Bungie's Banhammer Hits Destiny Players Using Modded Consoles


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Bungie's Banhammer Hits Destiny Players Using Modded Consoles

Destiny developer Bungie banned several players last week for logging into the game on a modded console.

Destiny [http://escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/bungie] on a modded console, the developer said in its latest weekly update. This announcement comes after a week of swift bans.

"We routinely review Banhammer actions to ensure that they are applied accurately and fairly," Bungie stated. "A review of the bans applied over the last week shows that all of the affected accounts had logged into Destiny on a modified console at some point."

Bungie recommends all players "play nice" and "use the boxes that your favorite retailer 'gave' you."

People can play Destiny on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Videos on YouTube instruct those interested how to apply cheats and mods to their consoles for Destiny, and while Bungie does not note whether it caught people using cheats, instructions for cheats have spread online. Because Destiny is a multiplayer game, mods aren't always so harmless.

The weekly update also addresses bugs that popped up. Some PS4 users found Destiny reverted to Trial mode, and Xbox One users had to re-download a patch every time they went to play the game. Bungie said the PS4 issue should be fixed, and Xbox One players should use a wired connection when patching, clearing the cache, or uninstall and reinstall the game. The latest The Dark Below expansion also caused some problems addressed here for people unable to unlock retail purchases on Xbox. [http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12459]

Destiny launched September 9. The Dark Below expansion became available December 9.

Source: Bungie [http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12465]



Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Why play a game if you cheat in it? I remember using a Gameshark to get a "Super Jump" ability in Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis. It was great as you could basically jump over entire levels. That was until the water level where the cheat also made Sonic bob up and down in the water like he was a float. You literally couldn't beat the game if you cheated like that. Haven't used any such cheat since that time.

That doesn't count ingame cheats that just make the game fun or slightly easier, like Big Head Mode or infinite magic.

Uhuru N'Uru

New member
Oct 8, 2014
Saltyk said:
Why play a game if you cheat in it? ... Haven't used any such cheat since that time.

That doesn't count ingame cheats that just make the game fun or slightly easier, like Big Head Mode or infinite magic.
So you don't cheat, except when you do, but they don't count because the dev used them when making and testing the game?

Cheating on single player, just cheats yourself, cheating in multi-player is much worse, but it makes no difference how it's applied, using a Development cheat is still a cheat.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
When did anyone say they cheated?

They used a modded Console for playing ripped of games or to use Windows on it.
This is far more probable then cheating.

Yeah there my be cheaters among them but who knows?
Just to fuck up your customers cause they use modded consoles is cheap.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Single-player cheating is fun and amusing, a good way to screw around harmlessly.

Online cheating is sad and pathetic.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
One time I cheated to get all the key items needed to get legendary Pokemon in my copy of Pearl.

Didn't feel bad, fuck Nintendo for making it so I can't just go catch them. Have to go to NY at a specific time and date and know a secret code you can only learn yhrough a secret decoder ring you can only get if you win some tourney.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Wait how does Bungie know if you are using a modded console but MS doesn't? Don't they still ban you for close to forever if caught using a modded console?


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Uhuru N said:
Saltyk said:
Why play a game if you cheat in it? ... Haven't used any such cheat since that time.

That doesn't count ingame cheats that just make the game fun or slightly easier, like Big Head Mode or infinite magic.
So you don't cheat, except when you do, but they don't count because the dev used them when making and testing the game?

Cheating on single player, just cheats yourself, cheating in multi-player is much worse, but it makes no difference how it's applied, using a Development cheat is still a cheat.
You misunderstand. If you use the Konami code to get extra lives in Contra, that was intentional to give players a better shot at beating the game. If you play a game that lets you toggle on/off Big Head mode, that's just fun. If you use a costume in God of War that has the bonus effect of infinite magic, that's something that was done within the game to let the player have fun with the game.

I used the Super Jump example as it literally made it so I couldn't beat the game. Plus, it was just cheap and took the fun out of levels when I was jumping over whole sections of Marble Zone, ignoring all the traps and enemies within the temple.

However, modding your console or using an aimbot to give yourself an edge against other players is not even close to the same thing. There's also a world of different between that and using a Damage Calculator in a MMO (really helps you keep track of how well or poorly you and others are doing and adjust that to do better) or using the Hardcore Mod for the PC version of FFVII.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Saltyk said:
Why play a game if you cheat in it?
That doesn't count ingame cheats that just make the game fun or slightly easier, like Big Head Mode or infinite magic.
Because external cheats can be fun, too. That doesn't excuse cheating in MP games, it doesn't excuse cheating to gain a competitive edge, but cheats can be fun. Action Replays and Game Genies used to be awesome for that reason.

balberoy said:
They used a modded Console for playing ripped of games or to use Windows on it.
This is far more probable then cheating.
I'd like to see the numbers you used to determine that probability. However, given the number of people that have been caught online using modded consoles to cheat in popular online games, I'm going to guess cheating is an issue. I';m not sure if it's more or less an issue than playing burned discs, but then, I don't have a data set to tell me. Do you?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
People are all like "why are they cheating?"

