282: Ghost-Type Story


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Sabrestar said:
The urban legend aspect of this story naturally made me think of Polybius, the original and perhaps most famous videogame urban legend.
I had to look that that up, I thought Doomsday arcade had made that up. I didn't realise it was an established urban legend.

Pokemon ghost black is a genuinely creepy story...


New member
Sep 2, 2009
aldowyn said:
Nice article, again.

I read this story a while back when it first popped up. The Zelda one, too, I was going to mention it and then you did before I could. Personally, I think the Majora's Mask one is creepier, but this one seems more... ah... plausible, and deeper in some way. The Zelda one is like a typical horror movie, about the cheap, sudden scares. The Ghost Black story is much more subtle, hinting at life and death, and the consequences.

Honestly it's just amazing that people make things this scary from something as innocent as Pokemon or Zelda - even if it is the creepiest Zelda of them all.
I know what you mean.

The Majora's Mask one is just a scary story, interesting, but nothing too deep (or so I think as I'm too scared shittless to look deeper)

But this isan't so Scary as it is Spooky. This all seems plausible, someone could probably make this. But it gives of a good feel.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
brilliant, that was incredibley creepy, shoulda been released in the halloween issue.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Is... this an article about copypasta? And a good one to boot? Oh Escapist Magazine you silly bugger, what'll you come up with next?

Pokémon Ghost Black is a cool story (bro) (it taks about goshts and doesn't afraid of anything) (OVER 9000 MEMES) but it is part of a much greater genre of creepypasta, which is always about taking these loved mementos of childhood and turning them into horrible harbringers of evil. But unlike the rumors that Mr. Rogers was a child molester, its intent is not to sully the memento itself, but its influence in our life. It asks, what if the thing that shaped your life, that you look back on so fondly, is actually evil?

It reminds me of Borges' Pierre Menard's Don Quijote. (Now that sentence is a handful.) Can the same element, introduced in a different context, be completely different? I always read that piece as mostly a biting critique of literary analysis, but like most of Borges' work there are layers and layers of analysis.

I think the prevalence of the creepypasta (yes I will continue to use that word as if it was a scientific term, DEAL W IT) is essentially a way to break from our protective shells. Every generation of children is more overprotected than the previous ones. Not content with breaking away from our parents, we must retroactively cause them to fail, by repurposing the mild things they did allow us to play with as dark and dire. The darkness was around all along, and we were lucky to not have slipped in.

The embrace of videogames as a media is secondary in this case, there are similar creepypastas relating to cartoon shows and things like that, although it's also worth of an analysis. I'm thinking of creating a work in this vein as soon as I get off my fat ass. Happy 2011.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Wasn't that story in the Scary Thread? I'm too scared to read it but the first page was enough :p


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
That was an absolutely brilliant idea. Who knew that pokemon could actually be interesting?


New member
Sep 23, 2010
This reminds of Dragon Quest 3(Dragon Warrior 3) on the NES.
Although very rare, sometime when you turn on the power and game screen shows up, a chilling message will appear.
I played on the Japanese version, the message roughly translate into "Your adventure is lost", you go to your list of save game to find one of your save game IS REALLY GONE.
The only way to safe guard against this is to have multiple save game of the same progress.

This happen on original cart too, so it is not like Mother 3(Earth Bound) anti-piracy thingy.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
zombiejoe said:
I would love to play that game. But what if you decided never to use the ghost's power? Maybe there would be a good ending?

One might hope, but even if one avoids temptation their whole life, they will still meet their end. The ghost will come for you, regardless of your choices.

On a mood-breaking side note, they now have a semi-sorta Grim Reaper: Dusknoir. It's not a guy with a scythe, or a sword, merely a ghost that emerges from the darkness and drags you to hell. Like that little girl from the show.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Ah yes, I remember reading this when it made the rounds on /x/. Also recall reading some other twisted pokemon story, but I can't remember anything about it. I think I recall the Unown were involved somehow, and, of course, death is a theme.


New member
May 7, 2007
I was reminded of the Missingno glitch in the same game. Through a certain sequence of events, you could encounter a pokemon with a "missing number" and various garbage for data (its moves were Water Gun, Water Gun, and Sky Attack, and its type was Bird/Normal, where Bird wasn't actually a real type). Most people knew about it because of the duplicate item glitch associated with it.

So I of course abused the hell out of the Missingno glitch to level up a whole party of level 100s. Then I got an idea. I took one of my 127 Master Balls and caught it. Who said there were only 151 Pokemon?

It turns out catching Missingno also corrupts your Hall of Fame, the list of parties you'd used to defeat the Elite Four. So while you can catch Missingno (which actually gives you more copies of the item than just killing it, according to some websites I just looked up), it comes at the cost of devaluing all of your achievements, in a sense.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
MajoraPersona said:
zombiejoe said:
I would love to play that game. But what if you decided never to use the ghost's power? Maybe there would be a good ending?

One might hope, but even if one avoids temptation their whole life, they will still meet their end. The ghost will come for you, regardless of your choices.
True, but not having the accusing faces of all the pokemon and trainer victims of the ghost would go a long way towards decreepifying the story.

At the end, the elderly you stands in front of the graves of your own pokemon. And when The Sorrow the ghost comes for you, you are alone...briefly. Death comes to all, as your own pokemon have demonstrated. It's simply your time to die, content not only that you may even join them, but that you never cut short the life of anything else.


Aug 27, 2010
This story isn't exactly new, but it's really awesome! I can tell, cuz I read it ages ago and still remember it! Damn that ending is spooky...


New member
Mar 29, 2010
zombiejoe said:
I would love to play that game. But what if you decided never to use the ghost's power? Maybe there would be a good ending?

i dont think so. i remeber reading this in full somewhere else and no matter what you did....the ghost would come after you because you had to use it...you couldnt catch any other pokemon...you killed them.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Pokemon Black was one of the first "creepy-pastas" (scary stories spread all over the internet) I read. As a pokemon fanatic, pokemon stories often hold my attention longer than any other story. I'm glad you wrote this article and I'm even more glad the escapist decided to post it.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Mayhaps I've been living under a rock all this time, but this is the first time I've heard of the story.

I'm not a great fan of horror stories, but I enjoyed Black Ghost. Perhaps it's the subtleness, or the grim end, but as someone said earlier, it's a look at one of your childhood memories as something bleak.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
My PS2 memory card died on me about a month ago. I was sad.

In the days of cartridge systems such as the NES and SNES, each cartridge that let you save games had a battery in it, because the save data was stored using a kind of memory that goes blank if it's not hooked up to a power source. (It doesn't actually draw any current from the battery, it just needs a voltage difference, so the battery can last a long time.) However, batteries do degrade over time even if you aren't drawing any current from them, so they'll eventually go dead, the save data will disappear, and you won't be able to make new saves unless you open up the cartridge and put a new battery in..


New member
Aug 12, 2009
There's a similar game called Lost Silver. It can be downloaded as a separate .exe file and is genuinely creepy but not as good as this Ghost-Black promises to be in practice.