-black-adam], that Zack Snyder will direct Justice League Part 1, and that the company has an unspecified number of new television projects confirmed for 2015 and beyond.

All in all, it's an ambitious slate of (most likely frustratingly grimdark) films, but one heavily dependent upon the success of 2016's Batman v. Superman: Department Dawn of Justice. That film, scheduled for release in March 2016, will likely be a sizable hit, but it drops just two months before Marvel's Captain America 3, a film now all-but-confirmed to feature a conflict [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/138022-Marvel-Signs-Robert-Downey-Jr-For-Captain-America-3] between Tony Stark/Iron Man and Captain America that will function as Marvel's version of Batman v. Superman. How BVP:DOJ performs relative to Cap 3 will likely determine the fate of several of these announced films.

For now however, DC has finally managed to get one over on Marvel, announcing a blockbuster-budgeted film based on a female characters while Marvel is still expressing muted skepticism [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/comicsandcosplay/columns/socialjusticewarrior/12083-WB-DC-Should-Just-Announce-A-Wonder-Woman-Movie-Already] that there's an audience for one. The ball's in your court, Marvel.

We'll have more to say about this news later in the day.

Source: Deadline [http://deadline.com/2014/10/kevin-tsujihara-time-warner-investor-day-warner-bros-ceo-presentation-851823/].



New member
Feb 22, 2011
you know... unless the movie is really bad. In which it would be ultimately moot regardless. Good intentions if poorly executed end up being worse then not having done it at all.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Too bad Warner Bros wants to make all their DC movies grimdark. My expectations remain incredibly low until they finally prove they can do something other than Batman correctly.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Really getting bored of such articles now
I don't really like what is implied here. Equal rights for women is a competition for companies to win at...
Which to me says they don't really care about the issue and they're just doing it to win points or check boxes or to one up a competitor.
To me it just screams of "Haha look at us we're making a film about a woman so we're better than you!!"

I'd far rather everyone just shut up about the issue, the more you point them out as two separate groups the harder it will be for them to have parity as one will always resent the other for the advantages they perceive the other as having. It shouldn't be about treating women as equals to men it should be about treating both as humans.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
The best thing about this news is that now maybe Marvel will feel pressured to finally get a female superhero movie out there. It's really embarrassing that they were willing to bet big money on a talking space racoon before ms marvel or she hulk.

You know, I'm really shocked they didn't get to work on a spider woman movie right away. Not only do you get a female superhero movie in the MCU, but you basically get to have a spider man movie without the copyright problems; two birds one stone.

And don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have Marvel/DC make female superhero movies just because they want to and not just for the sake of saying "Ha, I did it first!" but at this point I'll take what I can get.


New member
May 10, 2011
"For now however, DC has finally managed to get one over on Marvel, announcing a blockbuster-budgeted film based on a female characters while Marvel is still expressing muted skepticism that there's an audience for one. The ball's in your court, Marvel."
I present exhibit A:

I now present exhibit B:

DC beat them to the punch a long time ago. It's just that the films were horrendous.

I won't celebrate anything until that changes. I'll take a thousand co-star appearances of Black Widow over another half-dozen female-led movies like the above...


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Yeah, im sure Marvel is shitting itself at the news. Who cares if its a female superhero, the movie still has to be good. An thats the important part, to make the best Wonder Woman they can. An judging by movie qualities of both companies, Marvel is doing a way better job than DC. The problem with DC is everything is riding on BvS being a success. Now i think it will make money but not the levels they expect.

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
Trishbot said:
"For now however, DC has finally managed to get one over on Marvel, announcing a blockbuster-budgeted film based on a female characters while Marvel is still expressing muted skepticism that there's an audience for one. The ball's in your court, Marvel."

DC beat them to the punch a long time ago. It's just that the films were horrendous.

I won't celebrate anything until that changes. I'll take a thousand co-star appearances of Black Widow over another half-dozen female-led movies like the above...
Don't forget Marvel also did a female lead comic film with Elektra through Fox as well.