No one said they were cheating, they were simply logged in with a modded console at some point. People mod their consoles for a number of reasons. Yes, sometimes to cheat or play pirated games. But that is far from universal. Generalizations are annoying, especially when people infer things that were never stated.

I understand their point of course. Level playing field. But I feel for those people who may have logged onto a buddies modded console to show them something or just in passing while they were hanging out.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Oh great, Bungie is once again doing MS, and now Sony's, dirty work. They're not even first party now.
Bungie recommends all players to "play nice" and "use the boxes that your favorite retailer 'gave' you."
Uh, two points here: A) Bungie has dealt with online console players for 10 years. Asking them to "play nice" is like asking an ancient warlord to not burn your village to the ground or subjugate it into his empire. B) Retailers were giving away PS4s and Xboxes? Why didn't anyone tell me? Seriously though, Bungie, many of us busted our own asses at work to buy those boxes. Never say a multi-billion dollar company "gave" us anything ever again. (I'm beginning to think they really believe in that cult stuff their fan club spews out.)


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Hairless Mammoth said:
Oh great, Bungie is once again doing MS, and now Sony's, dirty work. They're not even first party now.
Bungie recommends all players to "play nice" and "use the boxes that your favorite retailer 'gave' you."
Uh, two points here: A) Bungie has dealt with online console players for 10 years. Asking them to "play nice" is like asking an ancient warlord to not burn your village to the ground or subjugate it into his empire. B) Retailers were giving away PS4s and Xboxes? Why didn't anyone tell me? Seriously though, Bungie, many of us busted our own asses at work to buy those boxes. Never say a multi-billion dollar company "gave" us anything ever again. (I'm beginning to think they really believe in that cult stuff their fan club spews out.)
They gave you the console in exchange for a few hundred dollars. Just because you paid for it doesn't mean they didn't give it to you.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
smithy_2045 said:
They gave you the console in exchange for a few hundred dollars. Just because you paid for it doesn't mean they didn't give it to you.
They're being patronizing to their entire customer base again. Otherwise, the quotes wouldn't be there even on their own site. That's telling me they are using the "to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation" definition of "gave". The other definition would have them saying "use the boxes that you gave $400 to your favorite retailer to get" or something similar.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Bungie We stopped making halo and now make a game worst then halo and can't chase our fans away fast enough. Hey look a new Bioware.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Wasn't there an episode in one of the .hack anime about player avatars being executed for modding their characters? I seem to remember one of them having done nothing more than change their eye color...


Slayer of Hot Dogs
Aug 2, 2010
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't there also 'legitimate' instances of modding consoles, such as running homebrews or custom OS/software?

I understand in the US at least everything that circumvents access control is deemed illegal under DMCA but it still sucks that people can be banned for potentially (morally at least) legitimate uses of modding.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
People have every right to mod their console all they want, once your purchase the device you can install whatever chips you want into it. Bungie of all companies has no right to issue bans for having modded consoles. If they were using pirated games that'd be another matter, but if it's only for the console being modified they should remove the ban immediately.

If this ban makes the user's game unplayable I'd like to see those effected sue the company as they've taken away a game they paid for without cause.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
RicoADF said:
People have every right to mod their console all they want, once your purchase the device you can install whatever chips you want into it. Bungie of all companies has no right to issue bans for having modded consoles. If they were using pirated games that'd be another matter, but if it's only for the console being modified they should remove the ban immediately.

If this ban makes the user's game unplayable I'd like to see those effected sue the company as they've taken away a game they paid for without cause.
My thoughts exactly. Bungie is acting like mob enforcers for MS so that the console is used in the best way possible for MS to monetize it after purchase at the cost to the consumers rights for that product. This is despicable and makes me even more happy that I haven't wasted my money on either product.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Scorpid said:
RicoADF said:
People have every right to mod their console all they want, once your purchase the device you can install whatever chips you want into it. Bungie of all companies has no right to issue bans for having modded consoles. If they were using pirated games that'd be another matter, but if it's only for the console being modified they should remove the ban immediately.

If this ban makes the user's game unplayable I'd like to see those effected sue the company as they've taken away a game they paid for without cause.
My thoughts exactly. Bungie is acting like mob enforcers for MS so that the console is used in the best way possible for MS to monetize it after purchase at the cost to the consumers rights for that product. This is despicable and makes me even more happy that I haven't wasted my money on either product.
The ability to modify a console does not also convey the right to access a proprietary network using modified hardware. Mod all day long - just don't expect to be given the keys to the kingdom too.

Here's a real world example: I can choose to wear anything I want to work, but if there is a dress code and I'm not within it, I can also be sent home to change/denied access to the building/etc. I've done nothing illegal, but I also can't go to work that day.

Just because you can do something does not mean that there are no consequences for it.

Edit: Typo