Castlevania HoD:
Like I said, I bought this partially to cash in on the full rebate offer, but it's pretty fun, even in solo, and like Onyx Oblivion said, I've always either completed the stage, or died, before the time limit ran out, so I don't really see people's problem with it. Having all of the greatest Castlevania characters (and monsters) in one game was pretty cool too.
Hydro thunder hurricane:
Most people I know didn't seem to like this, but I loved it. Fast, insane, and good looking, it was waterborne nonsense at over 9000 knots an hour.
Simply mind blowing. It messes with your mind throughout, and constantly unerves you with bleak immagery and the multiple grisly deaths of the lightbulb-eyed boy. All this atmosphere, and brilliantly simple platformer gameplay.
Lara croft and the guardian of light:
Typical, eh? The lara croft franchise spends years being stupidly ambitious and spectactualarly failing each time, and then it goes for a isometric view platformer/shooter, and it's awesome. Tons of replay value, fun shooting, good puzzles, and single player and co-op living side by side without messing each other up, albeit an online co-op which won't be finished for a month...
Monday night combat:
Amazing, if sometimes infuriating, multiplayer which perfectly mixes strategy with simple shooting skill, and an intense co op mode. Sure, it's stolen alot from TF2, but it's also vastly different, and hey, valve, this is what you get when you don't look after your console ports properly.