Fallout 3 GOTY for PS3 Choking on Old Saves in Canada

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Fallout 3 GOTY for PS3 Choking on Old Saves in Canada

Canadian PlayStation 3 owners thinking about upgrading to the Fallout 3 Game of the Year [http://fallout.bethsoft.com] edition might want to hold off for a bit: Reports are coming in that the new release isn't compatible with saves from the original Canadian edition of the game.

You might think that U.S. and Canadian versions of videogames are identical. We all speak English, after all, and we live right next door to each other, so why complicate things? Sometimes that's true, yes, but thanks to the arcane requirements of official bilingualism, sometimes it's not. Simply put, Canada has two official languages - English and French - and as a result of the need to support both tongues, some of the games released here are slightly different from their U.S. counterparts.

Normally this doesn't mean a thing; most gamers just throw the French manuals in the trash anyway and if the package itself isn't bilingual then for all practical purposes it's indistinguishable from the version released south of the border. But trouble, like beauty and herpes, is sometimes skin deep, such as in the case with the PlayStation 3 version of Fallout 3. The Game of the Year edition, featuring all five Fallout 3 DLC packs, was released yesterday and at least a few quick-thinking fans realized that instead of buying the DLC individually, it would be cheaper and easier to simply trade in their old copies of the game for the GOTY release.

A smart plan, with one rather big bump in the road: Despite assurances from Bethesda that the new release would be compatible with old saved games, it appears that saves generated by certain Canadian editions of the game aren't being recognized by the Game of the Year. Several theories about the cause of the problem are being kicked around on the Bethesda forums [http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showforum=38] but it seems most likely related to the differences between the U.S. and bilingual Canadian versions of the game.

Bethesda says it's aware of the problem and is looking into the matter, and will hopefully have it fixed fairly quickly. In the meantime, if you reside in the Great White North and have been thinking about popping over to EB to trade in your Fallout 3 for the new hotness, you might want to wait until this is all straightened out.

via: Joystiq [http://www.joystiq.com/2009/10/14/canadian-ps3-fallout-3-save-files-apparently-not-transferring-fo/]



Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
Malygris said:
In the meantime, if you reside in the Great White North and have been thinking about popping over to EB to trade in your Fallout 3 for the new hotness, you might want to wait until this is all straightened out.

Took me back.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Well bugs happen....shame...but do people really get that upset when they have to start over on a game such as this one?

I never got mad when my data got corrupted...took it as...well I didn't like (insert something) about that character anyway.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I haven't even finished the story mode of the game on the PS3 yet... I've had it since launch... I just start a character with some sort of "theme" and play a ton of side missions get bored and repeat (done this about 5 times now) ...so this won't effect me much ... I'll just start a new game again and maybe even finish the story for once... although I'm sure I'll get sidetracked with the DLC missions and the cycle will begin anew again.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
i agree i dont see the big deal, i would think most people would want to restart their game to really appreciate the extra content anyway, or else you'll finish it in 2 hours like you did with Fable: The Lost Chapters, and be like "oh"....


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I hope the fix this soon.

But more importantly, WTF IS THAT PICTURE OF?!

The only thing I can make out is someone's arm being part fire hydrant. o_0


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Pendragon9 said:
I hope the fix this soon.

But more importantly, WTF IS THAT PICTURE OF?!

The only thing I can make out is someone's arm being part fire hydrant. o_0
It's a Super Mutant Behemoth.
A gigantic Super Mutant.

OT: Hmm, I guess this is interesting.
Good thing I live in the USA.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Pendragon9 said:
I hope the fix this soon.

But more importantly, WTF IS THAT PICTURE OF?!

The only thing I can make out is someone's arm being part fire hydrant. o_0
It's a Super Mutant Behemoth.

And here's hoping the European release is bug-free. I'm already pissed it's not out yet.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Seattle Brian said:
Is this the same for XBox...

Pendragon9 said:
I hope the fix this soon.

But more importantly, WTF IS THAT PICTURE OF?!

The only thing I can make out is someone's arm being part fire hydrant. o_0
As Radeonx said, it's a Super Mutant Behemoth. It's a large and powerful enemy, and only 5 exist.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
it's all thoose damn frenchies fault :mad: ,all thoose damn quebecer's ruining our country .

(btw, this is scarcasim , no offense to french canadians)


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Damn, I'm feeling alot of hate from the content section of this news article! Wonder if Malygris was hit by this?

Oh well, I'm sure they'll get this all straightened out. I honestly would've thought that US/Canadian games were the same, sans packaging. Oh well, again, I'm sure Bethesda will do the right thing and get this all patched up.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
My Oz 360 copy already has save game bugs, since I downloaded one of the DLC's. It will no longer load the interior of Tenpenny Tower ;( I've got so much loot, weapons etc stashed up there that I can't access anymore! Can't check out my complete collection of bobble-heads either... dammit.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I had a simular problem, only a wee bit more irritating. First my game bugged and deleted all my saves (and I had gotten realy far). Then I started over and got almost done with all the stuff there was, then I downloaded a patch fixing the problem, wich then removed my new save and gave me back my old one........


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It wouldn't be a Bethesda release without game breaking bugs.

It's surprising that this is the only thing ps3 owners had to deal with considering all the hell pc & 360 owners had to go through when the dlc first launched.


New member
May 21, 2009
mrfft said:
Well bugs happen....shame...but do people really get that upset when they have to start over on a game such as this one?

I never got mad when my data got corrupted...took it as...well I didn't like (insert something) about that character anyway.
WTF MAN?!? if ppl are buying the game of the year edition, they're obviously past level 20,
tho fallout 3 has infinite replayability, it a bloody long game!
if they have to completely start over,that would suck pissnuggets


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
A simple glitch, bound to happen every once in a while in the gaming industry. Thanks for the heads-up! Even though, as a Brit, it won't affect me in any way whatsoever...

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Malygris said:
"Normally this doesn't mean a thing; most gamers just throw the French manuals in the trash anyway..."
Spot on. I have thrown almost every French manual I own in the trash. Only ones I haven't are ones with maps in them or having both manuals combined into one.

And does anyone know if this glitch effects the 360 version?