360 Outsells PS3 & Wii in Japan


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Sep 6, 2008
Today in console news daily, our top-story: Something beats the Wii![small]...for a week [/small]


New member
May 1, 2008
nova18 said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Jman1236 said:
I find it weird that for the past two console generations Playstation was the console to get if your were big into JRPGs, but now it's Xbox.
Big into, yes, but not qualiy. The best JRPG this generation is still Valkyria Chronicles.
Hardly a traditional JRPG though, its essentially a strategy game with a JRPG disguise. White Knight Chronicles may be the PS3 first true JRPG.
Enchanted Arms seemed pretty Japanese to me, so did Disgaea 3, but I guess the option to have "Japanese Voices" in a "Role-Playing Game" made in "Japan" does not a JRPG make, necessarily. There IS Eternal Sonata, which has all the bad voice acting and simple game-play you could possibly want from a JRPG.

That said, if I were a Playstation fan (which I am) and a fan of the Star Ocean series (which I'm not), I'd be pretty disgruntled at the move of Star Ocean to the 360, especially since I have been a Microsoft hater since Windows 3.1....and would lose interest in the series. Probably.

The question for me is: Are the JRPG makers seeking a new audience, are they just plain lazy, or did MS just woo them with dollar signs? Maybe a combination....