Amaror said:
Wait in what way is the last part-2 of the Harry Potter franchise the best of the series. Wasn't that the movie that was just one big battle stretched painfully to a feature length movie? I mean it wasn't horrible with all the flashy action, but i think the third one is still way better.
As to Mockingjay-Part 2. Yeah, no surprice here, i read the books.
Between that and his calling Catching Fire the best of the Hunger Games movies I realized that he and I must have vastly different tastes.
The best Harry Potter movies for me were definitely 3 and 4, and I actually found 7 (Part 1) more intriguing and engaging than the bang-flash-so-much-flashbacks-new-info-right-near-the-end 7 (Part 2).
And I found Mockingjay Part 1 to be better than Hunger Games and Catching Fire in every way.
Then again I'm also in the minority that thinks Mockingjay is not only the best book in the series, but is highly admirable for not handing an easy happy ending to audience and is a strong artistic statement about the harsh realities of war and revolution.
He avoids spoilers, but I've read the books, so I wonder what he means by "the way it ends." I'm still interested in seeing it, and won't be surprised if I like it, given the notable differences in sensibilities.