Dragon Age: Inquisition Crashing on PS4, Sony Releasing Patch


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Dragon Age: Inquisition Crashing on PS4, Sony Releasing Patch

The PS4 version of Dragon Age: Inquisition experiences some freezing issues from Sony's end due to its PS4 2.0 update.

As reviews for Dragon Age: Inquisition [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/dragon%20age%20inquisition] have started to go up, so have reports of issues specifically with the PS4 version. Suffering from freezing and crashing on the PS4, Dragon Age: Inquisition will be getting a patch to fix the issue ahead of its launch next week.

Joystiq reported similar problems [http://www.polygon.com/2014/11/11/7134385/dragon-age-inquisition-review-ps4-xbox-one-playstation-4-pc] with its own PS4 copy of the game. EA and Sony have both stated this is due to the PS4 2.0 update.

That's the same update that caused PS4 consoles to become 2.01 update [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/138355-Rest-Mode-No-Longer-Functioning-Properly] to fix the rest mode problem, but it appears there are still problems in Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PS4.

Sony stated it will release a patch to fix the problem before the game's launch on Nov. 18. That patch appears to be system software update 2.02. Earlier today, Sony stated 2.02 had begun to roll out to improve software stability. [https://twitter.com/PlayStationEU/status/532096172811624448]

"While unfortunate timing, we worked with Sony since the issue was discovered and are committed to ensuring it does not impact players by launch," BioWare manager Aaryn Flynn said in a statement.

Source: GameSpot [http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps4-patch-that-fixes-major-dragon-age-inquisition-/1100-6423509/]



Jan 4, 2010
United States
Shouldn't affect too many people around here even if the patch doesn't fix everything day one. I imagine most active Escapists are going to wait for the all the reviews to come in before they considering getting back in the ring with Bioware/DA.

If this game manages to actually be competent it'll definitely offer a glimmer of hope for ME4.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
So I guess I'll be waiting for a lot of "all clear" messages to appear before I boot this up then. I can wait for it, I'd rather wait than kill off my PS4.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
This is more true than it should be. I imagine how Bethesda and other companies that release buggy games would fare if patches weren't a thing? It also seems to make developers more likely to slap a done sticker on a game, just cause they can patch it up later on. While working on DLC and the like.

I was considering purchasing it for PS4, since my graphics card is right at the recommended line. But I most likely will be sticking with PC now. I can stand lower FPS for better graphics and I rather not have a game crashing on my PS4.
Jan 12, 2012
Good to know they're on top of the issue, but it doesn't really effect me; I'm used to having a long list of updates on Day 1, so as long as they do keep on top of it then I'll be satisfied.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
I also remember as a kid a number of great games that were horribly broken with no way of fixing said issue because there weren't patches. So not having the option could cripple a game that has issues that weren't caught by QA. Like it or not, having patches available has made gaming better because a company can go back and fix issues.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
Lol, man, I guess we are OLD now...
And rose tinted glasses blah blah not withstanding, testing before releasing game- or consolebreaking bugs was definitely a good thing that we now appear to lack.

Yoyfully looking to the future on these issues! :p
Apr 28, 2008
So there's this, AC Unity's technical problems, and Halo Master Chief's straight up busted-ass matchmaking. This is to say nothing of the multi-gigabyte day one patches that don't seem to fix anything. Or if they do, then I shudder to think what the un-patched product is like.

Next-gen gaming

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kenjitsuka said:
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
Lol, man, I guess we are OLD now...
And rose tinted glasses blah blah not withstanding, testing before releasing game- or consolebreaking bugs was definitely a good thing that we now appear to lack.

Yoyfully looking to the future on these issues! :p
Not that old games didn't have their issues, but it sure seems to me that QA was a lot more thorough in bygone days because it kinda had to be.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
I also remember as a kid a number of great games that were horribly broken with no way of fixing said issue because there weren't patches. So not having the option could cripple a game that has issues that weren't caught by QA. Like it or not, having patches available has made gaming better because a company can go back and fix issues.
"a number"? Sure, there were a few games that had bugs but it wasn't common to launch a broken game.

The vast sea of a majority of titles worked and still work. No problem. Companies were actually motivated to put out working titles because of that threat.

Now it's barely a threat unless it poses a significant danger to reviews. It isn't that they can't patch it up, it's that they aren't motivated to do so.

I understand that games like Skrim/Oblivion/Morrowind are basically works in progress meant to serve as basically a development engine for modders and everything. But at least their community delivers and only on the PC where I was always able to patch their games.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
canadamus_prime said:
Kenjitsuka said:
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
Lol, man, I guess we are OLD now...
And rose tinted glasses blah blah not withstanding, testing before releasing game- or consolebreaking bugs was definitely a good thing that we now appear to lack.

