DC Finally One-Ups Marvel: Wonder Woman Announced For 2017

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
MatParker116 said:
Apparently Ms Danvers appears in Avengers 2 I guess we'll find out in May.
MatParker116 said:
When it comes to Marvel introducing new female heroes I think one's on the way if this photo of Evangeline Lilly is anything to go by:

As for Wonder Woman I wish DC the best.
I hope those both happen. I'd also like to see Spider-Woman while there's still some HYDRA cells left and She-Hulk before Banner takes an off-planet vacation. Heck, Avengers 2 and Ant-Man could set all 4 up. That'd diversify the cast and bolster the ranks for the Civil Skirmish.

More on topic: Good on DC/WB for committing to a Wonder Woman movie. I hope it does well and doesn't have Batman shoe-horned in.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
While I would love to see a Black Widow movie (especially after Cap 2), and I think a Wasp movie would be better than Ant Man, I'd rather Disney work on making good movies and not fall pray to toxic gender politics and force out a movie to appease people who only care about the number of x chromosomes a character has.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
To be fair, the She Hulk Netflix series has been confirmed form ages, and two, a Wonder Woman movie won't change the fact that she's fucking horribally cast in the BvS.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
"and Green Lantern in 2020."
So, the taint will linger on that one for about 6 more years, huh?


New member
Aug 3, 2011
SUICIDE SQUAD. (Yeah, more to talk about them just a female character, Supergirl was released in 85 i think). On to the new stuff. :)

Now i know who Suicide Squad are, they are villians they do missions - thats about it. Sounds like they are doing it because its similiar to Guardians (groups of outlaws as heros). Thing is the Suicide Squad are a group of known villians from other comics joined into a team - so it seems stupid to bring it out so soon.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
How is this a one-up? I mean, DC also did "Super Girl" and "Cat Woman" both of which were utter shit. When the Wonder Woman movie is *good* I will believe DC did something worth talking about. Until then, they have accomplished nothing.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
As other have mentioned, female led superhero films exist. Even if they weren't done very well (Elektra) they've been around. The only way they win is if it's a successful film with strong representation of woman... and we won't know that until it's released.

Look, I was anti-GG (genuinely don't give a damn now), I'm pro inclusion, and I'm "equalist", if not full blown feminist. However, the over-compensation of news stories specifically regarding women (which has noticeably increased after the Escapist accepted the pro-GG guys from other sites) is getting a bit farcical. I want to hear these stories, but tone it down a bit please?


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
It's sad that the Supergirl film gets bashed so much these days, I really liked it when I was a kid. I just hope that Wonder Woman is a great film, because it certainly should be. But that's my hope for all the DC movies.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
That last bit misses the point. There aren't presently any leading Marvel female characters that they feel will draw in a crowd. No one has ever doubted that Wonder Woman should have her own movie. I say put more female characters in lead rolls in books, Marvel. Then you will pretty much create the demand. So far as I'm concerned (and I'm coming from an extremely pro Marvel camp), they have never really had any female characters that drew the popularity that Wonder Woman has had for a long time.

Also: Ugh... Zack Snyder on Justice League. I already hate the movie and I haven't seen it.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
Hum... there has been sort of an unfortunate trend that Wonderwoman movies would get announced and later cancled. So color me carefully pessimistic? I'd love to see a Wonderwoman movie though. Even though the direct to DVD animated film about her was pretty much as close to perfect as it could get for me. Let's see what this one brings to the table.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Why does Wonder Woman look like a bad Xena knock-off?

In your satin tights, fighting for your rights... and the ol' brown, brown and brown?


New member
Jan 23, 2013
No offense, but hasn't Marvel already stated that they'd be making a Black Widow movie with David Hayter as script writer? And how is it in any way DC one upping Marvel by having a film about the 3rd most iconic member of the Justice League? Having a Wonder Woman isn't a bonus for the DCCU, that's what you'd expect to be made and I refuse to give them poits for that, especially when the quality is sketchy at the moment.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Trishbot said:
"For now however, DC has finally managed to get one over on Marvel, announcing a blockbuster-budgeted film based on a female characters while Marvel is still expressing muted skepticism that there's an audience for one. The ball's in your court, Marvel."
I present exhibit A:

I now present exhibit B:

DC beat them to the punch a long time ago. It's just that the films were horrendous.

I won't celebrate anything until that changes. I'll take a thousand co-star appearances of Black Widow over another half-dozen female-led movies like the above...
That is kind of true. Both companies together have made 3 female lead superheroine movies. I think the clause people like to put on it these days is that those were A) Uniformly terrible and B) Done in a time before dawning a cape and mask could make you into a star and were the biggest draws at the box office.

Elektra, Supergirl, and Catwoman I don't think really count because of those stipulations. If nothing else the only live action superheroine anything that seems to be even fondly remembered was the old Wonder Woman TV show and right now it sits in that weird space in the fandom that the Adam West Batman does. People are aware of it but I think they'd rather just forget it ever happened which is a shame. It seems rather charming if nothing else. Still I'm a bit optimistic at this point. It sounds like someone is finally getting a long term plan together for this which is the whole reason why Marvel's worked so well.

While Marvel's characters are good DC has a much bigger legacy. At least three of their characters have become pop culture icons that people who don't even read comics know their names. Also more people I think were able to name one or two more members of the Justice League outside of the big three where as before 2012 no one in the mainstream could've named you a single Avengers member except for maybe The Hulk.

To me though the most interesting movie on that list is Suicide Squad. That seems to be aiming for the off beat weirdness that Marvel got by trying to make Guardians of the Galaxy except I think its even cooler and more interesting because that team traditionally is made up of nothing but anti-heroes or supervillains. Which wouldn't that be an awesome way to introduce some supervillains like Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and Harley Quinn who seem to be sort of the main stays of that team. Any chance we can just get Tara Strong to dawn the mask and hat for real? I mean really that could work.

Souther Thorn

New member
Apr 5, 2013
I don't think one-upping someone in cinema gender dynamics is something that DC is thinking about. They certainly don't think about what it is they're filming most of the time.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
Both Catwoman and Harley Quinn are more feminist than wonder woman at this point. Cheetah alone is a rad fem which is arguably more modern than wonder woman. Killer Frost is more feminist than wonder woman.
that's......rather subjective....depending on who you ask.....

OT: this is a good thing...except that DC hasn't proved yet they know what they fuck they're doing

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Yeah, lets make a good film first. Which I don't have much faith in.

Also, Didn't marvel make an Elektra film in 2005? She was always a great character. Shame the film sucked.

Also, The Marvel movies female characters were all pretty strong by and large. Focus on that first

Antonio Torrente

New member
Feb 19, 2010
Lono Shrugged said:
Yeah, lets make a good film first. Which I don't have much faith in.

Also, Didn't marvel make an Elektra film in 2005? She was always a great character. Shame the film sucked.
That was a Fox production, not really a Marvel production since they still don't have a movie studio of their own.