Review: Left 4 Dead 2

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Review: Left 4 Dead 2

The zombie apocalypse, new and improved.

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Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
My Xbox got E74 due to this game, so I'm gonna lay off it for a while.

Hard Rain = awesome though.


New member
May 30, 2009
I agree with most points, the game is a huge improvement from L4D. The melee weapons, the maps, the run-like-hell crescendo events, the gore is awesome and small details like the safe room music is very cool as well.

The only thing I didn't really enjoy that much were the characters. I find them bland. Rochelle and Nick have no personality whatsoever, and Coach could have been a lot better.

Also, the game is way more difficult than its predecessor.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
It gets old really quickly. It's far too easy. It's monotonous.

EDIT: Ok, this is ridiculous, stop quoting me.

Distorted Stu

New member
Sep 22, 2009
It bored the life out of me, im glad i didnt buy it. Nice review though, Funk always gives a full coverage and is only slightly bias :p

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Jaranja said:
It gets old really quickly. It's far too easy. It's monotonous.
Really? The general consensus among the people who played the first game (who I've talked to, anyway) seems to be that the game is a lot harder than the first one. Special infected come in waves of three at a time, the Director 2.0 doesn't go as easy on you as in the first game.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Jaranja said:
It gets old really quickly. It's far too easy. It's monotonous.
Really? The general consensus among the people who played the first game (who I've talked to, anyway) seems to be that the game is a lot harder than the first one. Special infected come in waves of three at a time, the Director 2.0 doesn't go as easy on you as in the first game.
I'll admit, this game is harder than it's predecessor but it's still an easy game. I find that the special infected often get huddled into the rest of the rabble and just die along with them.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Distorted Stu said:
It bored the life out of me, im glad i didnt buy it. Nice review though, Funk always gives a full coverage and is only slightly bias :p
Bias is a noun. Biased is an adjective.

Plus, I am boycotting this game due to its lack of broom. I mean, cricket bats are cool, and all, but come on.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Laura. said:
I agree with most points, the game is a huge improvement from L4D. The melee weapons, the maps, the run-like-hell crescendo events, the gore is awesome and small details like the safe room music is very cool as well.

The only thing I didn't really enjoy that much were the characters. I find them bland. Rochelle and Nick have no personality whatsoever, and Coach could have been a lot better.

Also, the game is way more difficult than its predecessor.
One thing I miss is the interaction between characters from L4D1. That game was almost worth playing alone for the elevator dialog in No Mercy, and for Francis's constant griping. Ellis is a hoot, but I hoped for more than a one-man show.

As for the difficulty, I remember getting through L4D1 campaigns on Easy in 15 minutes -- Expert would take up to two hours. I've gone through all the campaigns in L4D2 on Easy so far, and I think my shortest time so far has been 45 minutes. It's no cakewalk, that's for sure.

It was a big shock from the demo, which seemed to have the difficulty turned way down. I had to turn it up to Advanced before I could even see a spitter or jockey for more than a half second, and even then the tanks would go down very very quickly. They sucker you in with the easy demo, and then gang up on you for the real game. ;)


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Hm. I bought L4D earlier this month after playing the demo of L4D2. The melee weapons seem overpowered though, either that or the survivors have manly muscles in their arms. I might buy L4D2, but probably not this month or this year.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
CyberKnight said:
One thing I miss is the interaction between characters from L4D1. That game was almost worth playing alone for the elevator dialog in No Mercy, and for Francis's constant griping. Ellis is a hoot, but I hoped for more than a one-man show.
I guess to each their own, but I've loved the interaction between the characters here, too. All of the characters have had their little moments. Like "Oh hey, Whispering Oaks! I used to go there all the time when I was a kid!" "Great. So we can die there as adults. Sounds like fun."

Coach and Nick have some really funny back-and-forths. I like Nick's sense of snark in general.

Dark Cleo

New member
Nov 10, 2009
There is still funny back and forth between the new characters but I think it doesnt seem as funny because I got attached to the characters from L4D, they saw me through many a zombie appocalypse and im just not ready to let go yet. L4D2 however is awesome, enough new stuff to stand out and keep my attention but the basics havnt changed so its not a confusing sequel.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Jaranja said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Jaranja said:
It gets old really quickly. It's far too easy. It's monotonous.
Really? The general consensus among the people who played the first game (who I've talked to, anyway) seems to be that the game is a lot harder than the first one. Special infected come in waves of three at a time, the Director 2.0 doesn't go as easy on you as in the first game.

I'll admit, this game is harder than it's predecessor but it's still an easy game. I find that the special infected often get huddled into the rest of the rabble and just die along with them.
Well the ultimate challenge will always be Versus mode, I suppose.
I think for the most part it is harder, but you seem to get more supplies than you did in L4D.

I really hope valve make it easy to port over L4D custom maps, because the L4D community was just hitting its stride. And I'd like to see L4D2 bolster the L4D community, not destroy it.