Anime Review: Devil May Cry


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Anime Review: Devil May Cry

Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.

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Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
EDIT: I decided that I am already going to disagree with the review as I enjoyed the anime and to have that as an opener I am certain there will be nothing in the review I will relate to.

I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.

Anyways, as for the review: Well written and some good points made but I personally feel that you are missing the point of the anime. The story wasn't really paramount because it is more to show what Dante does outside of the games. That is to say, how he normally spends his time. It's not very good on it's own, but taken together with the game and presumably the manga then it probably makes much more sense.

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
I decided there's no point me reading the review. I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.
If saying it was bad would put you off the review, then you had no use for a review to begin with, regardless of its contents.

EDIT: I must object to this review on the grounds that at no point in the article did you let us know if the devil did, in fact, actually cry.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Machines Are Us said:
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
I decided there's no point me reading the review as I enjoyed the anime and to have that as an opener I am certain there will be nothing in the review I will relate to.

I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.
I liked this anime too.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Shamus Young said:
Machines Are Us said:
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
I decided there's no point me reading the review. I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.
If saying it was bad would put you off the review, then you had no use for a review to begin with, regardless of its contents.

EDIT: I must object to this review on the grounds that at no point in the article did you let us know if the devil did, in fact, actually cry.
I see what you mean, but I tend to like reviews that try to be in the middle so to speak. Giving the good and the bad as they are and choosing not to damn or enshrine the product as a whole.

I just felt that by saying it's a bad adaptation from the outset it is already putting a negative spin on the review and it hasn't even begun yet.

That said, I also realise that it was rude of me to say I am not going to read the review and intend to do so.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Wow, that was freaking harsh!! I do not know one person who does not like this anime. Me as well as most people think there is verry little wrong with this.

If you are going to review something, probably make sure most of your readers agree with your review, because if they don't the review is useless to them, and they may skip something that they wanted to see.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Of course there wasn't going to be a huge emphasis on storytelling, the anime was basically an attempt to bridge the gap between DMC1 and DMC4, get people excited about DMC4 and show how Lady and Trish actually came to know each other.

I can't help but get the impression that the guy who wrote this review hasn't played much of the games as the anime is more or less directed towards the fans who already know who Dante is and why he does what he does.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
I tried to watch this anime several times. In the end, I just end up bored.

Maybe I missed the really good episodes or something.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I stumbled upon the first episode somewhere, watched it and thought it was pretty good. However I wouldn't put myself out to find the next episode


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well, in order to like this kind of anime, you have to like the game. If you do not like the source material, of course you would not like something associated with it. Josh simply gave out his opinion.

AttackingHobo said:
Wow, that was freaking harsh!! I do not know one person who does not like this anime. Me as well as most people think there is verry little wrong with this.

If you are going to review something, probably make sure most of your readers agree with your review, because if they don't the review is useless to them, and they may skip something that they wanted to see.
The point of a review is not making people agree with you, but simply letting others know your opinion. Someone may even dislike something like a very famous game like COD4 and write a review about it. That's fine, as long as he justifies why. Josh justified and that makes this a valid review for someone that probably hasn't played the DMC series. The bottom line is that reviews in general are points of view. So....


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I'm in agreement with the review. It's quite a terrible series in virtually all terms other than soundtrack and static art. The animation was decent but there really wasn't anything in the way of true Devil May Cry fights - most fights came down to one or two blows and a few rounds of hot lead rather than the awesome acrobatics Dante is capable of - and the story was rather...laughable, at best.

Before I hear the response of "this anime was made for people that played the games," I'll say up front that I played and enjoyed them quite a bit. That doesn't change the fact that I view this series on a fairly trash level.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
.. Who honestly played a Devil May Cry game to concentrate on the deep, meaningful and well thought out story..

All Devil May Cry is, is Action. Thats what the Anime is. Take DMC4 for example, WTF were the big hellgate things, what was the exact reason for them being there... so we could fight big ass demons is big awesome fights. Fighting Berial and that big snake-woman thing was wicked fun.

DMC1, fighting Nightmare and that Black Knight guy. Again, so much fun. Leaping around left and right, backfliping and going Devil Trigger to fuck them up. That is all Devil May Cry is.

Now stop being a dick and just enjoy the fight scenes.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Well, I never had any intention of watching this show, but if I had this would be the deathblow for it. I loves me some badass fight scenes as much as anybody, but story is king. If you do not focus on your plot developments or character arcs then there is no point in watching this show at all for me. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
AttackingHobo said:
If you are going to review something, probably make sure most of your readers agree with your review, because if they don't the review is useless to them, and they may skip something that they wanted to see.
Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa....

Sorry, but that's the most hilarious thing I've read in ages.

The Bandit

New member
Feb 5, 2008
AttackingHobo said:
If you are going to review something, probably make sure most of your readers agree with your review, because if they don't the review is useless to them, and they may skip something that they wanted to see.
I...Wait... What? No. No no no no. Wrong wrong wrong. So very, very wrong. Normally, this is the part where I look up the definition of "review" and prove you wrong, but I just don't see the point in this situation.

