308: Ethics Without a Net


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Wuvlycuddles said:
What gives them even less bite is the ability to be completely evil for the first half of the game and then simply change your mind and then take all the good choices.

The consequence for any moral choice in a game is that the rest of the game should be coloured by that very choice, if I establish that my character is a total bastard at the start of the game, doing the "right thing" shouldn't even occur to my character to even be a choice later on.

Which brings me to one of the things that really bothered me about Dragon Age. I would lose "friendship points" for any choice a team mate didn't agree with, I found myself reloading whenever this happened and then bringing along specific people and saying specific things at certain times in order to gain more points with that particular person and that's a broken system. I think that the only "moral choice" should have come during the character creation screen or in the prologue where we set our characters to "Lawful Good", "Chaotic Evil" or whatever and then after that, we just sit back and watch our character interact with the game world according to the parameters we have set.
Well, while this would be a whole sub-plot unto itself, I do enjoy the concept of redemption, and if you were a jerk in the beginning of the game and you try to do the right thing later, you should be given mistrustful glances and rejection from the good guys and bewilderment and knifes in the back from the bad guys.