What every ones waiting for is a good female comic film and if Wonder Woman does bomb financially even if it reviews well Marvel will take even longer before doing one as Disney won't risk it.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
P-89 Scorpion said:
Trishbot said:
"For now however, DC has finally managed to get one over on Marvel, announcing a blockbuster-budgeted film based on a female characters while Marvel is still expressing muted skepticism that there's an audience for one. The ball's in your court, Marvel."

DC beat them to the punch a long time ago. It's just that the films were horrendous.

I won't celebrate anything until that changes. I'll take a thousand co-star appearances of Black Widow over another half-dozen female-led movies like the above...
Don't forget Marvel also did a female lead comic film with Elektra through Fox as well.

What every ones waiting for is a good female comic film and if Wonder Woman does bomb financially even if it reviews well Marvel will take even longer before doing one as Disney won't risk it.
To be fair Elektra was shit and when it comes to Marvel and female superheroes Evangeline Lily been looking kind of waspy lately.

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
So between 2016 and 2020 Warner Bros plans to release 2 comic films a year and not one is a standalone Batman film 'slow clap' about time.

2016 looks real busy with 7 comic films between Marvel and DC across 4 of the 'big 6' film studios I wonder how Universal and Paramount will compete in 2016?


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Mcoffey said:
Good on Warner Brothers for taking the first step! Now all they have to do is make it a good movie, and not send it up the river because "Women cant star in successful action movies".
That's a big if. I think we can probably assume this movie will kind of suck. But it's still interesting as an unknown quantity.

Devin Barker

New member
Aug 10, 2012
RossaLincoln" post="7.862941.21508790 said:
DC Finally One-Ups Marvel: Wonder Woman Announced For 2017

During the Presentation, Tsujihara also confirmed that Shazam will indeed star Dwayne "The Rock" Jones,

Pretty sure its Dwayne Johnson not Dwayne Jones :p


New member
Sep 24, 2014
I fail to see how a cinematic universe with no successful films, and only 1 (2?) released films can be said to be "One-UP"ing a cinematic universe with 10 movies and a TV show, nearly all of which have been hits.

Unless we're talking about all Marvel/DC movies that have been released ever, in which case the point is moot because this has been going on longer than most of us have been alive ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(serial) )


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm really not at all sure that Ms. Marvel or She-Hulk would really fit into the Marvel Universe in its current incarnation. I'd be perfectly happy to see a Black Widow movie, if and when such a thing comes about. But I still think this assumption that there couldn't possibly be any plans underway in a carefully plotted cinematic continuity that don't warrant immediately shoehorning in a character solely because they're female is woefully misbegotten.

So. Wonder Woman movie. That's nice! Not really something to break out the brass section for; still could be shot down before it gets off the ground if BvS:DoJ tanks; still have more faith in Marvel to make movies entirely worth watching right now than in DC, and I still think that's more important.

But, y'know, if they make a good Wonder Woman movie- hell, if against all current expectations they make a good BvS movie, and thus give her some momentum by way of a proper introduction- I'll be pleased as punch.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Callate said:
I'm really not at all sure that Ms. Marvel or She-Hulk would really fit into the Marvel Universe in its current incarnation. I'd be perfectly happy to see a Black Widow movie, if and when such a thing comes about. But I still think this assumption that there couldn't possibly be any plans underway in a carefully plotted cinematic continuity that don't warrant immediately shoehorning in a character solely because they're female is woefully misbegotten.

So. Wonder Woman movie. That's nice! Not really something to break out the brass section for; still could be shot down before it gets off the ground if BvS:DoJ tanks; still have more faith in Marvel to make movies entirely worth watching right now than in DC, and I still think that's more important.

But, y'know, if they make a good Wonder Woman movie- hell, if against all current expectations they make a good BvS movie, and thus give her some momentum by way of a proper introduction- I'll be pleased as punch.
When it comes to Marvel introducing new female heroes I think one's on the way if this photo of Evangeline Lilly is anything to go by:

As for Wonder Woman I wish DC the best.