The Spoiler That Changed the World


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Dec 31, 2008
The Spoiler That Changed the World

What would you do if a single scene changed everything you thought you knew about a movie? (Warning: Spoilers for Iron Man 2!)

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New member
Jul 13, 2009
Well, I'm not really sure that it changes anything. At least for awhile.

Right now it could be a superweapon shaped like a hammer.

Even after the Thor movie and Captain America movie ended. It would take the Avengers movie to tie all these loose ends together. People could enjoy all these 3 films seperately

And by the time the mythology is built up, it would be pretty easy to explain that the comic book universe has come to life.

Much like Gaiman's 1602. A real universe with comic book elements shaped to fit it


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Its going to be interesting to watch how they merge supernatural with uber-technology without it getting embarrassing.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
So uh Bob... when you saw that hammer...did you think this?

"Woa woa woa woa...



New member
Feb 5, 2007
Huh. I was wondering why they didn't show off Mandarin. They have referenced him at least once; Iron Man 1's terrorist group was called The Ten Rings. But yeah, no crazy sorceror. Bah, I want Dr Doom to come back and be a badass technosorceror like he was supposed to be :\


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
They could work it into some sort of sci-fi realistic setting, maybe. The Tomb Raider movies had a lot of mythological identities while still remaining in the real world.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
I don't really agree with your analogy.

Firstly, Iron Man is in the Marvel universe, and so a lot of people would've expected that things like Thor would've joined the show.

The Godfather is not part of a universe like that, and so your analogy is faulty.

Secondly, the avengers movie and the presence of Thor was announced before this film. And so, many would've expected some sort of cameo like this.

I'm not saying it wasn't epic, because it really was. But it wasn't mind-blowing and I firmly believe that it was more about fan-service than actually making audiences unknown to Thor aware of him.

Oh, and I take it that you're talking about Mandarin at the end of your article? He was announced as a possible villain for Iron Man 2 after the first one, and so it was never out of reach for the second installment. Plus, since the gang from the first film was a direct reference to him, he'll probably show up soon.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
I think you're giving Iron Man too much credit on being set in a world anything like our own.


Remember the scene when Tony created a new element (one he was specificaly trying to create) by hookin up some electric cables and shooting plasma at metal triangle while jumping over a shark? So long laws of the universe, I think Thor will fit right in.

Also he knew by looking at a schematic of an element that does not yet exsist what its properties were and that it would work despite saying earlier that he had to test every permutation of every element.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
_Nocturnal said:
Hubilub said:
I don't really agree with your analogy...
This is kind of uncomfortable.
You're not aware of the concept called "fun", are you?
I think its a valid point

Iron man and Thor would both fit into the Dr. Who universe seemlessly

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
_Nocturnal said:
Hubilub said:
I don't really agree with your analogy...
This is kind of uncomfortable.
You're not aware of the concept called "fun", are you?
No, no, this is not comedy. Comedy is funny, hysterical-type things. Antics, damnit! Comedy of error, like the Keystone cops falling down. General wackiness like that. I don't find him funny at all.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]See what I did there?[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Dec 25, 2008
so am I the only one who found it interesting (or at least took note of the fact) that the big-bad of this movie was (essentially) the company "Hammer Industries" and then we're given a viking hammer at the end of the movie to indicate that Thor (and most likely) Avengers are going to happen?

Saw the movie at the premier and loved it. I'll probably see it a couple more times. Guys who put this movie together did a fantastic job!


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I'm curious to see how they handle Thor and Asgard. That's always been the one element of the Marvel Universe that I never really thought fit in all that well. But I've read some of the early Thor stuff from before Asgard had even really entered the picture, and I like his character. I also really liked Thor in the Ultimates.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
It's funny how Bob pictured the whole imaginary scene in the theater because for the life of it me it was EXACTLY what it happened in the movies 2 days ago. Except I was the overenthusiastic fan whispering "THOR'S FREAKING HAMMER!!" hard enough for people other than my friends and girlfriend to hear it. :p.
Iseem to recall hearing people a few rows ahead of me talking about it as well

BTW: was I the only one to assume the element Tony created was to be called VIBRANIUM? just wiki it.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I really hope the Avengers movie lives up to its hype. Imagine if after all this build-up and speculation it ends up being complete and utter crap. My fanboy heart might not bear it.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
twm1709 said:
BTW: was I the only one to assume the element Tony created was to be called VIBRANIUM? just wiki it.
The funny part is that he had vibranium sitting in his garage the entire time.

Also, with SHIELD finding the shield, this brings up the question of how does Thor get his hammer? Does he go to SHIELD and ask politely? Unless SHIELD gives it to him early in the movie, will he go the majority of the film without his signature weapon?


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Aerodyth said:
twm1709 said:
BTW: was I the only one to assume the element Tony created was to be called VIBRANIUM? just wiki it.
The funny part is that he had vibranium sitting in his garage the entire time.

Also, with SHIELD finding the shield, this brings up the question of how does Thor get his hammer? Does he go to SHIELD and ask politely? Unless SHIELD gives it to him early in the movie, will he go the majority of the film without his signature weapon?
My knowledge on the Marvel Thor is a little (ok, VERY)patchy, but if I remember correctly, only Thor can pick it up so its stuck in the crater until he comes and gets it. I'm looking foward to the Thor film as it'll be interesting to see what Kenneth Branagh does considering he's most famous for directing Shakespeare. However, I hope they change the hat design from the comics (or just leave it out) as that really would look stupid!

I stayed to see what the end credits scene wsa going to be and I remembered why I didn't for Iron Man. When did credits suddently become so long?


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Plinglebob said:
Aerodyth said:
twm1709 said:
BTW: was I the only one to assume the element Tony created was to be called VIBRANIUM? just wiki it.
The funny part is that he had vibranium sitting in his garage the entire time.

Also, with SHIELD finding the shield, this brings up the question of how does Thor get his hammer? Does he go to SHIELD and ask politely? Unless SHIELD gives it to him early in the movie, will he go the majority of the film without his signature weapon?
My knowledge on the Marvel Thor is a little (ok, VERY)patchy, but if I remember correctly, only Thor can pick it up so its stuck in the crater until he comes and gets it.

You're right, Thor is the only being able to lift his hammer (with the exception of a very angry Hulk). Also, his hammer returns to him when called. So if somehow SHIELD did move it to a warehouse or something, all Thor would have to do is call it and it would fly straight to him, through walls and anything else in the way.