Anduin is in charge, but Greymane is the 'Legion' leader (the one leading the big charge in the Broken Shore) and seems to be the military commander for the Alliance. For example Anduin is the new PvP boss for Horde players raiding Stormwind, but you interact with Greymane a hell of a lot more in the new Legion zones.SlumlordThanatos said:So I must have missed something, since I've not gotten Legion yet and won't for a little bit.
I knew shit went down, but I thought Anduin was in charge now, not Genn Greymane.
That would be because they've redesigned the game system several times since the vanilla dungeons were all released. They reduced the time required to level significantly, and increased the power of the players themselves. A level 40 now is on par with what a level 60 was back then. If you want slower, more methodical, and WAY harder dungeon runs, you should try heroics or mythics at max level, or even just the new legion dungeons at level 100-109.Ukomba said:Last time I tried WoW, I wanted to do Shadow Fang, and not only did they screw it (and the surrounding area) up, but every dungeon I did in a group was done at a full sprint with spam AOE's wrecking everything. The bosses couldn't even get out their dialogue before dying. Falling behind even slightly would some times result in a boss kill before I could even hit it once. F***ing rubbish.
The only challenge I had was 2 manning it wile grossly under leveled. I stopped playing after that.
Yeah, they're not like that anymore, thankfully!Ukomba said:Last time I tried WoW, I wanted to do Shadow Fang, and not only did they screw it (and the surrounding area) up, but every dungeon I did in a group was done at a full sprint with spam AOE's wrecking everything. The bosses couldn't even get out their dialogue before dying. Falling behind even slightly would some times result in a boss kill before I could even hit it once. F***ing rubbish.
The only challenge I had was 2 manning it wile grossly under leveled. I stopped playing after that.
Wasn't Tomb of Horrors an area you had to exploit to get in near the entrance to Karazhan way back when? I remember a tomb that had the room of the upside-down sinners.J.McMillen said:When I read the title, I thought they meant remaking famous non-WoW dungeons into WoW dungeons. Like the Tomb of Horrors. Good luck getting out of that one.
Wrong Tomb of Horrors... said:Wasn't Tomb of Horrors an area you had to exploit to get in near the entrance to Karazhan way back when? I remember a tomb that had the room of the upside-down sinners.J.McMillen said:When I read the title, I thought they meant remaking famous non-WoW dungeons into WoW dungeons. Like the Tomb of Horrors. Good luck getting out of that one.