Edge Returns to the App Store as Edgy - UPDATED

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Edge Returns to the App Store as Edgy - UPDATED

As quickly as it disappeared, Edge Games [http://www.mobigame.net/].

It's been a long and winding road for Mobigame's acclaimed iPhone game. Not long after its release, it attracted the attention of Tim Langdell and Edge Games, which filed a complaint with Apple that resulted in the game's removal from the App Store. Some months later, it struck back [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/95312-Edge-Returns-to-the-App-Store] with another complaint, resulting in another removal of the game yesterday.

In surprisingly short order, however, it's back again and this time it looks set to stay. Despite saying it had no interest in settling, Edge by Mobigame has been renamed to Edgy, a title Edge Games initially resisted but then indicated it could live with. Mobigame pointed out that the change affects only the U.S. and U.K. markets, and that it will continue to be sold as Edge everywhere else.

"Mobigame conceded defeat and changed the name of their game to Edgy - thus effectively finally accepting the settlement proposal we made to them back in May," Edge Games said in an email sent to The Escapist. "And no, we did not ask for money from them, nor did we bully them into making this decision."

The name Edgy first came up in discussions between Mobigame and Edge Games back in May. Edge Games initially rejected the idea but then attempted to register the name as a trademark in the U.S. and offered to license it to Mobigame; whether or not any kind of licensing deal for the use of the Edgy name is in place now is unknown. We've contacted both Mobigame and Edge Games for more information and will update when we can.

UPDATE: Edge Games has told us that the latest name change does not involve any sort of licensing deal between Edge and Mobigame. "The idea of a licensing arrangement was nixed almost immediately after it was suggested [in May]," a company rep said via email. "Since late May it was always a matter of Edge proposing to Mobigame completely free and clear rights to EDGY, owned by Mobigame not under license from Edge. In the end, that is what Mobigame opted for just as we suggested all those months ago."

Source: Develop [http://www.develop-online.net/news/33406/Edge-arrives-on-App-Store-for-third-time]



Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
man this is funny.
This seem like a slap to the face for timmy.
Nice counter Mobigame!


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
Malygris said:
"Mobigame conceded defeat and changed the name of their game to Edgy - thus effectively finally accepting the settlement proposal we made to them back in May," Edge Games said in an email sent to The Escapist. "And no, we did not ask for money from them, nor did we bully them into making this decision."
Will all due respec- no, scratch that, disrespect is intended. In all honestly they have done nothing but try to bully Mobigame into this course of action. I really wouldn't consider lawsuits, litigation, and not one but two removals from the App Store anything but bullying them onto this path.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
"Mobigame conceded defeat and changed the name of their game to Edgy - thus effectively finally accepting the settlement proposal we made to them back in May," Edge Games said in an email sent to The Escapist. "And no, we did not ask for money from them, nor did we bully them into making this decision."
did they actually make the spelling mistake or was it a retyping typo? Pointing that out makes me feel like a hater on Edge Games, then I think of the pricks they are and feel better.
Feb 13, 2008
Malygris said:
"Mobigame conceded defeat"
"And no, we did not ask for money from them, nor did we bully them into making this decision."
No, you just bullied them into not being able to make their original decision. Good job guys. Lawyers need more of your ilk down on level 8 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante)#Eighth_Circle_.28Fraud.29].

Capo Taco

New member
Nov 25, 2006
"Mobigame conceded defeat and changed the name of their game to Edgy - thus effectively finally accepting the settlement proposal we made to them back in May,"

More of a compromise than a defeat on mobi's side. He wasn't satisfied with them just changing the name to edgy: he wanted to license it to them for a fee.

Asking a fee is asking for money.

How far can you twist a phrase? I'm learning new angles and dimensions everyday with this guy.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Capo Taco said:
"Mobigame conceded defeat and changed the name of their game to Edgy - thus effectively finally accepting the settlement proposal we made to them back in May,"

More of a compromise than a defeat on mobi's side. He wasn't satisfied with them just changing the name to edgy: he wanted to license it to them for a fee.

Asking a fee is asking for money.

How far can you twist a phrase? I'm learning new angles and dimensions everyday with this guy.
He didn't BULLY them, he offered then new fiscally lucrative paths of mutual profit.

...I wanted to try spin. It made me feel dirty.

Fuck you Langdall.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I like how it says "We allowed Edgy".


How the hell do these laws work? Anything even remotely similar to your stuff is still in your area of control? I don't think so :p.

Seasons of Bailey

New member
Nov 27, 2009
Edge Games said in an email sent to The Escapist. "And no, we did not ask for money from them, nor did we bully them into making this decision."
What exactly would you call it then, Edge Games?

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
The battle was won, but Langdell is still on the loose. Will this turn of events set a precedent for other developers?

Taco of flames

New member
May 30, 2009
What the fuck. Why has this charlatanous(if it's not a word, it should be) imbecile been allowed a continued existence in the domain of public sight?! Begone, Langdell! Back to the foulest pits from whence you came!


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
un-fucking believable, mobi offered to change the name to edgy and after rejecting the idea langdell and his goons go out and try to trademark the damn thing to then license it to mobi.

Did anyone else do a double take "wtf" head-spin when they read that?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Escapist is still in contact with these guys? Please, tell Tim, from the escapist community that he is a dick, and that he isn't fooling anyone with his spurious, asanine lawsuits, and that the very fact that he is arrogantly trying to pretend like he is a decent human being makes me hate him even more. At least Ill be able to forget this whole mess if he just manned the hell up and admit that what he did was a shakedown and nothing more. I will go out of my way to never support anything him or his company does ever again, and I really want him to know that I'm not the only one who sees him this way.