Mad Max Gameplay Trailer Scavenges The Hostile Wasteland


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Mad Max Gameplay Trailer Scavenges The Hostile Wasteland

Mad Max's new gameplay trailer highlights everything players can do in the wasteland - including visit the Thunderdome.

<a href=>The post-apocalypse is gaining popularity these days, and you know what that means - the return of Mad Max. Not only will we see <a href=>his new movie this summer, but we'll get to take part in his exploits with Avalanche Studios' new video game. All we were waiting on was substantial gameplay footage, but Mad Max's latest trailer shows the wasteland will be just as deadly - and riveting - as we imagine.

Mad Max opens as Max is torn from his car, beaten almost to death, and left to rot in the wasteland. But this wasteland is also open-world, which means players can build themselves up from nothing to get revenge. The first step is building a custom car to replace your lost vehicle, then traversing nearby settlements to find clues about your enemies. Along the way players can scavenge countless sources of scrap metal that can be traded and used to upgrade your car and gear.

The combat gameplay is essentially Arkham Asylum with fatalities, but that makes sense: As the trailer notes, ammunition is rare, so it's generally better to rush enemies with melee weapons. But as the game advances and you secure supplies for settlements, you'll be able to equip new weapons and abilities - including devastating explosives that take out enemy cars.

And since this is a Road Warrior-styled post-apocalypse, fans should pick up on references to the films - including a one-second glimpse of <a href=>what very much appears to be the Thunderdome. All told, <a href=>it looks like that delay has been good to Mad Max - we'll find out for sure when it launches on Sept. 1, 2015.



Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Hey neat. I was just asking what happened to this game. Looks pretty good. Kind of reminds me a bit of Shadow of Mordor.

Hope it turns out well. :)


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
That's looks like it could be great. I've been missing a good Fallout so I'm glad Mad Max will accommodate some of my wasteland desires.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Looks promising.

Seeing though as you start from scratch anyway, it might've been a cool idea to have let you create your own character. I mean, it's not like the in-game Max is making any sort of impression, he just looks like generic dude # 382.

And is this going to be a thing for Warner Bros. now, where they repurpose the Arkham combat for every game from here on out?

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
I forgot about this game.

It certainly looks theatrical, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing will depend.
It's giving me an Uncharted itch though, will it scratch as good?


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Just me ? I was thinking pretty cool , can build up your special car by scavenging stuff from the land... and pre-order nets you a car ? WTF ?!?

... even if its just a chassis, its a chassis you will need to buy in real cash / give up the option to see reviews before putting down the cash.

Cosmetic ? Possible, basically get a similar chassis but sans the decals and 'cool bling' ... not too bad then.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
Looks promising.

Seeing though as you start from scratch anyway, it might've been a cool idea to have let you create your own character. I mean, it's not like the in-game Max is making any sort of impression, he just looks like generic dude # 382.

And is this going to be a thing for Warner Bros. now, where they repurpose the Arkham combat for every game from here on out?
...Why in the hell would they bother making it a licensed Mad Max game if it weren't to star Mad Max? At this point Max himself is really the only thing that sets the franchise apart in any way from all the other post-apocalyptic desert settings nowadays, in no small part due to Mad Max itself being the primary inspiration behind most recent P-A survival settings. Without him it's just another by-the-numbers P-A setting with a heavy focus on customizable automobiles, which RAGE has already done a few years ago.

Also, why not use Arkham's combat? It works really well for fighting crowds without seeming too over-the-top, much better and more functional then many other big name combat systems wherein the player fights large numbers of mooks at once. A little on the easy side, yes, but for the most part it works really well.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I have been wanting a game just like this for years! It's only right that it should be a Mad Max one. It has a very intriguing art direction. Usually the lack of variety in environment would be a turn off, but I think i'm too in love with the whole setting to care about that.
Move over Rage, time for a serious contender!


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Speaking as a life-long Max fan...

I like the way it looks, for the most part. Max could look a bit more like Mel, and either that photo on his dashboard isn't his actual family, or Sprog has been aged a couple of years and gender-swapped; but then, considering as far as I understand the game takes place in some generic wasteland (not necessarily Australia), I'm willing to take this as a "alternate universe" sort of deal.