Yoyfully looking to the future on these issues! :p
Not that old games didn't have their issues, but it sure seems to me that QA was a lot more thorough in bygone days because it kinda had to be.
There's also the issue of those older games having much less that could go wrong. It's easy to say that Q&A was better "back in the day", but the simple truth is that to have the shiny new graphics and physics and systems that make modern gaming, there are way more moving parts to get us there. That's way more to test, way more that could go wrong or be missed.

I don't particularly like patches, especially in console games where the hardware is always the same so there should be no need to account for individual setups. But I like modern gaming quite a bit, and patches have their benefits as well as their drawbacks.

Steve Waltz

New member
May 16, 2012
canadamus_prime said:
Kenjitsuka said:
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
Lol, man, I guess we are OLD now...
And rose tinted glasses blah blah not withstanding, testing before releasing game- or consolebreaking bugs was definitely a good thing that we now appear to lack.

Yoyfully looking to the future on these issues! :p
Not that old games didn't have their issues, but it sure seems to me that QA was a lot more thorough in bygone days because it kinda had to be.
That?s FAR from the truth. It?s just that the developers don?t want to fix bugs found by the QA team anymore. If it doesn?t affect gameplay in a severe way, the devs don?t care about fixing it. Granted, as technology has progressed, it takes a LOT more time and effort to fix bugs, so it?s a little understandable why the devs don?t bother fixing most minor bugs these days. I mean, if they want to make the release date, they have to put game development over bug fixing. Still, I just hate it when the QA team is blamed for bugs when odds are, they found the bug and put it in the DB, but the devs chose not to fix it.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
Fappy said:
Shouldn't affect too many people around here even if the patch doesn't fix everything day one. I imagine most active Escapists are going to wait for the all the reviews to come in before they considering getting back in the ring with Bioware/DA.

If this game manages to actually be competent it'll definitely offer a glimmer of hope for ME4.

The good news is that reviews started going up today and they are pretty positive. Mostly in the 8/10 range with a lot of them saying that its back to the basic DA: Origins in terms of character interaction and such.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Please have this fixed before next Tuesday. This is the game that is pushing me over the edge to get a PS4. It sounds like Skyrim's problems all over again though.

But, if it's not fixed, at least I'll have the PS3 version to play until they do fix it...what? Yes, I am getting two copies of the game. It started on the PS3, and it will end on the PS3.

Little Gray

New member
Sep 18, 2012
Lightknight said:
"a number"? Sure, there were a few games that had bugs but it wasn't common to launch a broken game.

The vast sea of a majority of titles worked and still work. No problem. Companies were actually motivated to put out working titles because of that threat.

Now it's barely a threat unless it poses a significant danger to reviews. It isn't that they can't patch it up, it's that they aren't motivated to do so.

I understand that games like Skrim/Oblivion/Morrowind are basically works in progress meant to serve as basically a development engine for modders and everything. But at least their community delivers and only on the PC where I was always able to patch their games.
While it may not have been common to launch a broken game it was also no more uncommon then it is now. The PC especially had a lot of extremely broken games. Bethesda especially has always released extremely broken games. Fallout 1 & 2 were barely even playable on release and had to have hundreds of bugs patched by fans and not developers. The only difference now is that they actually patch them.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
ZZoMBiE13 said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kenjitsuka said:
Lightknight said:
Fixing the problem before it gets released to consumers? Wow, that reminds me of my childhood when there was no other option.
Lol, man, I guess we are OLD now...
And rose tinted glasses blah blah not withstanding, testing before releasing game- or consolebreaking bugs was definitely a good thing that we now appear to lack.

Yoyfully looking to the future on these issues! :p
Not that old games didn't have their issues, but it sure seems to me that QA was a lot more thorough in bygone days because it kinda had to be.
There's also the issue of those older games having much less that could go wrong. It's easy to say that Q&A was better "back in the day", but the simple truth is that to have the shiny new graphics and physics and systems that make modern gaming, there are way more moving parts to get us there. That's way more to test, way more that could go wrong or be missed.

I don't particularly like patches, especially in console games where the hardware is always the same so there should be no need to account for individual setups. But I like modern gaming quite a bit, and patches have their benefits as well as their drawbacks.
That's a point too. Older games were less complex and thus had less for the QA department to test and less chance of them missing stuff. That being said, some of the stuff that is missed today one has to wonder how they missed it.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Yes I read this up when I was checking information on the patch before I installed it (best to be careful when it comes to Sony).

I'd be interested to know why Sony is the one patching it... seems odd.