People just don't seem to care about Lego City Undercover which is a shame considering how much fun I had with it during the U drought of early 2013. It was charming and I really liked the array of vehicles you can eventually unlock. The funny thing about Bayonetta 2 is, I haven't played it yet. I've played the original Bayonetta on the Wii U because I haven't ever beaten it and then I got side-tracked by other games. Go figure.
JCAll said:
I'll also throw out Hyrule Warriors, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, and the Wonderful 101. Especially the Wonderful 101.
I would agree with that and add in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and, Xenoblade Chronicles X. I can understand people being done with 3U at this point and even people being done with 4...I can also understand that the Monster Hunter series is niche but it's definitely worth a try for people who are into killing Dinosaurs with giant rocks on sticks. Xenoblade Chronicles X though was a pleasant surprise to's like Xenoblade Chronicles only...I don't want to say "good" but X has captured my attention more so than its Wii predecessor could have hoped. Also, I haven't played DK:TF yet...I need to fix that.