Could Conan Be the One?

Adam LaMosca

New member
Aug 7, 2006
Could Conan Be the One?

Could Age of Conan inspire a love for MMOGs that World of Warcraft could not?



Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
It could be, but for a while as these things go. Then something else will come along.
Still, it's been getting good 'views, I was thinking of trying it out myself, WoW is a bit slow going these days, so AoC might be something to do till Wrath of the Lich King comes out.

And...World of Warcraft -did- inspire a love of mmos in a lot of people, just as Guild Wars did, hell there are a few people who have fond memories of FFOnline so... WoW may not be perfect, but it still has a lot of life left. Though...y'know, I much prefer the Roleplaying aspect and the people than most of the gameplay itself.

Now, as for AoC. It does look nice :D Having just read a number of Howard's short stories I very interested to see how they've used the lore in this game. There's a lot of material for them to have worked from. So hopefully that carries over into the game.

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Well, I've got it, and I'd say yes, actually. Heretic though it may make me, I've found myself grinding just because I find the combat really fun. The game feels deep, and real. It's not like WoW where all the characters, save a few are bizarrely asexual; the sex, death and whole piles of gore in the Conan World the game all happily addresses.

Plus I get to ride around on a frickin great Rhino!


New member
Jan 23, 2008
I thought this article was about Conan O'Brien when I clicked on it.

I would probably play any game if he endorses it.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Its great that the combat is more involving. Its not just a game where you can chat on msn wile you play. I bet this means that people wont play this as much for many hours. I have to admit, I didn't have high hopes from this game even though I would love if a game developer would finally put the country I live in on the map, but it seems like aoc have fulfilled most of its promises.
Now, I only have to invest in a new gpu and some more ram...


New member
Dec 5, 2007
Gormers1 said:
Its great that the combat is more involving. Its not just a game where you can chat on msn wile you play. I bet this means that people wont play this as much for many hours. I have to admit, I didn't have high hopes from this game even though I would love if a game developer would finally put the country I live in on the map, but it seems like aoc have fulfilled most of its promises.
Now, I only have to invest in a new gpu and some more ram...
You guys had Aha and Grieg, both who were much better then AoC. ;)


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
WingcommanderIV said:
am I the only one not interested? I mean it's freaking Conan, a totally completely dead and uninteresting franchise. Who cares?
Er...certain movies aside. The stories are still I think entertaining pieces of literature, if a little off in places. And while you're certainly entitled to your opinion, you wouldn't be saying something like that about say the works of Shakespeare would you? (No I did not just compare Robert E. Howard to Shakespeare, just using it as a point.) I mean, those plays are what? Several hundered years old by now. And not by any stretch 'dead', nor imo a franchise. Then again, you -may- just have been referring to the movies (first of which I rather liked), and all the god awful attempts to make a successful game out of Conan up to this point.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
My laptop would never be able to handle this, so I'm waiting for it to land on the 360. I hear the combat should actually work pretty well with a control pad, too. I'm just concerned about paying monthly for a game. I tend to have gaming ADD, where every couple of weeks I'm moving onto new games, with very few replayed.

Archaeology Hat

New member
Nov 6, 2007
GothmogII said:
WingcommanderIV said:
am I the only one not interested? I mean it's freaking Conan, a totally completely dead and uninteresting franchise. Who cares?
Er...certain movies aside. The stories are still I think entertaining pieces of literature, if a little off in places. And while you're certainly entitled to your opinion, you wouldn't be saying something like that about say the works of Shakespeare would you? (No I did not just compare Robert E. Howard to Shakespeare, just using it as a point.) I mean, those plays are what? Several hundered years old by now. And not by any stretch 'dead', nor imo a franchise. Then again, you -may- just have been referring to the movies (first of which I rather liked), and all the god awful attempts to make a successful game out of Conan up to this point.
Well, actually you not only compared Robert E Howard to Shakespeare, after you denied you had, you compared Robert E Howard and Shakespeare a second time. To be honest I started out pretty enthusiastic about AoC and became increasingly less enthusiastic as time went on. Tbh, I'd prefer an MMO with a franchise that hasn't been in both book and film form, I like a little originality in games.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
sammyfreak said:
Gormers1 said:
Its great that the combat is more involving. Its not just a game where you can chat on msn wile you play. I bet this means that people wont play this as much for many hours. I have to admit, I didn't have high hopes from this game even though I would love if a game developer would finally put the country I live in on the map, but it seems like aoc have fulfilled most of its promises.
Now, I only have to invest in a new gpu and some more ram...
You guys had Aha and Grieg, both who were much better then AoC. ;)
Well those people aren't exactly young, are they (btw Henrik Ibsen rocks too). 8D


New member
Dec 19, 2007
I heard the game gets worse as you level as many of the later areas and quests are less polished and fun.

