I'm a spider-fan, but the hard truth is it's not like the raimi films are perfect. and raimi's plans for 4 sounded terrible. vulture in 3d, felicia hardy as his daughter/vultress? s. c'mon. on top of that, many of the characters are dead. not to mention maguire doesn't ever sounds like he wants to be there, not to mention the fact that a double chin was poppin out of his tights in 3. dunst was woefully miscast, as Gwen stacy in 3 was closer to what mary jane should be.
sure, whine whine whine, how dare they go after the teen demographic? well, maybe we'll get a better realized supporting cast, some flash thompson for starters. dare to dream mechanical web shooters. if it's an average clone of the current spectacular spider man animated series, we're doing pretty well.