Zelda Wii Sequel (The Zequel) Playable At E3

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Zelda Wii Sequel (The Zequel) Playable At E3

The producer of the Zelda Wii sequel, hereafter known as The Zequel, said that he is pushing his team to have a playable demo at E3 and have the game out by the end of the year.

Eiji Aonuma is the producer of the still unnamed Zelda Wii sequel, which The Escapist will now refer to as The Zequel. In an interview with the Japanese gaming mag, Famitsu, he said that the team aims to have a demo of the game ready to play at E3. There is still no offical word on the title, but Aonuma did confirm that the Wii Motion Plus addon will be needed to play it. The interview, translated by Andriasang, also mentioned that Aonuma pushed Spirit Tracks to come out in 2009 so that it wouldn't conflict with the Zequel.

"I'd like to show something playable," said Aonuma when he was asked about E3. The hard-hitting reporters at Famitsu kept pressing Aonuma, and he admitted that The Zequel could be released "before the end of the year."

"We'll work hard in order to get you playing it as soon as possible," he said. "We've progressed in development since last year. At present, the core areas have come into clear view." That's good, I'm glad development has progressed.

Aonuma leaked a few other nuggets of information on the game. You will, "of course," be able to swing Link's sword whenever you want with the Wii Remote.

"After actually making it compatible," said Aonuma, "it just feels so natural. Link's sword and the controller that you're holding become one." He also said that how you kill enemies will affect how puzzles are solved.

Ok, that sounds cool.

But please, just finish the damn game, or at least call it something so I can stop making up names for The Zequel.

Source: Andriasang [http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/02/03/zelda_motion_plus_and_playable_at_e3/]



New member
Aug 18, 2009
This will not compare to No more Heroes 2, however. But still, I expect a great game!


Mar 26, 2008
Will ****, *******, ******** with ***** and *****, *************** or ******* for tickets to LA and E3.

New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Woo! I'm excited. I can't wait to play this game!

I feel a little sad because I haven't actualy played Twilight Princess yet, I'm waiting for the price to drop. 3 years and counting and still over $40.

By the way... when is E3 again? I forgot...


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
That gives us something to look forward to at E3 at least =D


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Eukaryote said:
*Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. *
I'm pretty sure this game is Nintendo's way of getting more Wii owners to pay 25 dollars for a plastic brick that makes the controller do something it was supposed to do when the system first came out

Mr. Fister

New member
Jun 21, 2008
Eukaryote said:
*Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. Please be controllable with a real controller. *
Ain't gonna happen.

"After actually making it compatible," said Aonuma, "it just feels so natural. Link's sword and the controller that you're holding become one." He also said that how you kill enemies will affect how puzzles are solved.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
Lordofthesuplex said:
said that he is pushing his team to have a playable demo at E3 and have the game out by the end of the year.
That does not bode well to me. I know this is Nintendo we're talking about but the idea that the developer's pushing to have it out by the end of the year makes me think there are going to be quite a few rushed bits that will affect the end product's quality. I'm hoping if he has to delay it, he will. It's incredibly rare for any game that's pushed to be out in time for the end of the year to actually still be good.
If it has to be delayed, it probably will be. Ocarina of Time was delayed... what was it? 3 times? Something like that. They're pushing for it, but I think (and hope) that, if they can't get it done in time, they simply say "Hey, 2011. Sorry."


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I would rather wait longer and get a properly polished game, than a rushed one, even if im sure it will be good even in that state.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Lordofthesuplex said:
said that he is pushing his team to have a playable demo at E3 and have the game out by the end of the year.
That does not bode well to me. I know this is Nintendo we're talking about but the idea that the developer's pushing to have it out by the end of the year makes me think there are going to be quite a few rushed bits that will affect the end product's quality. I'm hoping if he has to delay it, he will. It's incredibly rare for any game that's pushed to be out in time for the end of the year to actually still be good.
I'm nervous, because it sounds like they're going from "almost no information" to "Christmas release". Really, games should be made to be finished when they're done, like a roast; not when everyone gets hungry, like a hotdog. Because that's what it will likely come down to, the difference between a roast and a hotdog (except they'll both cost the same).


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Oh, God, why the wii? I hunted for months for a gamecube version of 'Twilight Princess' just so I wouldn't have to use the damn wii remote. I absolutly love Zelda, and the wii remote might make a good sword - if it worked properly. Love the game, hate the console.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Interesting that they actually use the word "sequel". Those creepy people who dedicate their otherwise worthless lives to debunking the "Zelda timeline" are probably going to have a field day with this.