

New member
Feb 21, 2009
UtopiaV1 said:
Excellents points Mr Chipman, and well stated. You truly have an eye for quality when at the silver screens.

ramik81 said:
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.

What the fuck is wrong with you, didn't you read the full article? Why don't you go away, read it, and then come back to voice your opinion. Maybe then someone will listen to you without calling you a moron.

I read the full article the first time and you sound like a fanboi, I like Bob's reviews to but not that much...0o

All I'm saying is I don't find Roland Emmerich that good of a director, nor do I find him as the type to be pulling the "Robert Colber act" of being straight face when it comes to silly content.

If Roland Emmerich is capable of more, why is it I've never seen anything other than a silly popcorn movie done by him.

If you weren't so interested in sucking Bob's dick over a pointless article, maybe you actually won't be the one to look like a moron.

And a cocksucking one at that....lol


New member
Feb 21, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
UtopiaV1 said:
Excellents points Mr Chipman, and well stated. You truly have an eye for quality when at the silver screens.

ramik81 said:
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.

What the fuck is wrong with you, didn't you read the full article? Why don't you go away, read it, and then come back to voice your opinion. Maybe then someone will listen to you without calling you a moron.
You sound like a fanboi, I like Bob's reviews to but not that much...0o

You sound like you think spelling hurts.
OT: I don't know if I'm going to see it, it'll end up coming down to if there is something else to watch, but I will see it. Good job, Bob. I didn't like your reviews at first, but they I've watched them all now. And, to clarify, I started liking them around your Inglourious Basterds review.
And you sound like you need to wipe your mouth from all that jeez pouring from the side...>>


New member
Feb 21, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
UtopiaV1 said:
Excellents points Mr Chipman, and well stated. You truly have an eye for quality when at the silver screens.

ramik81 said:
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.

What the fuck is wrong with you, didn't you read the full article? Why don't you go away, read it, and then come back to voice your opinion. Maybe then someone will listen to you without calling you a moron.
You sound like a fanboi, I like Bob's reviews to but not that much...0o

You sound like you think spelling hurts.
OT: I don't know if I'm going to see it, it'll end up coming down to if there is something else to watch, but I will see it. Good job, Bob. I didn't like your reviews at first, but they I've watched them all now. And, to clarify, I started liking them around your Inglourious Basterds review.
And you sound like you need to wipe your mouth from all that jeez pouring from the side...>>
Saying I suck cock? Nice one.
Well the other guy lashed out at me like a crazed fanboi over a simple comment I made, and since you seem like you're coming to his defense.

To me that constitutes you as the same....a fanboi = cocksucker...so the question is are you or do you just like talking shit for the hell of it?


New member
Feb 21, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
UtopiaV1 said:
Excellents points Mr Chipman, and well stated. You truly have an eye for quality when at the silver screens.

ramik81 said:
What more than meets the eye? It's another dumb overly financed popcorn flick that is at least done well, which is more than I can say about some other films.

I won't deny the fact I did enjoy myself as stupid as the film was, but in the end I'd like to see less and less of these types of movies, and more and more what I've seen from film makers like Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Neill Blomkamp, Darren Aronofsky, and even Zack Snyder.

I'm sorry to say but Roland Emmerich still fits into the category you'd find Michael Bay in, above MB talent and just below J.J. Abrams (yes, JJ Abrams > Roland Emmerich). The only difference I see in the two is Roland at least knows how to hold the camera steady and might be more befitting as a cinematographer than a director.

What the fuck is wrong with you, didn't you read the full article? Why don't you go away, read it, and then come back to voice your opinion. Maybe then someone will listen to you without calling you a moron.
You sound like a fanboi, I like Bob's reviews to but not that much...0o

You sound like you think spelling hurts.
OT: I don't know if I'm going to see it, it'll end up coming down to if there is something else to watch, but I will see it. Good job, Bob. I didn't like your reviews at first, but they I've watched them all now. And, to clarify, I started liking them around your Inglourious Basterds review.
And you sound like you need to wipe your mouth from all that jeez pouring from the side...>>
Saying I suck cock? Nice one.
Well the other guy lashed out at me like a crazed fanboi over a simple comment I made, and since you seem like you're coming to his defense.

To me that constitutes you as the same....a fanboi = cocksucker...so the question is are you or do you just like talking shit for the hell of it?
Well, seeing how you don't know how to spell "boy", I think that warrants "talking shit", or, as people in the real world like to say, correcting a mistake.
You really want to argue with me over how I spelled fanboi?

