Anime Review: Devil May Cry


New member
Apr 8, 2004
Yeah I bought the first dvd ages ago and promptly dropped the series like a hot potato. The show was pretty lame, no overall plot to speak of, weak one shot episodes, and a largely blah cast of characters.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Its all about your taste, first and foremost.

Personally I enjoyed the anime for what it is. Its violent, its bloody, it has the characters you are supposed to like, looking cool. So when I wanted to watch something violent, I had fun watching DMC.

It seems a lot of people write off a lot of videogame stories in favor of the gameplay, like in this review, which actually, if you pay attention and get the knack for picking up hints, have much deeper currents than 'Dante shoots stuff, things are dying.' On the other hand, the anime knows what fans want and are expecting, so they give them it, I am in no way saying that it could not have been better, in many ways and whatnot, I agree with quite a bit of the review.

The DMC anime also was very limited in how the characters could grow. It isn't allowed to impact the story, and the only interactions are the running theme ones between Dante and those 2 female-things that act like men. I would say that 6 hours of that would be far worse than Dante killing things.

Well written review, but biased analysis in a couple crucial ways.


We are GOLDEN!
Sep 28, 2009
I watched the whole series, and was quite disapointed. Not only it lacks a plot, the action scenes get kind of boring after a while, since none of the demons is really a challenge for Dante, I watched the whole series waiting for a real tough bad guy to appear and give him some trouble, but nooooo...


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
I've seen a bit of the anime and I was irritated to find out that they went with Stoic DMC 2 Dante. Seriously, enough! No one wants Dante to be a generic emotionless anime hero. He's a trash talking jerk and thats what people love about him!

That being said, I was very disapointed with the storytelling too. It seemed very laidback, almost like a vacation for Dante. I couldn't keep watching, there wasnb't enough to keep me interested. Too bad, cause this just screams out for a good animne rendition.
Aug 30, 2009
Machines Are Us said:
Sorry, but as soon as you put:
JoshV said:
Another exciting chapter in bad video game adaptations.
EDIT: I decided that I am already going to disagree with the review as I enjoyed the anime and to have that as an opener I am certain there will be nothing in the review I will relate to.

I recommend leaving things that might put off a reader in the opening post.

Anyways, as for the review: Well written and some good points made but I personally feel that you are missing the point of the anime. The story wasn't really paramount because it is more to show what Dante does outside of the games. That is to say, how he normally spends his time. It's not very good on it's own, but taken together with the game and presumably the manga then it probably makes much more sense.
Look if you didn't like, don't fucking post about, don't waste our time on "what he did wrong" it is a review, a review is based solely on opinion, and a reviewer loves people that don't agree with them, so don't think this is going to teach him something,

As for the series, yes it was a piece of shit. Fight scenes are awesome, but without stories, you might as well just go watch boxing, or ufc.


New member
May 8, 2008
You forgot to mention the fight scenes are all about 20 seconds long...
Serriously, every episode my friend has shown me has fights in it that boil down to "disguised demon is uncovered by dante, dante draws pistol/sword, demon is dead" And even the SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER last epic boss fight lasted only for so long because dante was somehow impaled by alot of spikes somewhere, but once he came loose and confronted the 50 stories tall uber-demon, dante finishes him off with a SINGLE MOVE!!!


The Wizard
Nov 30, 2009
I'm gonna have to go with the whole "Not bad but definitely not good" on this one, they needed less talking and more over the top violence and then it would have been worth the Devil May Cry licence, other than that it really doesn't do the concept any bit of justice.


New member
May 8, 2008
Well I pretty much share the reviews opinion here, but I have to add one thing.
If I remember correctly, there wasn´t hardly any "fight scenes" in particular.
As adequate as Ebony and Ivory (Dante´s pistols BTW) where in the games, here he seems to have loaded them with military-grade, anti-demon ammo instead of Wal-Mart junk, because most fight scenes I remember has some huge demon apear, and Dante pulls out one of his pistols, or both, and kills it in one or two shots...
The scenes last not longer then 30 seconds or something.
In one scene early in the series, he clears a whole train full of Demons out to catch the little girl in the time it took them to drive through a tunnel...
Even the last "epic Boss battle" scene takes only a minute after Dante is free...and the Monster was enourmous.
I dunno... It´s just what stuck with me.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Random Argument Man said:
I tried to watch this anime several times. In the end, I just end up bored.

Maybe I missed the really good episodes or something.
You really didn't. This anime was really uninteresting to say the least.
Want good story?
Play DMC 3 then DMC1
It'll make alot more sense and you'll enjoy it.

As a hardcore devil may cry fan I have to say that this anime did almost nothing for the story and was all around a mediocre display


New member
Jan 28, 2009
This article got bumped on my home page, so I might as well give an opinion.

I watch Anime. Not too much (I don't have a Naruto emblem tattooed in my forehead or anything) but enough to know what I like and what I don't like.

I also have played some DMC games, namelly DMC3 and 4 and I enjoyed them both very much. One of the strong aspects of the games is the cheesy, anime-Idon'tneedtomakemuchsense-style storyline.

That said, the review is spot on. The anime doesn't make sense, even when viewed within the context of the games. The story is non existent, so the viewer has nothing to hold on, no reason to empathize, no internal motivation to keep watching.

I don't know if it gets any better, but I stopped watching by the end of the 3rd episode. It was visually appealing and interesting, I was invested in the subject matter, but the overall story execution was utter crap.

If it was supposed to be good on it's own merits, the show failed miserably. If it was supposed to be good as fan service, then it failed even more, because it made me think LESS of the actual character and not more.

It is a pity. I think it was a lost opportunity, since DMC lends itself (in theory at least) to an Anime treatment.