Xbox iPlayer Deal Delayed Indefinitely

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Xbox iPlayer Deal Delayed Indefinitely

Discussions over bringing the iPlayer to the Xbox 360 have hit a 'stumbling block' according to sources close to the BBC.

Whilst UK owners of PS3s and Wiis have been enjoying BBC content via the iPlayer, Xbox 360 owners have been left out in the cold, something that looks set to continue as discussions between the BBC and Microsoft about bringing the iPlayer to Xbox Live break down. The point of contention is that Microsoft want to make access to the iPlayer available only to those with Gold subscriptions, which is something that the BBC, as a public service broadcaster, simply cannot do.

"[Microsoft] wants to ensure that only those paying for Xbox Live Gold accounts can access its additional content services ... This does not fit with the BBC's model and Microsoft will not budge at the moment. It is really frustrating for those involved on the BBC side who want to make sure iPlayer is rolled out on as many popular entertainment platforms as possible," said a source close to the BBC.

It's difficult to see Microsoft changing its policy just to accommodate the BBC, and as that is what it would seemingly require to see the iPlayer on Xbox Live, I think I'm about ready to give this one up for lost.

Source: Telegraph [] via 1up []



Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
I dont understand this. You can get it for free on the internet, ps3 and wii right?
Why on earth would people pay for something you can get elsewhere. If MS were to give it to silver users too, then maybe, just maybe it might help increase sales


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Microsoft are money grabbing bastards, and this is coming from someone who actually likes them. No matter though, I'll simply watch it for free on my Virgin Media box or on my laptop...


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Ranooth said:
Good old Mirco$oft.
Congratulations! You worked out that the dollar sign looks like an "S"! You are the first person ever to realise that! You're so witty!

OT - I do feel bad for 360 gamers. The optimised iPlayer on the PS3 has got me watching TV again. Of course, it's only CBBC and the occasional round of Lazy Town when I wanna yell at things. It's not fucking Sports Candy! It's called fucking fruit!

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
Chipperz said:
Ranooth said:
Good old Mirco$oft.
Congratulations! You worked out that the dollar sign looks like an "S"! You are the first person ever to realise that! You're so witty!
Calm down tiger.

I don't see the problem here. Everyone has a PC anyway, why not just watch it on that?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Oh Microsoft. Never does your quest to squeeze every penny out of your customers not fail to amuse me. *note before the free-market etc fags chime in* I'm not saying they are in the wrong, only that it amuses me.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Danny Ocean said:
Chipperz said:
Ranooth said:
Good old Mirco$oft.
Congratulations! You worked out that the dollar sign looks like an "S"! You are the first person ever to realise that! You're so witty!
Calm down tiger.

I don't see the problem here. Everyone has a PC anyway, why not just watch it on that?
Gaah yeah, I shouldn't care, but putting the dollar sign instead of the "s" is one of the stupidest things I've seen in a loooooong time. Pisses me right off.

Also, PCs are very rarely set up in places of comfort - consoles get the positions in front of the couch, on the TV facing the bed, that kinda stuff. iPlayer on consoles is basically putting iPlayer on your TV.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Danny Ocean said:
Chipperz said:
Ranooth said:
Good old Mirco$oft.
Congratulations! You worked out that the dollar sign looks like an "S"! You are the first person ever to realise that! You're so witty!
Calm down tiger.

I don't see the problem here. Everyone has a PC anyway, why not just watch it on that?
Because not all of us have decent speakers. That, or a lot of people don't want to sit in front of their PCs.

I have a VGA cable to my TV, but the sound is awful.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Sky, Twitter, Facebook, Zune> Iplayer. Everyone has a pc with internet so why not just watch iPlayer on that?


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I love the iPlayer, but I'd much rather watch it on my nice big screen TV than my laptop. Luckily I have a PS3 so I can. But then XBox has the Sky Player so it's not totally devoid of TV features.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
Sky, Twitter, Facebook, Zune> Iplayer. Everyone has a pc with internet so why not just watch iPlayer on that?
Maybe people want to watch it on their Xboxes! Maybe they should be able to for free just like PS3 and Wii. Microsoft isn't winning anyone over with actions like this.

Mana Fiend

New member
Jun 8, 2009
Trivun said:
Microsoft are money grabbing bastards, and this is coming from someone who actually likes them. No matter though, I'll simply watch it for free on my Virgin Media box or on my laptop...
Snap. I love my xbox, but Microsoft are out there for everything they can get. I don't know what else needs to be contributed to this discussion...


New member
Apr 23, 2008
SamSmith said:
As much as I love my Xbox and Windows, Microsoft are such dicks.
Yes, indeed. Actually, most game companies are at least some of the time. 2x for Activison.