Fallout 3 GOTY for PS3 Choking on Old Saves in Canada


New member
Sep 6, 2008
PC Note: I got this for the PC and the DLC disc wouldn't work at all. Explore and manual starting of the exe, locked up my computer. No autorun. Trying in compat mode? Failure. Administrator? Failure. Turned off UAC? Failure.

Eventually I got it to install without a hitch by restarting Vista in safe mode and installing like that.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Dragon-Byte said:
mrfft said:
Well bugs happen....shame...but do people really get that upset when they have to start over on a game such as this one?

I never got mad when my data got corrupted...took it as...well I didn't like (insert something) about that character anyway.
WTF MAN?!? if ppl are buying the game of the year edition, they're obviously past level 20,
tho fallout 3 has infinite replayability, it a bloody long game!
if they have to completely start over,that would suck pissnuggets
I losts lots of saved games thanks to glitches in the DLC...at level 20 and higher....I can do 1-20 in about...10 hours played time....30 in about 25.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
SO.. i bought Fallout3 goty edition, and my save files from the original arent compatible.
I was lucky enough that i kept the original so i can compare the serial numbers.
If you had the original fallout3 in canada chances are your serial number is BLUS 30185.
The game of the year edition will be BLUS 30455./
Because they are different they arent compatible, EB games sold me an american copy of the game. I went there and they said they wont refund, call sony. i called sony and they said its not their fault, call EB.

catch22... yay.

SO anyone with this problem.. CALL EB GAMES!!!
Make this a huge issue so that we can can exchange this useless copy for the correct one.


New member
Mar 20, 2004
I'm affected by this issue. And to the people who don't see a big deal. Really? You can't see how people who have invested hundreds of hours in one character not being able to play them anymore could piss them off? Especially when Bethesda said that they for sure could.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I could say something Anti-American right now out of anger, but I realized that this is an incredibly rare circumstance and instead I am praising American gaming companies for thinking about Canada as often as they do and realize that this exception proves the rule.

But I am still disappointed in the news. Even though I have no stake in this (I don't own Fallout 3 and have only played it for about half an hour in total), I'm still hoping the problem gets remedied.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Lord_Panzer said:
Malygris said:
In the meantime, if you reside in the Great White North and have been thinking about popping over to EB to trade in your Fallout 3 for the new hotness, you might want to wait until this is all straightened out.

Took me back.
Haha i remember that.

"Old and busted, new hotness. Old and busted, new hotness.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I'm gonna wait till the bugs get straightened out. Then I'll get the GOTY edition and give my brothers the ordinary one as a gift or something.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Pendragon9 said:
The only thing I can make out is someone's arm being part fire hydrant. o_0
It's a fire hydrant... ONNA STICK! (channelling my inner CMOT Dibbler)

I can understand if they'd be pissed off at not having their old saves, but I reckon if you're going to be getting a whole bunch of new content anyway (I am assuming you don't already own the DLC, or at least the majority of it), then you might as well make a new character. Makes it all seem more authentic, rather than "Wow, all of a sudden, out of the blue, there's all these new places and people that weren't there before!", but maybe that's just me.

Oh well, I still haven't even finished The Pitt on the PC yet. That's on my "To-Do After My Damn Exams" list.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
hmmm glad I am not a fan of fallout but I'm glad they plan to fix this my friend wouldnt shut up if he made the mistake to buy it I WILL GO INFORM HIM


Souris la vie est un fromage
Apr 6, 2009
sunami88 said:
Oh well, I'm sure they'll get this all straightened out. I honestly would've thought that US/Canadian games were the same, sans packaging. Oh well, again, I'm sure Bethesda will do the right thing and get this all patched up.
what most of you dont realise, is that for most games, it's not only the manual that is in french. The game itself (often but not all the time) will be in french when put into a french system, and in english iof put in an english system.

My copies of GoW for exemple even if they look english, and will play in english in an xbox set to english, play with french voices and text in my xbox...

what seems to be the trouble here, is that they send 2 version of the original game. a bilingual one and a english only one. and they send an english only copy of the GotY. So people who have the bilingual version (but they might know it because in their ps3, it play in english) cannot use they save games in the english version of the GotY.

Programmed_For_Damage said:
Seattle Brian said:
Is this the same for XBox...
That's what I want to know because I was just about to waltz down the store to get it.

X360 owner doesnt have that trouble because the GotY edition of x360 is bilingual like the original game...

which is weird anyway because technically, they should have provide a bilingual copy to be legal, and the way they did it, it's illegal for them to sell the ps3 version...


New member
Mar 4, 2009
yeah i'm canadian and yeah i hate this bilingual bullshit , it's even worse when they try to shove down your throat