$3 Cthulhu RPG Makes It Out Before 2011

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
$3 Cthulhu RPG Makes It Out Before 2011

Zeboyd Games' Cthulhu Saves the World has hit Xbox Live Indie Games just in time before the new year.

Believe it or not, one of my most anticipated releases of 2010 was really needed [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Cthulhu-Saves-the-World/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550756] to get Cthulhu out before the end of 2010 so that it could bring in enough revenue to continue uninterrupted game development, and possibly go at it full-time, but was only able to release the game with two days to spare. Thankfully, if you're an RPG fan or bought Breath of Death and enjoyed it, it's definitely a must buy.

Cthulhu Saves the World is a 2D RPG with 16-bit retro-style graphics that follows Cthulhu, the tentacle-faced high priest of the Old Gods, in a 6-10 hour adventure as he tries to regain his power that was stripped from him by an unknown entity. Cthulhu can only do so by becoming a true hero, which he learns from the game's narrator, as a perfect example of how Cthulhu Saves the World breaks the fourth wall to insert moments of hilarity and to parody conventions of RPGs. Cthulhu is still the same evil bastard he's always been, but has to do some heroic deeds before destroying the world for good.

Cthulhu Saves the World is worth playing for two reasons: the silly, enjoyable story and unique JRPG-style gameplay. It might look like Dragon Quest [http://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-Heroes-Light-Nintendo-DS/dp/B003O8EDUS/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1293739673&sr=1-1], but it plays in a way that is particular to itself. The player's party characters regain all of their health and some magic points after every battle, so the challenge level of combat is a bit tougher than going up against wave after wave of weak slimes. Boss fights require smart thinking, especially because monsters get more powerful with each successive turn. Cthulhu Saves the World also gives players the choice of similar, but smartly different abilities or improvements as characters level up, providing the ability to customize them to your liking.

If it sounds similar to Breath of Death, that's because it is, but everything seems to have been improved over Zeboyd's previous effort. Every part of the game looks better, from the overworld to the environments to the monster sprites in battle, and Zeboyd has also added really cool comic book-style cutscenes this time. Additionally, there are multiple difficultly levels, 7 playable characters, extensions to the battle system that include 20 multi-character unite attacks and an insanity system (Cthulhu does make everyone around him go insane, after all), and 3 bonus modes called score attack, highlander, and overkill.

Intelligent design decisions make Cthulhu an enjoyable play, such as the way that only 25 random battles will be fought in each area before they end, allowing players to grind up levels through a menu choice at their leisure instead. Zeboyd recently announced that it sold 40,000 copies of Breath of Death at $1 each, so there's obviously a following out there for these kinds of titles. In my opinion, Cthulhu Saves the World is a better product in every way, and well worth the slightly additional cost of 240 Microsoft Points ($3). Due to Microsoft's Xbox Live Indie Games pay schedule, Zeboyd's team of two seems to be relying on sales from December 30-31 so that they can keep developing products like this in the near future, so keep that in mind if it sounds interesting to you. It was worth $3 to me just to see Cthulhu have a pint with a zombie.

Cthulhu Saves the World can be purchased here [http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Cthulhu-Saves-the-World/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550756]



New member
Jan 5, 2009
I'm going to get it. Hey as long as it's not a "message game". I'm just glad to see Indy game getting out there. Braid does not count. If you make the game and it cost you over 1 mill your no longer indy.
Oct 14, 2010
Tripling the price over your previous game?? Outrageous!

Seriously, though, I'm sold. I thought Breath of Death was quite clever.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
FalloutJack said:
Develop it for the PS3 and THEN ask me to get excited.
It's kinda bugging me that all of these little fun games keep coming out only for the 360. I have yet to find enough games to validate the purchase of a 360, yet I am continuously taunted by it's Live Market full of indie games. PSN works just as well for the distribution of small games, devs, so how about throwing some love towards it, eh?


New member
Apr 10, 2009
PC (Steam) or PS3 (PS store) or don't bother me.
P.S. They should make an action game about Yog-Sothoth, really.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Always interesting to see how someone else pronounces those made up words. I loved Breath of Death XII, and this one looks even better. I intend to find out exactly how much in just a minute. Now when was Rock of Ages supposed to be coming out...?

