Hands on With the PlayStation Move


Nov 8, 2008
Visulth said:
Competition only helps consumers.
Very true. And if the Move is applied well to good games then I'll actually consider buying it. Though I really just have to believe that its well applied before I'll buy it.


New member
May 27, 2009
Simalacrum said:
urgh76 said:
Sweet, glad to see its all word for word.

PS: Whats this "Natal"? And if i really should know and im just being an idiot, feel free to use this:

'Project Natal' is the motion... thing... for Microsoft's Xbox 360. I hesitate to say motion 'controller', as it doesn't actually have one - it uses a camera to track your movements and whatnot.

Infact, you know what? Let me Google that for you. [http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Project+Natal]

And, yes you should know this, being on a gaming website and all... sooooo...

(your the one in the white)

damn..... DAMN... DAMN!!!!!

Oh well at least you told me and cookie for the reference of the damn. damn. damn.


New member
May 27, 2009
Hey i just had a GRRRREAT idea!!

Since the motions are so precise, and i saw them use two controllers for two hands, what about the people who can fly in the game?!!?

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Mr. Mike said:
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Still interesting news though, if this works out as well as it claims to be, that'd certainly be a move forward for gaming technology on a whole.
I see what you did there.
Actually, that wasn't intended at all. I think that's a horribly lame pun, and anyone who would intentionally insert that into their writing should have their hands set on fire.
For some reason the "hands set on fire" thing made me laugh a lot. I'm sorry.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
dochmbi said:
Making casual games for the PS3 seems like a very bad idea. Casual gamers don't have the PS3 because it was never targeted at them and won't buy it either since they can have a fantastic library of games on the Wii.
You're kidding, right?

OT: Meh, I'll keep an eye on it as with all things, but I really don't give a shit about motion control anymore (especially after my purchase and subsequent selling of a Wii).


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Mr. Mike said:
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Mr. Mike said:
KimberlyGoreHound said:
Still interesting news though, if this works out as well as it claims to be, that'd certainly be a move forward for gaming technology on a whole.
I see what you did there.
Actually, that wasn't intended at all. I think that's a horribly lame pun, and anyone who would intentionally insert that into their writing should have their hands set on fire.
For some reason the "hands set on fire" thing made me laugh a lot. I'm sorry.
No apology necessary, mate. Glad your day has been brightened (get it? Fire? Brightened? A hahaha, I hate myself). I think we lost the topic on the way. Fuck yeah, conversation with nothing relavent or important to add to the current thread!


New member
Mar 11, 2009
The tech sounds promising enough. However that's because it sounds the exact same as the Wii with the camera and beacon switching places.

Could there be good games for it? Of course. There are plenty of excellent titles for the Wii already (despite what some may say), and I have confidence that at least a few developers will make something worthwile for the Move and Natal as well.

Will it sell? Hell no. People will recognize this as a mere copy-cat move and completely ignore it. Hardcore-types generally dislike motion controls anyway, so I have trouble seeing who this is market towards exactly.


New member
Dec 2, 2008
I'm unlikely to buy Move unless it comes bundled with some game I must have. I was excited about the motion controls in Wii, but that was almost four years ago and the novelty has worn off. Motion control really hasn't had a "killer app" yet, and I'm not expecting to see one anytime soon.


New member
May 4, 2006
The way i look at it, hopefully, its not so much Sony going "casual" as it is Sony using motion tech to make some great games....


Neo Knight

New member
Apr 11, 2010
I hope the controller does well. It seems to have an advantage over the wiimote(with motion+), aside from more accurate tracking, when it comes to acting as a pointer. This I believe is because you don't seem have to point the controller at a sensor bar(for the LED(s)). If anyone noticed the camera is facing you rather then being in the remote. With the wii remote if you move a bit too far to the left or right the camera couldn't see the led. So the controller would become lost in a way causing whatever game your playing to have to guess where it is. The motion plus helps the game know how the controller is being moved even when it's not being pointed at the sensor bar, but it still doesn't know it's actual location.

Scott Mansley

New member
Mar 29, 2010
To me it seems that Sony just wanted in on all the motion madness, because as I recall, Natal was announced before Move.

But all Sony is doing is basically copying the Wii with their motion controller. However, Natal has taken it a step further by making it a motion camera "look mom! no hands!".


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Adzma said:
AceDiamond said:
I'm sorry you seem to have a belief that companies owe you something.
Yeah I do funnily enough. When children from the 80s bought Nintendo's consoles and grew up with them, they formed a loyal base. If it weren't for those people, Nintendo wouldn't be where they are today. So yes, they owe those fans. Plus when I spend $400 on a console (living in Australia sucks sometimes), I expect to have some decent games come out for it.
Yeah really funny about that, I'm one of those children from the 80s and I don't feel abandoned at all, neither do most of my friends. You know why? Because Nintendo didn't abandon anyone. Expanding your customer base doesn't equal abandonment, and the sooner you understand that the sooner you might stand a chance of sounding the least bit credible.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Adzma said:
AceDiamond said:
I'm sorry you seem to have a belief that companies owe you something.
Yeah I do funnily enough. When children from the 80s bought Nintendo's consoles and grew up with them, they formed a loyal base. If it weren't for those people, Nintendo wouldn't be where they are today. So yes, they owe those fans. Plus when I spend $400 on a console (living in Australia sucks sometimes), I expect to have some decent games come out for it.
Yeah really funny about that, I'm one of those children from the 80s and I don't feel abandoned at all, neither do most of my friends. You know why? Because Nintendo didn't abandon anyone. Expanding your customer base doesn't equal abandonment, and the sooner you understand that the sooner you might stand a chance of sounding the least bit credible.
No rebuttal for my second point? What a shame. Well you make sure you and your friends have fun yes? Ciao.

Neo Knight

New member
Apr 11, 2010
@Scott Mansley (I can't seem to quote properly on firefox)
Eye toy was released before natal or the wii! If you have the time, check out this video from the engadget show. Sony's timing may have been off, but don't forget the six-axis already has motion control, aside from the eye toy already being available now. Here is the link to the video from engadget: http://tinyurl.com/psmovedemo

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Sorry, I don't really keep up with PlayStation news. Could someone tell me what the "Move" is exactly? Is it like the Wiimote or is it more like Natal?