Spector: Motion Control Risks "Throwing Away Our Entire History"

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Spector: Motion Control Risks "Throwing Away Our Entire History"

Deus Ex developer Warren Spector thinks that the games industry should be careful not to toss the baby out with the bathwater as it rushes towards progress.

With Microsoft and Sony poised to heavily promote the hell out of their respective motion-control systems at this year's GDC, there's no doubt that the success of the Wii has led the industry to seriously consider alternative control as a major new path of progress. But famed designer Warren Spector isn't so sure, and said as much at the GDC '10 "Lunch with Luminaries" event, reports Gamasutra [http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/27616/GDC_Spector_Dont_Let_Desire_For_Progress_Throw_Away_Our_Entire_History.php].

"I think it's kind of weird ... that we've sort of said, 'We've got 20, 30 years of people learning how to do this-- sitting on their couch and having a good time, and knowing where the buttons are' - and we're saying 'You've got to stand up and wave around and gesture,'" Spector mused. "We're in the process of throwing away people - kids, adults - who know this stuff."

Spector speculated that the rush to motion control might have been influenced by forces external to the industry, who want to see gaming technology hit all the Next Big Thing buttons. "Especially from outside the industry, there's a tendency to want to see seismic shifts, to want to see radical change, and we have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater ... I don't know if we want to throw away our entire history because we want to use gestural controls."

It isn't that Spector hates motion control - he himself acknowledged that it was ironic of him to say such things given that he was working on Epic Mickey for the Wii. "I'm working on a Wii title and I'm loving it," he admitted. He just wants to make sure that we can all "keep our perspective a little more rational."

It seems reasonable. Not every game needs motion control - or should have motion control - but ask any gamer who tried for years to get their parents to game with them, and suddenly found them interested in playing Wii Golf or Tennis together, and you'll find that motion control is hardly a bad thing.


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Isn't he working on Epic Mickey for the Wii?

He admits that...But yeah.

The problem is...our hobby has EVOLVED. At this point, I can safely say that I don't even consider Wii Sports a "game". Therefore, playing Wii Sports with your parents is hardly "gaming together".

Eh. We need to get off this mass appeal motion control shtick.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Finally someone who gets it. Not all gaming is going to go to the stick waggle method, but it is useful for getting some people into gaming and stopping them from turning up their noses at my gaming.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
This is definitely true...

If, for example, the next-gen consoles all heavily utilise motion controls, then I would be incredibly disheartened by the prospect of having to flail my arms around with a lot of the games I get.

Frankly, I'm happy with my traditional controller.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Deus Ex, every time you mention it, someone reinstalls it.


Proceeds to reinstall Deus Ex.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Thanks to both this story and the article itself, I want a web video series called "Spector Speculates"


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Motion controls are really dumb. If I want to relax, I'll sit on my ass on play a game. I don't want to have to wave my limbs about like a madman


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Motion controls aren't a bad thing, but they will surely become one if the next great RPG / RTS / FPS whatever on the PS3 or 360 follows the Wii road and demands waggling. I am a huge fan of the Metroid and Zelda series but I can't stand the thought of playing them with the Wii remote, it becomes more about getting the controls right and less about the experience for me.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Furburt said:
I agree with everything this man says. I'm happy enough with the less gimmicky games on the Wii, but knowing the whole games industry is moving towards that area is a worrying thought. I've been sitting in front of a monitor since I was 3 years old playing DOOM, I don't really feel like changing that.
And an essintial part of my childhood was playing on the Gamecube!

I like the Wii, but it has to be a one off. Or else, we might have a future where people are just waving around and jumping up and down.


New member
May 26, 2009
I'm with this guy on the fact that gaming nowadays is seeming to become very gimmicky and less about the fun that is gaming.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
I am glad that motion controls have shaken up the dominance of twin stick controllers. They are not the best for a large number of games that make up the history of video games and cementing their place as the only controller you need for anything would be a shame.

I don't know why Warren Spector is becoming the patron saint of keeping the spirit of gaming alive as he has been outspoken in past about consigning a lot of well loved classic game design elements to the trashcan of history.


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
What is going on in the crotch area of this guy's pants. Its a little dark down there don't you think? And yes I looked down there, call me what you will.

On Topic and appropriate. I don't want to dismiss motion control yet for the 360 and ps3. It might be really fun and different. Or not, who knows.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I think what he was trying to say was "motion control is not the future of gaming, motion control is merely a PART of the future of gaming".
Or to put it another way, the Wiimote is to the GameCube controller what the mouse is to the keyboard - a new interface device capable of doing new and exciting things, but not in any way a replacement.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
dochmbi said:
Deus Ex, every time you mention it, someone reinstalls it.


Proceeds to reinstall Deus Ex.
Hehe, too true.

Also, he does have a point. People have learned to game over a very long time and then totally reinventing the shweel as such will be a bit of a culture shock...

I just hope not all games will be made like that....

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Well, I was worried that I was going to lose all respect for this guy over inane Wii-bashing, so I was greatly relieved to see him being reasonable about it.

He's got something of a point. While the Wii is not a bad thing, the Xbox and Playstation rip-offs ARE a bad thing because of the motives behind their creation. Have Microsoft and Sony decided to add motion controls to consoles that WEREN'T specifically designed with motion control in mind because they have really great ideas for games with motion control? Fuck no! They're doing it because the Wii is kicking their asses and they think they can juice more money out of the gaming public by copying Nintendo!

The problem is that while the Wii has a lot of great games, it also has a lot of shit ones and the shit ones are largely shit because the motion control isn't implemented well. As Yahtzee put it in his review of Madworld, he'll stop complaining about bad motion control when it actually fucking WORKS properly. And if that's what happens to games on a console DESIGNED to use motion control, what do you think will happen with the games on the 360 and PS3 that have motion control crammed into them? It'll do nothing but degrade the games.

What Spector is saying is that people should't be rushing to put motion control into games just because they can. After all, we've got by for 30 years now with standard control interfaces (joysticks, keyboard and mouse, controller pads) so we shouldn't drop something that has worked for us all this time just to keep up with the Joneses. If you have a great motion control idea, then great! But don't go chasing motion control like having it in your game is your ultimate objective. Motion control is a means, not an end.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
khaimera said:
What is going on in the crotch area of this guy's pants. Its a little dark down there don't you think? And yes I looked down there, call me what you will.

On Topic and appropriate. I don't want to dismiss motion control yet for the 360 and ps3. It might be really fun and different. Or not, who knows.
lol I thought I was the only one who noticed that