Call of Duty WWII Releases November 3, Watch the Reveal Trailer Now

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Call of Duty WWII Releases November 3, Watch the Reveal Trailer Now

Call of Duty will go "back to its roots" on November 3.

Call of Duty: WWII will launch November 3rd on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Activision confirmed during the game's reveal livestream today. This confirms a leak from earlier this week [].

In addition to the release date, we also got our first look at the upcoming game. You can check out the reveal trailer below:

"Over two years in the making, Sledgehammer Games delivers a gritty, personal experience in the setting of the largest worldwide conflict in history to a new gaming generation in Call of Duty: WWII," the video description reads. "Play through the story of ordinary men turned soldiers in the 1st Infantry Division as they fight to preserve freedom in the face of tyranny. Call of Duty: WWII delivers fast-paced, boots-on-ground combat through iconic locations in the European Theater."


Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
I think this game has a chance to be great! I've ALWAYS wanted them to go back to this era of war games especially after all these shitty modern war video games they've made. My grandfathers were both in WWII and while I know this isn't exactly the real thing, it's damn close, it's also a great way to teach some history to the younger generation of gamers


New member
Jun 10, 2009
yano, they should just start making movies, cos that looks like a good movie i would watch but as a game it looks generic. I will play it for the story though. maybe.


New member
May 11, 2016
Never thought i'd say this, but looks i'm going to going to be skipping COD this year, i'm just sick to death of WW2 shooters(There are over 60 of the damn things, which is way more then the amount of modern military shooters there are) and this one does not look particularly inspired. World at War is my least favorite COD game(yes I actually liked Ghosts more), so i'm not too eager to play a retread of that one.

I don't even care if Yahtzee shits all over this game.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
No information about the game, no gameplay footage; already available on steam for preorder for 44.99? (regular AAA price is 39.99?).

F.U., Activision. Greedy fucks.


New member
May 11, 2016
Quiet Stranger said:
I think this game has a chance to be great! I've ALWAYS wanted them to go back to this era of war games especially after all these shitty modern war video games they've made. My grandfathers were both in WWII and while I know this isn't exactly the real thing, it's damn close, it's also a great way to teach some history to the younger generation of gamers
I don't think the modern war games were "shitty" at all, my grandfather was in WW2 as well, but i'm personally just sick to death of WW2 video games(there's actually way more WW2 video games then modern military ones).


New member
May 11, 2016
King_Julian said:
yano, they should just start making movies, cos that looks like a good movie i would watch but as a game it looks generic. I will play it for the story though. maybe.
Their actually are plans for COD movies.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
This is going to kill me, but...I'm not really impressed. Yeah, it's great to be going back to World War II, but this trailer reminds me of why franchises left it behind.

Riding in the boats up to the beach. Check.
Soldiers sitting quietly in boat. Check.
Door drops and first guys out get torn apart. Check.
Climb over the side of the boat to survive. Check.
Riding peacefully on a tank. Check.
Tank in front of you filled with guys gets blown away. Check.

I mean, a lot of the stuff in this trailer I've seen, and done, countless times before. And of course we're playing as the U.S. again, because heaven forbid we get to play a World War II game without them in it (and are we even playing as The Big Red One again, or is this a different unit with a red 1?). I wouldn't be surprised if there's another campaign P.O.V., but it's probably going to be the Russians or the British.
I just...I was kind of hoping that they'd do something different in the World War II setting. Other countries fought, other beaches were stormed.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Sniper Team 4 said:
This is going to kill me, but...I'm not really impressed. Yeah, it's great to be going back to World War II, but this trailer reminds me of why franchises left it behind.

Riding in the boats up to the beach. Check.
Soldiers sitting quietly in boat. Check.
Door drops and first guys out get torn apart. Check.
Climb over the side of the boat to survive. Check.
Riding peacefully on a tank. Check.
Tank in front of you filled with guys gets blown away. Check.

