Microsoft: Hardware Failures Are "Well Behind Us"

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Microsoft: Hardware Failures Are "Well Behind Us"

Is the legacy of the Red Ring of Death and E47 hardware failures really behind Microsoft? Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg thinks so.

Last week numbers from a Game Informer survey revealed that Xbox 360 hardware failures - specifically the infamous Red Ring of Death - are astoundingly common [], with more than half of the surveyed subscribers reporting to have experienced a console dying on them. Regardless of the veracity of the numbers, it is something of a sad state of affairs when having your console die on you is simply something you expect as a 360 owner.

Microsoft gave a pretty plain [] PR type response to the survey a few days ago, but now the company's Xbox Live and Xbox 360 director of project management, Aaron Greenberg, has spoken up, and he seems to think that hardware failures are a legacy that Microsoft has managed to shake.

"I can tell you the consoles we're making today have lower-heat chips and better cooling, and we're seeing fantastic quality in those consoles today," Greenberg told GameSpot []. "That said, I know people have had issues with systems, which were bought earlier in the life cycle, and that's part of the reason why we implemented our unprecedented three-year warranty for anyone who gets the three red-ring flashing light error or the E74 error."

With everything that Microsoft has done to deal with the problem and everything it presently is doing, Greenberg thinks that the company has accomplished enough to ditch the stigma of the RroD. "So I think we've made it clear we stand by the quality of our product, and we will make it right by fixing the problem at no extra cost to you," Greenberg said. "But at the same time, we've been working hard to make improvements in the products we're currently making, so I really feel like most of this is well behind us."

What say you, 360 owners? Do you feel like the whole hardware failure thing is behind Microsoft, or, more importantly, behind you when your console breaks? I don't think this is a legacy Microsoft is going to shed for a long time coming. As long as people own 360s that break - and plenty do - hardware failures will be a problem.



New member
Feb 22, 2009
I'd say that's pretty sound. My replacement console hasn't broke, and I don't expect it to.

Oh, and I predict a flamewar! Then again, I don't exactly need a crystal ball for that do I?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
My replacement console broke, and apparently it wasn't warrenteed for more than a year, i had to get it fixed through the internet, and now my disk drive is on top of the box, looks terrible but works fine.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
What say me? Well, I'm glad that they put this all behind them. Too bad people who bought release consoles can't "put it behind them". Really, this was a dumb thing for them to say. Maybe something more along the lines of "we will always be commited to bringing consumers the best machine for their money, and now we are at a point where we have optimized our system to address the needs of consumers", not just sweeping things under the rug.

It isn't well behind you, MS. There are too many people who have experienced or will experience problems for it to be behind you. You are not going to just wash your hands of the legacy of RROD so easily. Also, don't think the consumers are stupid and won't be watching your next console with telescopic vision for flaws.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
This is probably the one thing that is keeping me from wanting to buy one. It's just too unnerving.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
My console broke, 4 times, but they were all early life-cycle consoles. The one I've had now, has been running strong for....over a year now.

I just jynxed my self, but it doesn't matter with the recent price drops.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Similar to what chronobreak said, this may be "well behind" MS, but it is far from over for 360 owners who own an older version of the console (such as myself), with no warranty anymore, in constant fear of the three red lights. I've been lucky so far, *knocks on wood*, but it could still easily happen. If/when it does, I am screwed and will have to go buy another one. MS won't do anything to rectify it, because it's "well behind them."


New member
Mar 7, 2008
you know as much as people rag on Sony for things, that statement from m$ was an even bigger dick move than Sony has ever pulled

the way i read it was

"those of you who bought it early when it was broken are suckers, it works fine now so buy to get a proper working."


New member
Nov 9, 2008
I don't think they'll lose the stigma until at least the next console generation, when they can prove that they can design a console that works properly from the very beginning. They've done a pretty good job of mitigating the problem, but I think people will be pretty suspicious of getting the next Xbox at release. At least, I know I will.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
I know I have heard so much about the RroD, but to be truthful it has never happened to me and I have played for a full 25 hours before. I do feel for those that did get a RroD.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
It's not like Microsoft is announcing the warranty is over. What they should be saying is that consumers can buy with confidence that the issue has been resolved.

I don't get how people still want to pick a fight with Microsoft over this. They are spending metric shit-tons of money to support that warranty. Think of how much of their profit they are throwing away. Seriously, if you wanted to see some Microsoft seppuku, here it is. If you still aren't satisfied... I don't know what to tell you. You will never be satisfied.

The Bandit

New member
Feb 5, 2008
My XBox has never failed me, so I don't really care. My friend has RRoDed twice. Both times he got a replacement for free, and seemed pretty happy with the way it was handled. Granted, he was pissed that it happened twice, but what can you do?


New member
Apr 11, 2009
I'm still building my catapult for when my third 360 fails. The warranty's long gone, so I'll just send it flying in the general direction of Microsoft HQ with a 54.2% sign on it.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
My console got the red ring of death, but within a week I heard a shiny FREE new one to play with and overheat. They may have hardware problems, but at least they recognize it and not be complete douchebags over it.


New member
May 13, 2009
I've had my 360 for going on two years now, with constant "abuse." I know that if it does crap out on me, Microsoft will have my back (assuming this is within a year). Less can be said about my PS2 that failed days after its 90-day warrantee and I had to fix it myself.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
To be fair, I've never met anyone and don't personally know anyone (in real life that is), that has ever had trouble with a 360...well my mate's got robbed, but that hardly counts...

Still, of all my consoles, I like my PS3 best...and my PS3 died on me last Christmas, outside of warranty and all I had to do was pay for the courier (E15.60) not so rough, and had my new (admittedly refurbished PS3 though with a larger hard-drive) in less than a week . If the MS returns is that good or better then I can't see the issue. It's inconvenient sure, but then again I had a Wii, PC and 360 to play with, so I might not be a good sample.

Anyone ever tried to return something to say...Creative...or Sharp? Samsung? Outside of warranty? Please, even of it was their fault, you'd be laughed at. Although I'm sure they'd laugh callowly and hollowly as it's clear the person on the other end of the phone is really having as much fun as you, except they're paid minium wage....

Ooops...I sort of wandered there...oh well...


New member
Aug 27, 2009
My first never RRoD'd, the disk reader shat itself instead. Still, the #2 engine's still puttering along, though the warranty runs out soon...

I honestly doubt that Microsoft has seen the last of Mr. E74, and I really can't think they're fooling themselves, much less anyone else. Still, so long as they'll actually fix it when the smug little jerk garrotes yet another hapless console in the line of duty, it's the best we can hope for.