Sony Fends Off Copyright Lawsuit Against God Of War

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Sony Fends Off Copyright Lawsuit Against God Of War

A screenwriting pair lost their lawsuit against David Jaffe and Sony for copying their screenplay idea in the story of the first God of War [].

Two screenwriters, Jonathan Bissoon-Dath and Jennifer Dath, claimed that they began submitting treatments and screenplays, as well as a map, about a story involving Sparta attacking Athens and the Greek gods. They sued Sony, and David Jaffe in particular as lead designer of the first God of War game on the PS2, for taking their story and using parts of it in the plot of the game. In a lengthy decision, Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled that Sony had not infringed on their copyrights and that basic story ideas are not covered by copyright law.

Judge Patel needed to consume the two pieces of content in order to see if God of War used substantive parts of the plaintiffs' works. I don't think that the judge whipped out her PS2 in her chambers and played the game wearing her robes, despite that being a great image. She most likely relied on descriptions and expert opinion, but the detail with which she refutes the plaintiffs' suit in her opinion is actually quite amazing.

For example, Judge Patel states that the protagonist in the two works are not even close to being the same. "Plaintiffs' protagonist is generally non-violent and kind, as illustrated by his refusal to the kill the Nemean Lion and tendency to leave enemies merely unconscious rather than dead," Patel said in her decision. In contrast, "Kratos [of God of War] is disturbingly prone to violence and does not hesitate to kill. Kratos is a tragic figure reviled by most individuals he encounters. A trapped fisherman, for instance, 'would rather die than be saved by' Kratos."

The whole decision is full of such examples in how the two works differ, despite having a general similarity of involving Greek gods and a war between Sparta and Athens. But as Judge Patel contends, "virtually all of the elements comprising plaintiffs' works are stock elements that have been used in literary and artistic works for years, if not millennia," therefore "no reasonable trier of fact could conclude that God of War is substantially similar to
any of plaintiffs' works."

So Sony and David Jaffe, whose testimony is mentioned in the decision, got off scot-free and the suit was dismissed. Still the decision is a great read for anyone interested in God of War, derivative works or copyright law.

You can check it out here. []

Source: Hollywood Reporter []



New member
May 19, 2008
They really though they had legal ground? That's like suing Call of Duty because you came up with a story where Russia attacks the United States and the US Army are involved.

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Waaaait a minute. A well informed legal practitioner on the subject of games?! What heresy is this?

Good on her.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
The judge in her chambers image is great!

Otherwise intresting to hear ancient histories been discussed in court. I think really when come to this the judge made right call. After all, history cannot change so of course things will look similar

Dorkmaster Flek

New member
Mar 13, 2008
Good for her. This sounded like a bullshit lawsuit to begin with. I'm all for rooting for the little guy against the evil Big Bad Corporation and all, but this trigger-happy litigation has got to stop.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Prometherion said:
Even if Sony lost they'd just sue EA for ripping them off with Dante's Inferno.
Ya and then every FPS will get sued by doom creators (or whichever one came first). Then Atari can sue because people need to press buttons to play.

Wow why did it take so long for this to get resolved? I mean it has been what 7 - 8 years since GOW came out? That is pretty crazy.

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
stonethered said:
Apparently their story was like God of War but...
/end thread

That got a laugh from me and Mr. Jordan Deam. Well done, sir.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
It's obvious that the people who filed this lawsuit either A: Didn't fully play the game, or B: Realized that they had no case but tried to sue anyways in hopes of winning or having Sony pay them off. Either way, it was just a waste of everyone's time, and the only people who benefited from this were the respective parties legal teams.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
This was the most hilarious write up of a court case ever.

What other court case includes the words, as articulated by the hudge, "[We] must use our own Blades of Chaos..." Yes. A thousand times yes (she was referring to the legal right to basically strip away the bullcrap in the case to get to the heart of the matter and render judgement).


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
That court case is a remarkably good read as far as court cases go and is interestingly indicative of how the American Court views derivative works. It mostly looks like the pair of plaintiffs were attempting to cash in on the success of the God of War franchise with the only REAL similarities being that they both involve a Quest and both use Greek Mythology.