I mean, a lot of the stuff in this trailer I've seen, and done, countless times before. And of course we're playing as the U.S. again, because heaven forbid we get to play a World War II game without them in it (and are we even playing as The Big Red One again, or is this a different unit with a red 1?). I wouldn't be surprised if there's another campaign P.O.V., but it's probably going to be the Russians or the British.
I just...I was kind of hoping that they'd do something different in the World War II setting. Other countries fought, other beaches were stormed.
Thing is, it was all done at the very least nine years ago. A whole new generation has grown up that has never played those games - and probably never will because teh grafix. It's sad, but true.

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009
I wrote this post as a joke back in May 2016 on the announcement of Infinite Warfare

The Real Sandman said:
...once you go to outer space, where else can you go with your franchise after that?

[h4]2017: NEW! Call of Duty: World at War[/h4]
2018:Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 2
2019: Call of Duty: 3D Warfare
2020: Karts of Duty
2021: Call of Duty: Warfare Maker
Just kill me.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Oh yay, Normandy again...

I was really hoping they would take a page from BF1 and test new waters as opposed to just bloodying the old ones. Hopefully they will but I'm not holding my breath.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
TheMigrantSoldier said:
Oh yay, Normandy again...

I was really hoping they would take a page from BF1 and test new waters as opposed to just bloodying the old ones. Hopefully they will but I'm not holding my breath.
So you want China vs Japan on mainland Asia? Which one of the battles includes the battle at the Great Wall?

Sadly China and Japan has shitty and uncool guns and vehicles.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Meh, cod was at its best when it was modern or future. I don't get the desire to return again to ww2, I mean it looks neat I guess but nothing that just screams "play me." I think I'll pass till its on a decent sale.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Already this fucker has over a million views on YouTube. :(

So, let's see...D-Day? Check. Western Front and nothing else? Check. Demonization of German soldiers? Check. US-only campaign with nary a Brit or Soviet to be seen? Check. Trite comments about the bonds of brotherhood and all that stuff that Band of Brothers/Saving Private Ryan popularized? Check.

All I have to ponder now is if the game will sell millions in spite of this, because of this, or because it's CoD, regardless of this.

And maybe it'll turn out to be defining WWII game that uses its story focus to great effect. Who knows?

Samtemdo8 said:
So you want China vs Japan on mainland Asia?
Yes, thank you, yes! I can only think of one game that's ever touched on the Chinese front, and it was a poorly-made one that came from China itself.

I mean, seriously, anything but the Western Front AGAIN.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Samtemdo8 said:
Sadly China and Japan has shitty and uncool guns and vehicles.
Yes, absolutely, now let's see them and play them. Chinese ghetto guns of the perios wold be awesome for a video game.

While we're at it, the Russia-Japan war that saw saw one General Zhukov gain his first major victories, the Malaya conflict with the British and Japanese infantry fighting each other through Jungle Hell, the Vietnam conflict with the young Ho Chi Minh leading guerillas against the Japanese, the Battles of Moscow and Kursk, the Belorussia offensive, the Battle of France, Monte Casino (from the perspective of the Poles who eventually broke the German line), Monte Castello (Brazilians in Italy!), the defense of Crete.

I very much doubt this will re-invigorate Call of Duty the way Activision hopes it will. World War 2 had hundreds of battles fought by dozens of nationalities, but as usual we're looking at an American soldier in Normandy, those landing shots could easily be a re-master of Medal of Honor Allied Assault.

Ushiromiya Battler

Oddly satisfied
Feb 7, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
TheMigrantSoldier said:
Oh yay, Normandy again...

I was really hoping they would take a page from BF1 and test new waters as opposed to just bloodying the old ones. Hopefully they will but I'm not holding my breath.
So you want China vs Japan on mainland Asia? Which one of the battles includes the battle at the Great Wall?

Sadly China and Japan has shitty and uncool guns and vehicles.
Hey, the Japanese had some cool weapons. Like the Arisaka, Type 100 and Type 96. Not to mention everything had a bayonet hold.
And their mini tanks were really cute too. Like the Type 94.