The can of Dinky-Di was a really nice touch, though.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
BakaSmurf said:
...Why in the hell would they bother making it a licensed Mad Max game if it weren't to star Mad Max? At this point Max himself is really the only thing that sets the franchise apart in any way from all the other post-apocalyptic desert settings nowadays, in no small part due to Mad Max itself being the primary inspiration behind most recent P-A survival settings. Without him it's just another by-the-numbers P-A setting with a heavy focus on customizable automobiles, which RAGE has already done a few years ago.
Well first of all, Max himself looks like the blankiest of blank slates in this game. Just because he's named Max doesn't really add anything. He might as well have been named John or Jack. Secondly, it looks like a by-the-numbers apocalypse setting no matter what, since it's an old franchise that has inspired so many other movies and games. That's inescapable.

Had they actually gotten young Mel Gibson's likeness for this game, or had they put in some effort to giving him a charismatic face, sure. But from what I've seen in this trailer he already looks like something that rolled out of a character editor anyway. He certainly doesn't look like a selling point, the world itself does.

They could've just called it The Road Warrior and given the player the oppertunity to be their own "Max", or "Lord Humungus".

Also, why not use Arkham's combat? It works really well for fighting crowds without seeming too over-the-top, much better and more functional then many other big name combat systems wherein the player fights large numbers of mooks at once. A little on the easy side, yes, but for the most part it works really well.
And there you have it, "a little on the easy side". This worked for the Arkham games, because it wasn't so much about beating the odds but about beating goons with style and getting into that combat flow. It didn't matter if it was kind of easy, because you were Batman.

This Mad Max game however doesn't look like a beat 'm up.

Who knows, maybe it'll end up working great. But it certainly didn't in Shadow of Mordor, where the combat was so piss easy it just became monotonous.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I usually avoid games adapted from film franchises (particularly films I liked) but this looks good so I might have to give it a go.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Sounds interesting enough. Open world, Post-Apocalyptic, crafting and vehicles.

I'm not that interested in the combat mechanic though.
I dislike cinematic quick-time fighting..At least it isn't in OTS view.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Wow, this looks really good. Its art style is making me want a game I know it won't be though. A post-apocalyptic fantasy game would be so cool. I'd love to see desert wastelands full of tribes fighting over the remnants of fallen magical civilizations.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
It looks cool. But from that footage I get the distinct impression they're going for a Shadow of Mordor / Arkham style game with various "to do's" scattered about on the map.

I personally dislike that kind of stuff, it's far too gamey. Especially for a setting like this.

Hope I'm wrong though.


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
Casual Shinji said:

Also, why not use Arkham's combat? It works really well for fighting crowds without seeming too over-the-top, much better and more functional then many other big name combat systems wherein the player fights large numbers of mooks at once. A little on the easy side, yes, but for the most part it works really well.
And there you have it, "a little on the easy side". This worked for the Arkham games, because it wasn't so much about beating the odds but about beating goons with style and getting into that combat flow. It didn't matter if it was kind of easy, because you were Batman.

This Mad Max game however doesn't look like a beat 'm up.

Who knows, maybe it'll end up working great. But it certainly didn't in Shadow of Mordor, where the combat was so piss easy it just became monotonous.
I kind of agree with this. This pattern or rhythm based combat doesn't even make much sense. As Batman, everyone is afraid of you, doesn't want to engage, or fight, so in the batman games, it makes perfect sense.

But in a Mad Max post apoc. setting? Those people aren't afraid of you. They're naturally gonna want to get in there and eat you up, and tear you limb from limb. It doesn't make sense to have these no challenge "afraid to engage" mooks for this setting, and to me, the combat simply ruins it. This is very much a "try before you buy" for me. Batman's combat is dull, repetitive, and largely uninteresting with an extensive lack of control as to what exactly my character does and who he does it to.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Looks interesting but with that release date it's going head to head with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which I'm already going to be fully invested in.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Well, it looks like they're at least being influenced by the good Mad Max films. With the exception of that gladiator shot, hopefully they ignore as much of the third film as possible.

Anyways, it does look rather fun. Not liking the look of the melee combat though. Seems to suffer from the same problem a lot of games have as of late, where you fight one enemy at a time while his friends just stand around like morons. I do feel like the graphics are a tad too good though. I think they should be less shiny and smooth, so as to obtain that gritty, grimey, bleak feel the first two movies had (as well as what made the first two Fallout games so atmospheric).

I'm cautiously optimistic towards this though. I'll keep an eye on it. Oh, and kudos for having Aussie voice acting.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I like how the first trailer they release is both cutscene and gameplay. It's bucking the trend. After Battlefront....