Jordan Deam

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I've been meaning to take a look at this game since it came out. Unfortunately, I seem to be *just* short of the hard drive space needed on the Vista partition of my Mac, so I'm left with the unpleasant decision of deleting all my other games or reformatting the whole thing and reinstalling the OS. That 30GB install is pretty hard to swallow.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
Archaeology Hat said:
GothmogII said:
WingcommanderIV said:
am I the only one not interested? I mean it's freaking Conan, a totally completely dead and uninteresting franchise. Who cares?
Er...certain movies aside. The stories are still I think entertaining pieces of literature, if a little off in places. And while you're certainly entitled to your opinion, you wouldn't be saying something like that about say the works of Shakespeare would you? (No I did not just compare Robert E. Howard to Shakespeare, just using it as a point.) I mean, those plays are what? Several hundered years old by now. And not by any stretch 'dead', nor imo a franchise. Then again, you -may- just have been referring to the movies (first of which I rather liked), and all the god awful attempts to make a successful game out of Conan up to this point.
Well, actually you not only compared Robert E Howard to Shakespeare, after you denied you had, you compared Robert E Howard and Shakespeare a second time. To be honest I started out pretty enthusiastic about AoC and became increasingly less enthusiastic as time went on. Tbh, I'd prefer an MMO with a franchise that hasn't been in both book and film form, I like a little originality in games. it still a comparison where you don't put any great detail as to why y is beside x?
Sorry, I just meant that:

Saying X thing is completely dead and uninteresting, so one could return with, as I attempted and failed apparently ^^' = Why is X thing dead and uninteresting and would person consider Y thing the same based on... Using Shakespeare as an example, as it was the oldest (or that someone would recognise) 'thing' I could think off. So, in that way yes it was a comparison, but not in the way as to compare in detail the in depth meanings of works by either Shakespeare or Robert E. Howard.

Or: There is nothing that is ever not interesting to -someone- in this world.

As for originality. That can be good or bad I think, on the one hand, working from the works of others, or history etc. you have a solid base to go from, everything can be built around that with as much changes you do or don't want. So, it's safer I suppose, unless you're risking upsetting fans of a work by doing so, then again you may not care simply wanting to make a good game.

On the the other, as you've said, it's not original, well, not wholly anyway, while new and interesting things may be done with the material, it's still not wholly -your- idea in some cases, so it may I think actually limit the liberties you may take with the source material.
And, in the case as such with a fantasy based MMO, you may just be rehashing your orcs and elves.

In games, a fully realised game world can be a very nice thing. Provided you know what you're doing, you can do anything right? Within reason, and within the scope of the technology you are using of course.

But, if you make something too new, too different, it becomes a little off putting, I'll say to -some-, because a -lot- or -most- sound too hard. This bit I'm trying to think real hard on... Y'know, I actually haven't played a game that was truly 'revolutionary', they all seem to be little progressions on what came before. I'm thinking, was there a game or games that are a kind of 'jump', a real big jump now, something like say going from Pac Man to Half-Life without many of the in between steps? Humm....


New member
Aug 7, 2007
I was like you, Adam. I was one of the few who played WoW at launch, got to level 35ish, and then stopped. Hell, I couldn't even go back when Burning Crusade came out. MMOs have always been an idealistic dream for me. I like playing them and just running around with friends, but I was never able to stick with it.

However, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it with AoC. It isn't that AoC is just that damn good either. Instead, it is because I've joined a competitive guild that plans to get involved in the siege combat that Funcom outlined. This time, I have an ultimate goal (PvP Sieges) and a lot of people I can group with to help move things along.

You'd be suprised the difference a guild makes.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
AlexTaldren said:
You'd be suprised the difference a guild makes.
"What a difference a guild makes
Twenty four other little raiders
brought the fun and epic powers
where there used to be pain..."


Seriously, you were investing lunchtimes on thottbot when you hadn't levelled a character above 30?
That's pretty hardcore.

I think Alex is right - the only characters i have in wow over 35 (a 70 priest and 60 hunter) are the ones that i started on a server with friends and they are still in a major guild and although i play them alot less than i used to, they still get the occasional login.

Without mates, and without a goal or someone to directly compete against and brag to over the watercooler you'll lose interest again around the midpoint.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Level 21 Guardian so far, and extraordinarily impressed. First time in an MMO I haven't created 5 alts before I hit level 10. I have NO alts so far as I'm loving the combat with my virgin toon so much.

As far as longevity goes - that's the big question - is end-game good enough? WoW's endgame is almost perfect....having said that it's old and tired for me so I suspended my account to give Conan my full attention.