420 Why?


New member
Apr 17, 2008
shadowgaunt said:
4-20 is something that was only funny once, and I'm sure as hell it wasn't the 32,362nd time it was told.
this. I got a good chuckle out of it when G4 did a 420 special but other then that its just like "DAHOYHOY 420!!!11!!!!@@!!!11 DUR DUR!!!!"


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
for all who wonder why 420 refers to the substance..a long time ago there was a group of kids(age unknown,presumably 15-up)and one of the kids older brother was in the military.now he sent his little brother a note telling him about how he had hid a stash of-you guessed it-marajuana in a field,but did not tell them te exact coordinates.my memorys a little hazy form here,but Unless I'm mistaken the kids either check every day(or week) at 4:20,or once a year on the date of 420,one of those two.that is the earliest documentation containing a reference to drughs and the number 420.could be wrong,probably am,but got this info on the aots 420 thing a little while back(when bored occasionally flip to aots,it was on.also apparently you can smoke marajuana in the open in most of jamaica on that day,it's not legal,but most cops won't bust you on 420).and wikipidea is user edited,so it may not be the best source for such a speculated topic that may have been done by the people mentioned in the post for false glory,just sayin.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Glefistus said:
Because people think that smoking pot makes them cool and respected.
It doesn't?

Whoo man, just woooh. I think you blew my mind.

Moderate pot use seems to have minimal lasting effects. Of course minimal is different for everyone and I have seen some people act permastoned and they only claimed to smoke once or twice a week.

Messing your self up in the head is not cool, and does not win your friends.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
DrunkWithPower said:
fletch_talon said:
What does 420 refer to exactly?
From the OP I figure it has something to do with marijuana smokers, but why?
420 does reflect the marijuana culture, why? something about boys from a school always got high at 4:20 p.m... wikipedia told me that but I hold what wikipedia says with a grain of salt becuase it's a dirty girl.
In this case they are right, mostly. It spread from them, and it was not a daily meet-up time. It was just an inside joke after they meet up at that time a couple of times.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
I though 420 was some kind of skateboarding reference, like performing a 1 and 1/6 spin.

Now it turns out that all these 420 people I though were average skateboarders are actually potheads...

So does this mean that all the 420 Gamertags are violating Microsoft's Terms of Use agreement, since they're blatantly referring to an illegal activity?

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
You didn't know? Talking about pot makes you look cool! Most the people that do it probably have never smoked anything before...


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Epifols said:
When I see people doing stuff like that (drawing leaves on their walls, shrooms, hell even putting signs on their door room) I don't directly mind since it has no effect on me, but it gives me the information that that person does that. And that pretty much leads straight to stereotyping them.

I wonder what those kids thinks about us when they see a gamer t-shirt or an online comic sticker...
I actually have a shirt that has a pot leaf and says Legalize. I wear it because it's ironic because I don't and never have smoked pot (always thought it a waste of money). I also wear it because I do support legalization (I'm one of those "as long as you aren't infringing on other's rights kind of guys")
OT: I suppose it's something they like and add so their name can work.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
mainly cause the name is taken though i thought 420 was a skateboarding ref who knew i was actually doing drugs?!?!?!?! rofl naw i solved that problem by randomizin my name and using it everywhere


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
Terminalchaos said:
Jamash said:
I though 420 was some kind of skateboarding reference, like performing a 1 and 1/6 spin.

Now it turns out that all these 420 people I though were average skateboarders are actually potheads...
Yeah you're thinking of the double revolution otherwise known as the 720 (also the name of a NES skateboarding game.)
You're right, that's exactly where I got that notion from, it brings back memories of killer bees every time I see that Gamertag.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Terminalchaos said:
manaman said:
Glefistus said:
Because people think that smoking pot makes them cool and respected.
It doesn't?

Whoo man, just woooh. I think you blew my mind.

Moderate pot use seems to have minimal lasting effects. Of course minimal is different for everyone and I have seen some people act permastoned and they only claimed to smoke once or twice a week.

Messing your self up in the head is not cool, and does not win your friends.
It does if you prefer openminded friends to the uppity judgmental type that look down upon people for lifestyle choices. I've met people that abused substances whom I couldn't stand but then again I've met people who never did drugs that couldn't handle their sobriety at all. It depends upon the individual and to prejudge them based upon what they like to smoke is like judging someone based upon the type of liquor they enjoy or games they play.
Some people can even handle substances ably and function quite well under their influence. Who is better at calculus, the dude who got an A while stoned or the guy that crammed to get a B- while abstaining from any substance except caffeine?
Touchy issue? Must be. Cause all that, well it had nothing to do with what I said.
Unless you are trying to say pot has not physical affects on a person. Cause then you are lying to me.

I look down on people for their lifestyle choices. Yes I am a horrible person who looks at the crack strung out whore on the street corner (literally she was there when I drove by last) and think how horrible it must be to live like that. Damn me for being evil and thinking that is a fairly despicable way to live. You however go off and frolic in the woods together and carve BBF in a tree with her. Probably would never happen as you would snub your nose at her as most people would. At least I can be honest about being a little judgmental.

The first poster mentioned idiots who think pot is going to make them look cool. It is about as effective at that as chopping your nose off is. Sure having pot is going to make you more popular with the other people that smoke but that is about it.

I made a sarcastic comment that basically said: The above poster is correct with his frank comment, in addition I find that someone who has abused pot to the extent of basically frying their brain is an idiot.

I smoked pot all through high school and occasionally since I returned to the US (think like 5 times in the last couple of years). I never said I had a problem with people smoking, numbnuts.

Here is another bit of wisdom for your:

I am perfectly in my own rights to think of the guys drinking Goldschläger as pretentious twits and go back to my beer.

I am perfectly in my own rights to think of the idiot driving around in the little green hatchback civic with the reverberating tailpipe shoved on and the racing spoiler crammed on top is a douche.

You can say I am missing out and these could be wonderful people. All fine and good but I have no interest in adding useless modifications to my truck or drinking a liquor cause it is gimmicky, and there are a thousand people are there with the same interests as me. I can interact reasonably and peacefully with people, which is the really important part to life, not feeling a hippy love for everyone and beating yourself up if you don't.


New member
May 21, 2009
Jon Etheridge said:
DrunkWithPower said:
fletch_talon said:
What does 420 refer to exactly?
From the OP I figure it has something to do with marijuana smokers, but why?
420 does reflect the marijuana culture, why? something about boys from a school always got high at 4:20 p.m... wikipedia told me that but I hold what wikipedia says with a grain of salt becuase it's a dirty girl.
That was the origin. 420 now refers to the date, April 20th. But it IS in celebration of a bunch of high schoolers who gathered round a statue at 4:20 each day to smoke pot. The main idea is it's a gathering for people who are pro the legalization of marijuana Either way, it's all really really dumb.
Someone informed me that 4-20 is actually police jargon used to confirm a situation in which a suspect has possession of marijuana (i.e. *over radio* "We got a 4-20 in progress on Jefferson Avenue.")