Could A Wii Balance Board Fight Terrorism?

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Could A Wii Balance Board Fight Terrorism?

The Department of Homeland Security has used a Wii Balance Board in a prototype of its Minority Report-esque physiological security system.

All the way back in January [], we reported on the Department of Homeland Security's new security system under development called FAST (Future Attribute Screening Technology) - a Minority Report-esque technology which tracked minor physiological changes such as heart rate and body temperature to predict whether or not one was up to no good.

Building on the idea that a would-be terrorist wouldn't be able to stop from fidgeting (even the most minuscule amount), the FAST researchers have looked at incorporating a device like the Wii Fit balance board into their program. In fact, according to CNN [], the prototype technology was, in fact, a reprogrammed Wii peripheral:

[blockquote] And there is an improvised fidgeting monitor. Researchers took a Wii balance board -- a device people stand on to interact with certain Nintendo Wii video games -- and altered it to show how someone's weight shifts. Studies are now under way to determine whether there is a level of fidgeting that would suggest the need for secondary screening.

A checkpoint screener would not look at the results individually, but would consider them together when deciding whether someone should be sent for questioning, Burns said. [/blockquote]

I'm not entirely sold on this. Previous reports said that the system had success rates of over 80%, but fidgeting? I fidget all the time when standing in line, but last I checked all of my plans to blow something up seem relatively confined to playing as Demoman in Team Fortress 2.

It could always be worse, though. Imagine if they did actually use the Wii Fit technology in more ways than one: You get on the balance board, and not only does it tell you you're a potential terrorist, everybody else knows you're an overweight potential terrorist, too. Insult to injury, I feel.

(Via MTV Multiplayer [])



New member
Jul 7, 2008
It's not like fidgeting is the only indicator, but yeah I'm very suspect about this. You'd get a lot of people with anxiety and ADHD rounded up as potential terrorists if it was the only way to screen


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I think this would actually be pretty cool, assuming that airport security doesn't have the thing so sensitive that they would have to detain every 3-12 year old kid, hyper college kid, and everything in between. They really shouldn't have to detain half the airport.

Still a cool idea though


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
I fidget 24/7. If my fingers aren't doing something, I start to panic. This is a - pardon my French - fucking stupid idea. Also, I naturally get nervous when going through any security check even though there's nothing to be nervous about. I just 'do'.

Looks like I'm not travelling to the US anytime soon.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
If you're the least bit afraid of flying, but suck it it, you're going to be a little nervous, if anything, the terrorist would be very calm.
here's how the board cn actually fight terrorism.
In 3 steps!
1. Grab a board!
2. grab a terrorist!
3. hit terrorist with board!
mightt even work with other obojects!


New member
Apr 28, 2009
If I was being interrogated about something, even if I 100% didn't do it, id be nervous as fuck. Fidgeting, sweating, pulsing heart rate. Can this machine tell the difference between being nervous and being guilty?


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
ViktorValentine said:
If I was being interrogated about something, even if I 100% didn't do it, id be nervous as fuck. Fidgeting, sweating, pulsing heart rate. Can this machine tell the difference between being nervous and being guilty?
Apparently that's the same way a polygraph ('lie detector') works, by monitoring your heart rate, pulse and stuff like that. Which of course means that if you know how, you can quite easily fool a lie detector, and I suppose, easily fool the Wii balance board anti-terrorism device as well.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Oh yes, the change is here and now were cutting wasteful spending by using a Wii to bust terrorists, I can't see how this possibly could end badly.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
80% success rate = 20% failure rate = 1 in 5 terrorist it doesn't catch.

And how the fuck did they come up with that statistic anyway? Did they get ACTUAL terrorists who thought they were ACTUALLY planning an attack to participate in a study?

This is utter bollocks, if you want good airport security take a look at El Al, the Israeli Airline which is target by terrorism more than any other. Their key to success has been PEOPLE, that's right, well paid and highly trained professionals looking and interfering with every stage of a process; hand searching bags, conducting interviews probing and exploring every possible avenue of attack almost like a detective.

Machines like metal detectors and lie detectors are very helpful and even vital but they CANNOT BE RELIED UPON. Any machine can be exploited because it cannot think and adapt for itself.

There is no substitute for well trained security personnel.

Homeland security should save their money on this and spend more on staff.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Amnestic said:
ViktorValentine said:
If I was being interrogated about something, even if I 100% didn't do it, id be nervous as fuck. Fidgeting, sweating, pulsing heart rate. Can this machine tell the difference between being nervous and being guilty?
Apparently that's the same way a polygraph ('lie detector') works, by monitoring your heart rate, pulse and stuff like that. Which of course means that if you know how, you can quite easily fool a lie detector, and I suppose, easily fool the Wii balance board anti-terrorism device as well.
Polygraph tests are inadmissible in court for good reason:

They don't bloody well work.

If they ever do work it is much more down to the psychology of a liar thinking they will be found out, and how a skilled polygraph tester knows how to exploit the user's fear to show the results they need to "Prove" they are lying. You might as well wrap their head in tin foil, the actual detection of the detector is useless.

As this very succinctly puts it, even an 80% success rare is useless as say there are 10 terrorists in a population of 10'000 that is "Wii Terrorist Detector".

Apart from only 8 terrorists being found and 2 escaping a whopping 1'992 innocent people are falsely accused of terrorism, in effect 99.6% of those labelled as terrorists by this "Wii terrorist detector" are completely innocent!

What is the True meaning of an "80% success rate".

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
So the PS3 Does physics, the Xbox360 Detects heart problems and the Wii fights terrorism, How about some new and innovative games instead, cmon.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Come on, scanners like these just charge you guilty for being suspect. If you know that anyone scanned by that board could be identified as a potential terrorist, you'd be nervous too, standing there. And no one is buying that 'if you're innocent you won't be nervous' shit.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
robert632 said:
hah! do the xbox or PS3 get used for military porpuses? i thought not.
Um... military computations can be done with both consoles. <<

Anyway, I gotta agree with the posters above. This might prove to be unreliable if terrorists know how to waggle their Wii's.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Yes it can, give them a Wii and a balance board they'll just sit on that all day... cause they're idiots...