Zeboyd Games

New member
Dec 7, 2010
BehattedWanderer said:
FalloutJack said:
Develop it for the PS3 and THEN ask me to get excited.
It's kinda bugging me that all of these little fun games keep coming out only for the 360. I have yet to find enough games to validate the purchase of a 360, yet I am continuously taunted by it's Live Market full of indie games. PSN works just as well for the distribution of small games, devs, so how about throwing some love towards it, eh?
The barrier to entry on XBLIG is much lower than the PSN. On the XBLIG, the tools are free and well documented, you don't need official approval from Microsoft as long as you follow their rules, and all it costs is your time and $100/year. Moreover, the software used to make XBLIGs is designed to make porting to the PC relatively easy so with a little extra work, you get your game on two platforms.

On the PSN, the tools are proprietary, you need to spend a few thousand dollars for a development kit and ESRB rating, and you need official approval from Sony.

This is why Cthulhu Saves the World is on the 360 and not the PS3. If Sony handed me a check and a development kit and asked me to put CSTW on the PS3, I'd probably be up for it, but that seems unlikely.

However, we are planning on porting Cthulhu saves the World to the PC later this year so that's one way you could play the game if you don't own an XBox 360.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Zeboyd Games said:
BehattedWanderer said:
FalloutJack said:
Develop it for the PS3 and THEN ask me to get excited.
It's kinda bugging me that all of these little fun games keep coming out only for the 360. I have yet to find enough games to validate the purchase of a 360, yet I am continuously taunted by it's Live Market full of indie games. PSN works just as well for the distribution of small games, devs, so how about throwing some love towards it, eh?
The barrier to entry on XBLIG is much lower than the PSN. On the XBLIG, the tools are free and well documented, you don't need official approval from Microsoft as long as you follow their rules, and all it costs is your time and $100/year. Moreover, the software used to make XBLIGs is designed to make porting to the PC relatively easy so with a little extra work, you get your game on two platforms.

On the PSN, the tools are proprietary, you need to spend a few thousand dollars for a development kit and ESRB rating, and you need official approval from Sony.

This is why Cthulhu Saves the World is on the 360 and not the PS3. If Sony handed me a check and a development kit and asked me to put CSTW on the PS3, I'd probably be up for it, but that seems unlikely.

However, we are planning on porting Cthulhu saves the World to the PC later this year so that's one way you could play the game if you don't own an XBox 360.
Oh, hey, wow, wasn't expecting that, nice to see a response from those in the know. That actually clarifies a lot of questions for me, so I really appreciate it. It definitely explains the dearth of available indie titles on the PSN while simultaneously explaining the plethora of them on the XBLIG market.

With that in mind, I can say that I will be looking for the PC title later this year, and will keep watch for when it becomes available. In the meantime, I think I'll look for a 360 on the cheap, so that I can start to get in on some of these indie titles. Thanks for passing on the requirements and aspects of developing for both systems, it makes it a lot easier to conceptualize and realize the difference.

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
I bought it this morning. I only played about 10 minutes before work, but I was soverjoyed by the end of the opening "cinematic".

When I get home tonight, I see a long night ahead of me.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Zeboyd Games said:
BehattedWanderer said:
FalloutJack said:
Develop it for the PS3 and THEN ask me to get excited.
It's kinda bugging me that all of these little fun games keep coming out only for the 360. I have yet to find enough games to validate the purchase of a 360, yet I am continuously taunted by it's Live Market full of indie games. PSN works just as well for the distribution of small games, devs, so how about throwing some love towards it, eh?
The barrier to entry on XBLIG is much lower than the PSN. On the XBLIG, the tools are free and well documented, you don't need official approval from Microsoft as long as you follow their rules, and all it costs is your time and $100/year. Moreover, the software used to make XBLIGs is designed to make porting to the PC relatively easy so with a little extra work, you get your game on two platforms.

On the PSN, the tools are proprietary, you need to spend a few thousand dollars for a development kit and ESRB rating, and you need official approval from Sony.

This is why Cthulhu Saves the World is on the 360 and not the PS3. If Sony handed me a check and a development kit and asked me to put CSTW on the PS3, I'd probably be up for it, but that seems unlikely.

However, we are planning on porting Cthulhu saves the World to the PC later this year so that's one way you could play the game if you don't own an XBox 360.
Will this one be released in Europe though?


New member
Nov 5, 2009
i've keeping close tabs on this as i couldn't hardly be any more excited for it. imagine my surprise however as i go to download it only to discover that my one year old daughter seems to have hidden my controller from me.

: [