You know I could argue that some people spell it that way on purpose similar to how a lot of people spell "pwnd" instead of owned or "zomg" instead of omg, but then you're going to talk shit on how I'm trying to be a 1337 speaking turd.

How about we just call it off now since you seem to want to get anal with me, and in all honesty I don't feel like having butt sex right now...=/

Maybe later.../wink


New member
Feb 21, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
Since you obviously don't care if you get banned or not, why don't you go create a thread that only says "fuck". Your ban/suspension would be a lot more hilarious if you got suspended from that. And, as you seem to want to use insults like that as a rebuttal, I have to ask, of what age are you?
Now, get back on topic. This is a thread about Bob's article, not your immature comebacks.
Umm...I haven't even said the f-word yet.

Anyways, you're dishing out insults yourself...so don't act like your shit don't stink either...0o

I know mine does so I'm getting tired of posting back here but you losers keep bringing me back.

Here's a dare I'm pretty sure you'll fail at, don't respond back to me...let's see if you're really here for Bob's article or to continue exchanging insults with me...0o


New member
Feb 8, 2009
ramik81 said:
JimmyBassatti said:
ramik81 said:
Since you obviously don't care if you get banned or not, why don't you go create a thread that only says "fuck". Your ban/suspension would be a lot more hilarious if you got suspended from that. And, as you seem to want to use insults like that as a rebuttal, I have to ask, of what age are you?
Now, get back on topic. This is a thread about Bob's article, not your immature comebacks.
Umm...I haven't even said the f-word yet.

Anyways, you're dishing out insults yourself...so don't act like your shit don't stink either...0o

I know mine does so I'm getting tired of posting back here but you losers keep bringing me back.

Here's a dare I'm pretty sure you'll fail at, don't respond back to me...let's see if you're really here for Bob's article or to continue exchanging insults with me...0o
Please you guys, stop fighting, YOU'RE TEARING OUR FAMILY APART!!! *sob* I want to live with mommy...


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Look everyone, a dead thread, another sad causality to immature insults...

MovieBob said:
"2012" may seem like one of the typical Hollywood blockbusters, but MovieBob insists there is more to it than meets the eye.
I maintain my thought from before on this on, Mr Chipman--you continue to assert that you are a hard critic to please when it comes to popular hit movies--and for all your bluster, I continue to fail to see it. Movie after movie with exuberant praise seems to make the exception the movies that end with "Don't waste your time or money", not the ones with a big yellow and black grin and a statement about how I should consider seeing this movie as opposed to something else. So, unless this is a rare example of when to be a film artist making popularly pronounced movies, I'd like to see something a bit more evidential to the repeated statement of "Even I liked it!!" It's incongruous, non sequitur, and, really, it's just not flowing for me. Apart from your adamant (and frankly, justified) view on Michael Bay, I'm just not seeing the angry film critic you claim to be. So, which is it, sir? Outraged and hard-to-please film critic who has run into a rare spell of delights despite the evidence, or a man who's not nearly as hard to please as he would have us believe?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
derelix said:
BehattedWanderer said:
Look everyone, a dead thread, another sad causality to immature insults...

MovieBob said:
"2012" may seem like one of the typical Hollywood blockbusters, but MovieBob insists there is more to it than meets the eye.
I maintain my thought from before on this on, Mr Chipman--you continue to assert that you are a hard critic to please when it comes to popular hit movies--and for all your bluster, I continue to fail to see it. Movie after movie with exuberant praise seems to make the exception the movies that end with "Don't waste your time or money", not the ones with a big yellow and black grin and a statement about how I should consider seeing this movie as opposed to something else. So, unless this is a rare example of when to be a film artist making popularly pronounced movies, I'd like to see something a bit more evidential to the repeated statement of "Even I liked it!!" It's incongruous, non sequitur, and, really, it's just not flowing for me. Apart from your adamant (and frankly, justified) view on Michael Bay, I'm just not seeing the angry film critic you claim to be. So, which is it, sir? Outraged and hard-to-please film critic who has run into a rare spell of delights despite the evidence, or a man who's not nearly as hard to please as he would have us believe?
Yeah he's not the movie version of zero punctuation, but that's not really a bad thing.
I can't stand reviewers that are too harsh on every movie and ones that are overly optimistic about every movie, I think he has a good balance. He does hate a majority of the movies out if you watch his videos, don't avoid the ones that you know sucked. They're the most entertaining.
Eh? Oh, sorry, I almost didn't recognize where this comment was from. Yeah, I've seen his stuff lately concerning awful movies. Turns out last summer/fall was just a really good time for cinema.