Machines Are Us said:
Shamus Young said:
Machines Are Us said:
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
I decided there's no point me reading the review. I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.
If saying it was bad would put you off the review, then you had no use for a review to begin with, regardless of its contents.

EDIT: I must object to this review on the grounds that at no point in the article did you let us know if the devil did, in fact, actually cry.
I see what you mean, but I tend to like reviews that try to be in the middle so to speak. Giving the good and the bad as they are and choosing not to damn or enshrine the product as a whole.

I just felt that by saying it's a bad adaptation from the outset it is already putting a negative spin on the review and it hasn't even begun yet.

That said, I also realise that it was rude of me to say I am not going to read the review and intend to do so.
You, on the other hand, do have a chance, so I'll spell things out for you. A review is a subjective opinion. It is neither right nor wrong. So, very often, you're going to get reviewers who find NOTHING good in what they're reviewing.

But, that point aside, he DID point out what he thought was good. Read the thing next time and quit crying because someone disagrees with you.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
The whole point of the anime, as someone alreayd said, was not to really have a story, but to show what it's like when Dante isn't fighting in potential world ending Demonic crises.

Also, his pistols aren't automatic, they're semi-automatic.

Also, he's technically a half-Devil, not a half-Demon.

Yes, I'm knitpicking. I'm a huge DMC fan.

Also, I was dissapointed that they never actually showed his going into Devil Trigger.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Mstrswrd said:
Also, I was dissapointed that they never actually showed his going into Devil Trigger.
I was disappointed with this as well. I was just waiting for it to happen, too. Was I the only one who could practically feel the Devil Trigger about to come up in the last fight in the series? And it never did. Why, Madhouse? Why did you not feature it?

Perhaps they couldn't pick out a good Devil Trigger, deciding whether or not to go with Kazuma Kaneko's Devil Triggers, going with DMC1's, DMC2's, or DMC4's Devil Triggers, or designing their own version.

Anyway, I actually kind of liked the anime. I understand the reviewers complaints about the story for the series, being that it's not exactly self-contained (one would need to play through the games to leave no questions unanswered), but in spite of how boring it was at times, I thought it was decently made.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Some of the reviewer's complaints about the gratuitous violence and weak plot makes me wonder if he has, in fact, ever played DMC the game. Don't get me wrong I'm a die hard fan of DMC. It's just that as far as staying true to the source material goes, all the gripes the reviewer had with the anime are standard fare in the games.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Ah-hah! It seems I have posted something that has incited a fair amount of controversy and perhaps a few flames. For some reason, I am filled with a bubbling, almost schoolgirl-like glee.

That is not to say, of course, that I intentionally rated Devil May Cry badly in my review in order to irritate people or goad them into flaming it. The review is what it is: an expression of my opinion on the series. It's bad. Quite bad, in fact. Rather, my somewhat questionable delight at the apparent dislike of my review is that I consider it the highest form of compliment for someone to read something I write, think about it, and then decide that they don't agree with it. It shows that the person at the very least cares enough to think about what I've written. Of course, not everyone here has necessarily done that, but I can tell that at least some of the posters above did.

You'll have to forgive me for being a bit late to reply here; I seem to have missed this review going up. Also, you'll have to forgive my lack of brevity, but this is probably going to be a long read. But before I say anything else, let me point out that JdaS is indeed correct in his suspicions: I have not played the Devil May Cry games. I also don't think that this is important, which is why I didn't mention it in my review. Now, I'm sure someone is going to stop reading right here; "Josh, the anime is based on the games! It's for people who have played the games!"

Indeed, I am willing to concede that an anime based on a game should be made with fans of the game in mind first, and people who aren't fans second. At the same time, though, there is a vast difference between television and video games, and Devil May Cry seems to blatantly ignore these. Television is non-interactive; the viewer cannot alter the setting, the characters, or the storyline. They are simply along for the ride, at the complete mercy of the particular tastes and preferences of the writers. Those of you who say I shouldn't complain about Devil May Cry having little to no story because "the games didn't have much story either, they were all about fighting things," are missing the point. Gratuitous fight scenes do not a television show make.

If you strip away the gameplay of Devil May Cry, what's left? What if the whole game was one long cutscene with no interactivity at all? Sure, the action might look good, but you'd want something more to fill in the gaps, because six hours of "Dante shoots people in the face" will grow really thin really quickly. And Devil May Cry: The Animated Series completely fails to recognize that. It tries to replicate the games to the point where there is simply a conglomeration of fight scenes strewn together with very thin plotting.

I guess what I'm saying is, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series would make a pretty decent game, but it makes for a lousy anime series.

Halo Fanboy

New member
Nov 2, 2008
I get the feeling you didn't watch the series very far. Or atleast didn't get to episode 3 which was filled with the most lame love story ever and NO action (I didn't get much further after that.)

Also you don't seem to understand what actually happened in episode 1, which is only somewhat not your fault.