Hands on With the PlayStation Move

Austin MacKenzie

New member
Jan 26, 2010
Hands on With the PlayStation Move

We go hands-on with Sony's new motion controller, the Move.

I made a quick trip down to Seattle at Sony's behest to see if the Move lived up to its claims of 1:1 motion control (short answer: yes). The controls are responsive and generally precise, to the point that it tended to have a better idea of the spastic flails I was making than I did. Some of the demo games had issues with synchronization and timing, for Motion Fighter (the working title of a street brawler-themed game) there was a bit of a lag between performing the movement and the game actually registering it, but the issue was simply that of the demo, not the Move's technology Managing Producer Kyle Shubel said.

Other issues arose due to the placement of the demos. Because the Move uses light tracking via the PlayStation Eye, bright light can interfere with the configuration. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem, Shubel said, as the games will have the ability to re-configure easily if it gets disrupted, but with the demos the feature was not available.

As far as the Move's viability as a peripheral, for the most part it does what it's supposed to do and does it well. The movements are fluid, and the camera adds a nice extra degree of functionality for features like depth perception, so the positioning and speed of your gesture effect can have actual in-game effects. Sony is hoping to capitalize on this, coupled with the horsepower of the PlayStation 3, to sell the idea. What it will really come down to, though, is the games. The Move controls, at their very core, are quite similar to that of the Wii, and while the added functionality might appeal to some gamers, the large casual gaming market Nintendo has cornered may not be as willing to buy a new system, peripheral, and game collection to play.

Shubel, however, remains confident that the Move will sell. The quality of games, Shubel said, is what will sell the Move, and Sony is preparing a number of titles, both hardcore and casual, to make the most of the Move's capabilities. Unseating Nintendo's reign over motion control will be no small feat, but if they manage to assemble the right mix of games, the Move's potential could very well give Sony the edge.



New member
Jun 25, 2009
I hope Move sells well. Nintendo needs a kick in the arse to remind them that they can't just sit back all the time. Competition only helps consumers.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Awesome news. I hope Natal works just as well as Move does, if only to kick the industry forward.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I have never heard of this before, nor do I own a PS3, so I'm not quite sure why I'm here...

Still interesting news though, if this works out as well as it claims to be, that'd certainly be a move forward for gaming technology on a whole.

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Still interesting news though, if this works out as well as it claims to be, that'd certainly be a move forward for gaming technology on a whole.
I see what you did there.

OP: Good to hear it's coming along well. I doubt I'll pick it up, but it's still an advancement in game technology, so it'll be beneficial to the industry one way or another. (Note: I know this is very similar to Nintendo's Wii, but the actual 1:1 motion control is something I've yet to see from them.)


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Austin MacKenzie said:
The quality of games, Shubel said, is what will sell the Move, and Sony is preparing a number of titles, both hardcore and casual, to make the most of the Move's capabilities.
Let the shovelware begin! In all seriousness however I hope Sony don't go down Nintendo's road of completely abandoning their original audience.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
FloodOne said:
Awesome news. I hope Natal works just as well as Move does, if only to kick the industry forward.
It will be intresting to see exactly what it oes, but, this artickle gives me some reason not to worry as much, at least


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Adzma said:
In all seriousness however I hope Sony don't go down Nintendo's road of completely abandoning their original audience.
I'm sorry you seem to have a belief that companies owe you something. Nintendo did not "abandon" anybody in expanding their customer base.

Anyway I do sort of hope the Move does well even if it is an obvious ripoff. I would like to see control systems move forward towards virtual reality and at least Sony stayed with the idea of having tactile feedback.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
AceDiamond said:
I'm sorry you seem to have a belief that companies owe you something.
Yeah I do funnily enough. When children from the 80s bought Nintendo's consoles and grew up with them, they formed a loyal base. If it weren't for those people, Nintendo wouldn't be where they are today. So yes, they owe those fans. Plus when I spend $400 on a console (living in Australia sucks sometimes), I expect to have some decent games come out for it.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Making casual games for the PS3 seems like a very bad idea. Casual gamers don't have the PS3 because it was never targeted at them and won't buy it either since they can have a fantastic library of games on the Wii.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
dochmbi said:
Casual gamers don't have the PS3 because it was never targeted at them and won't buy it either since they can have a fantastic library of games on the Wii.
I wouldn't call it a 'fantastic' library. More like, 'big'. Yea, the Wii has lots of choice, but I'm looking forward to this regardless. I'll probably end up getting it soon after it's release.

Edit: Anyway, I assume PS3 games are significantly more expensive to develop then Wii games, so hopefully the (probably few) games that make use of this will be genuinely good.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
With Move and Natal soon to be on store shelves, it could prove interesting to see how the field will change in terms of motion-controlled gaming. I'm curious to see what innovations these devices could spark in the future once the initial thrill of flapping your arms around becomes stale and devs go back to the drawing board to improve the technology further.
Are we betting that Nintendo will stay ahead of the pack with the new tech, or will it become a frantic race between the big 3 to outdo each other?


New member
May 27, 2009
Sweet, glad to see its all word for word.

PS: Whats this "Natal"? And if i really should know and im just being an idiot, feel free to use this:


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
It seems my purchase of the PS Eye continues to reap returns. Thanks for the preview, caveats and all.

I will buy this for Tiger Woods alone. Anything else that happens to offer Move compat will be gravy if/when they nail that down. Third parties won't keep Sony from putting functions behind this, but their presence certainly can't hurt Move's uptake.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
urgh76 said:
Sweet, glad to see its all word for word.

PS: Whats this "Natal"?
Microsoft's dual-camera, IR enhanced "controller-less" motion control system.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
urgh76 said:
Sweet, glad to see its all word for word.

PS: Whats this "Natal"? And if i really should know and im just being an idiot, feel free to use this:

'Project Natal' is the motion... thing... for Microsoft's Xbox 360. I hesitate to say motion 'controller', as it doesn't actually have one - it uses a camera to track your movements and whatnot.

Infact, you know what? Let me Google that for you. [http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Project+Natal]

And, yes you should know this, being on a gaming website and all... sooooo...

(your the one in the white)



New member
Jun 5, 2009
Now, i wonder: is Natal just as precise, and can you sit down while using it? If yes, it'll be pretty even fight, and if no...


New member
Mar 16, 2010
sombody could invent a game system that gave you a quarter for every time you did a "motion control" action and it still wouldnt outsell the wii.

i personally hate the wii but im just sayin.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Mr. Mike said:
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Still interesting news though, if this works out as well as it claims to be, that'd certainly be a move forward for gaming technology on a whole.
I see what you did there.
Actually, that wasn't intended at all. I think that's a horribly lame pun, and anyone who would intentionally insert that into their writing should have their hands set on fire.