298: Myth-takes and Other Oddities

Bodean Baxter

New member
Mar 27, 2011
try making some squirles that shoot lightning really far, or add some men to each level for fun like exploding deer :)


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Bungie made Myth II? o_O

Holy sh*t, I remember that game. I had a pirated copy of it that I got from a friend when I was 10 or 11. My mom didn't like me playing it though (looking back on it I kind of understand why ^^), but I managed to find an option to turn off the gore so she let it slide. I only understood about half of it though since I barely spoke English, and it was hard as hell, but goddammit was it awesome! ^^

Really nice article, this paragraph in particular cracked me up xD
It turns out that Bungie had found a bug in the installer. If the game was installed into the default directory (such as I had done), everything was fine. If it wasn't, however, and you wanted to uninstall the game, the installer would get confused and try to compensate with thoroughness - by uninstalling everything. Yes, Bungie had accidentally created a game that could leave you with a blank hard drive as a parting gift.