500 year old vampire attacks woman in Texas.


New member
May 22, 2010
Staskala said:
And once again gamers prove they have the reading comprehension of a 6-year-old. No one "blames" Twilight, read again.
Makes you wonder how many "anti-gaming controversies" actually only exist because gamers want them to be there [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112338-Authorities-Blame-Games-for-Sword-Attack].
Yep. I've been saying for a while now that gamers aren't being persecuted anymore, they just have a persecution complex. I mean, we've pretty much won; almost everyone under the age of 30 games these days, with plenty of gamers being over that age -- some of the players on a Battlefield 2 server I frequent are in their 50's for cryin' out loud. But gamers just love to pull out the "they're blaming videogames!!11!!111" card whether the blame is actually being put on videogames or not. The reactions to this story are an example of that mindset being extended to something else that isn't really being attacked, but is mentioned in just the right way that gamers feel like it is and rush to defend it out of solidarity.

OT: The guy is screwed up in the head, and it's a pretty terrible situation. Although I have to say, I'm reminded of how the cops treated Kyle Reese in the first Terminator movie, and how the mental hospital treated Sarah Connor in the second one. I'm sure the guy is just crazy, but something in the back of my head is going "in a few years time, a werewolf is going to bust in there trying to kill this guy, and any bystanders are only going to have themselves to blame for not listening to him."


New member
Oct 20, 2009
King Toasty said:
I don't like the entire, "Twilight caused this" sidenote. Twilight might send me into a bloodrage, but I'm not inspired by it.
I think your interpretation is more simplistic than the original comment. The psychologist was saying that, because vampires are experiencing a popularity spike in fiction, they attract more attention from the mentally unstable. This is no different from explaining that ignorant folk used to equate LSD use with witchcraft back when people believed in such things, as they had no realistic lens through which to view the experience.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Nooh said:
Flamezdudes said:
Twilight series inspire people with mental illnesses? Ha. Haha. HAHAHA.

"Beware my sparkles! Don't worry young girl! I shall protect you from this car!" *SMASH*

Sorry... couldn't help it.

OT: This was very dissapointing I was really hoping for vampires... *sigh*

Well, I personally think Twilight is the ultimate piece of crap on this planet but I doubt it could actually be the leading cause for something like that. Now REAL vampire fiction, that shit could make an insane person go berserk.
Just out of curiosity, what do consider REAL vampire fiction.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I keep thinking the guy is attacking a granny. Stupid 500 years old thing.
Witty Name Here said:
One part of this article caught my eye immediately.

"I've dealt with some really strange people. You know, guys who think they're Jesus and that. But I've never seen anything like this."
Someone needs to make a show out of this cop's life, I'd be willing to pay to watch a cop arrest people who think their Jesus or Vampires.
Hell I'd pay money to see that!


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Twilight caused this? Then two plus two must equal six.

Twilight is nowhere near bad ass enough to be blamed for this.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Dam those Pesky Vampires

there climbing in our windows
snatching our kids up
gonna bite em


New member
Mar 31, 2011
sleeky01 said:
Nooh said:
Flamezdudes said:
Twilight series inspire people with mental illnesses? Ha. Haha. HAHAHA.

"Beware my sparkles! Don't worry young girl! I shall protect you from this car!" *SMASH*

Sorry... couldn't help it.

OT: This was very dissapointing I was really hoping for vampires... *sigh*

Well, I personally think Twilight is the ultimate piece of crap on this planet but I doubt it could actually be the leading cause for something like that. Now REAL vampire fiction, that shit could make an insane person go berserk.
Just out of curiosity, what do consider REAL vampire fiction.
The stuff with undead, bloodsucking monsters without any sort of remorse or empathy perhaps? The ones that die when exposed to sunlight and love to frighten their victims before the sink their teeth into their necks and turn them into corpses?