4 vs. 10000


New member
May 24, 2010
1. - Adam Park - (Black Retro Ranger)
[image width=200]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091113120407/powerrangers/images/e/e3/MMPR_Black_Ranger.jpg[/IMG]
2. - Mordecai - (Borderlands)
[image width=200]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091213052228/borderlands/images/d/da/Borderlands_Mordecai_by_kraytos.jpg[/IMG]
3. - Duke Nukem - (No description needed)
[image width=200]http://www.3dartistonline.com/users/314/thm1024/dukenukem.jpg[/IMG]


New member
Mar 18, 2009
AvsJoe said:
Bugs Bunny
Screwball Squirrel

The only way I'm going to survive that battle is using cartoon physics. So I chose three cartoon characters who aren't averse to violence and hope that the enemy doesn't get a lucky shot.
You know I love it when someone posts stuff like this. I could write 3 infants but I'm going to try and have fun with this one!

1.Grey Knight Terminator. An army of 1000 knights couldn't beat one of these.
2.Ash(ley) Williams. The army of darkness with 1000 couldn't beat him.
3.Doom Guy. An army of 1000 minions of hell couldn't beat him either.

The Plan.
After getting attacked by a bunch of skeletal hands from the ground in a comedic fashion, Ash blinds the enemy with his chin and badass one liners. Then Doom Guy comes in and somehow gets teleported to a space station where the entire army is, with the exception of the few that Ash manages to kill.

After Doom Guy kills every one of them, the Grey Knight kills them both in the name of the Emperor.