

New member
Dec 31, 2008

"2012" may seem like one of the typical Hollywood blockbusters, but MovieBob insists there is more to it than meets the eye.

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Feb 13, 2008
MovieBob said:
but MovieBob insists there is more to it than meets the eye.
An interesting juxtaposition given your view of Transformers.

There is such thing as taking something too seriously though. Bruce Willis is the epitome of this. In the guilty pleasure of The Colour of Night, you can see Bruce struggling to be serious in possibly the most ridiculous plot around. Even Scott Bakula gets yanked away in a blue haze before it starts to rot his career.

But then again, it works. The rest of the cast understand that its a silly film and like Police Squad, they work the silliness as serious. Some of the best comedies are built around an entirely rational, yet ludicrous idea.

Like Twilight.

Go on Bob, do Blood Moon next week, I double-dog dare ya ;)


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
OK, first off: spoiler warning. Now I won't be quite as stoked for Doggie Salvation... although the bit about how it worked, even with an audience that had the potential to be hyper-critical was revealing.

Second off: Bob, I kinda got what you were saying here out of your video review. Didya really feel the need to expound on it more? Or are you clarifying for the sake of those morons who actually will watch '2012' and think "that could totally happen in two years! I wonder what company has the contract for the arks?"

I know, I know... it's a minor complaint. But still, I was hoping for more elaboration on the things that Emmerlich does right.

Herr Wozzeck

New member
Oct 23, 2009

I found the bit just afterwards where the girl who gets the dog gives the finger to her Russian 'boyfriend' for abandoning her and John Cusack's character and family in the Himalayas much more satisfying. The audience at the screening I went to was actually clapping after she gave him the finger.

Otherwise, good points you've made here. 2012 was a very fun time at the movies as you predicted.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
"After all, it's not the end of the world."

Good one.

I honestly thought this was going to be a stupid movie when I saw a preview for it in theaters. But if moviebob says it good... I guess I can give it a try.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Very interesting viewpoint; I rather enjoyed The Day After Tomorrow for its visuals and rousing score when it came out, but after seeing 2012's trailer in theaters, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of indifference towards it, mainly for what looked like a bloated and overdone premise. I guess I've been jaded to those sort of movies, even when I can enjoy those sort of things at the same time.

It's an interesting thing to think about, I guess, what makes a good big-budget blockbuster and what makes a bad one. I'm hoping to become a professional film critic as a starting point in my career, so I'm always weighing these sort of things. Good read, Bob.

Dirty Apple

New member
Apr 24, 2008
A friend of mine wanted to go see this on opening night, but I declined. From the moment I saw the trailer, I knew I wanted nothing to do with this film. One day I might watch it on TV, but there will have to be nothing else on.

Captain Kail

New member
Sep 24, 2009
Bob, I've never felt more vindicated in all my life. A few years ago back in high school, I was expounding upon the sheer enjoyability and fun level of movies like The Patriot and Independence Day. One of my classmates, a self-described poet more comfortable looking at you through his thick framed glasses and down the bridge of his nose than straight on, gasped in amused surprise and declared, "I can't believe you're a ROLAND EMMERICH fan," as if I were an Adolf Hitler fan.

Although it wasn't a life-shattering traumatic event, I still thought "gee, what a jerk" and then whenever I'd think of Roland Emmerich I'd invariably remember that snarky comment. So THANK YOU for laying out just WHY Roland is so awesome. I don't have to be justified in being a fan, but it's nice to know I am. :)
Feb 13, 2008
Speaking of The Patriot, a ladyfriend of mine came to watch it with me and saw the epic shot of the two sides running against each other.

She nudged me.

"Why are they running towards each other to their deaths?"

"That's how most wars were fought."

"That's stupid."

OK, she then went into explaining how a ninja could have done it better, but the thought sunk in a lot quicker than Starship Troopers.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
Dirty Apple said:
A friend of mine wanted to go see this on opening night, but I declined. From the moment I saw the trailer, I knew I wanted nothing to do with this film. One day I might watch it on TV, but there will have to be nothing else on.
Don't bother then. I doubt this movie will stand up once removed from the big screen. This is the kind of movie you go to the movies to see, it isn't the type of movie you rent later to see if it was any good.

On another note, I think 2012 improved on DAT's fatal flaw - which in my opinion was that the story took over from the CG carnage. There was so much going on in 2012 that you weren't paying so close attention to the poor-but-passable story. The story was the delivery system for the carnage and it served it's purpose without dominating which was ideal.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
MovieBob said:

"2012" may seem like one of the typical Hollywood blockbusters, but MovieBob insists there is more to it than meets the eye.

Read Full Article
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.



New member
Feb 8, 2009
Excellents points Mr Chipman, and well stated. You truly have an eye for quality when at the silver screens.

ramik81 said:
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.

What the fuck is wrong with you, didn't you read the full article? Why don't you go away, read it, and then come back to voice your opinion. Maybe then someone will listen to you without calling you a moron.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
MmmFiber said:
"After all, it's not the end of the world."

Good one.

I honestly thought this was going to be a stupid movie when I saw a preview for it in theaters. But if moviebob says it good... I guess I can give it a try.
I thought the same thing when I saw the preview(s), turned to my wife and stage whispered, "Ugh, stupid movie senses tingling." And was a bit surprised to notice others in the theater nodding or saying something in agreement.

Sorry, wish I could say Movie Bob has convinced me to give it a try but unless you count 'I will wait till it comes out a lot cheaper on DVD if I don't forget' as trying, I just can't bring myself to consider this worthy entertainment of getting a babysitter and plunking down $20 just to enter the building and watch ads on the big screen for 15 minutes *shudder*.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
"Upon reflection, it occurs to me that I can't be sure how many of us were genuinely applauding the victory of Dog over Adversity versus how many were applauding at the sheer gall of putting such a scene in a 21st century film. Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that it doesn't really matter."

I think you nailed it on the head here. It isn't meant to be deep, it's meant to live up to our expectations for this type of film. So what if it is silly, we want to see man's best friend get to survive along with his human! It's kind of the point. I'd say that it is why Godzilla interpretations by the US go so horribly wrong. It's supposed to be about a monster somehow listens to the mosquito pleas of some little child to get up and fight the other "bad monster" in one last round like he's in a Rocky movie. It's not about presenting us with a real horror flick.

So although he failed on Godzilla, between the ads and your review, I'm sure 2012 will fill the destruction level quota and happy feel-good moments required for a good disaster flick. Oh, and yes, kudo's on your end line "After all, it's not the end of the world." Well-played, good sir!


New member
Dec 31, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
OK, she then went into explaining how a ninja could have done it better,
That, my friend, is what's commonly reffered to as a "keeper" ;)


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Jul 3, 2008
That movie was god-awful. This was a preconception I had which survived actually watching the film. Pretty special effects is all that film had going for it. Oh and "C'mon baby, lift your fat ass for Sasha!"