Google's 20th Employee Lists The Company's Three Biggest Mistakes

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Google's 20th Employee Lists The Company's Three Biggest Mistakes

One of Google's first engineers shared what she thinks were the company's three biggest mistakes, and Google Buzz didn't even make the list.

Marissa Mayer was hired by Google in June 1999. She was the 20th employee as well as the first female engineer and her current title is the vice president of geographic and local services. Mayer has seen Google's highs and lows, but she dished about the worst mistakes that the company has made in the last ten years. Surprisingly, the privacy concerns of Google Buzz didn't make her list but perhaps that's because there's a pending class action lawsuit regarding those concerns. Still, releasing Gmail on April's Fools Day and closing down Deja News with no announcement were pretty big gaffes, but I have to disagree with her on calling Wave a mistake. For those of you unaware, Wave was a tool that combined email with instant messaging and internet forums.

"One of the things we do at Google is experiment, launch early and iterate. Part of that process is learning about making mistakes," she told Digg. "With Wave, there are certain things that we've learned from that. There are things that we would have done differently."

"Perhaps shutting down Deja News at 11 a.m. on a Monday morning and not really having any way to post to or browse newsgroups was perhaps a mistake," Mayer said with a laugh. "Launching Gmail on April Fool's Day was widely misinterpreted." Through it all, she said that Google doesn't really think of these as mistakes but learning opportunities.

Mayer didn't specifically address exactly what was wrong with Wave and why Google shut down its development on August 4th, 2010. I personally thought that Wave did what it did very well, but I never had a specific use for it. I do know that the Loading Ready Run guys loved using Wave to discuss and brainstorm ideas for sketches and it was so useful for them that they had to search for a replacement. I myself thought was interesting idea to play RPGs over the web in a better format than forum games do now.

Mayer did hint that UI elements from Wave might end up in other Google products and services. That should be interesting.

Source: Hollywood Reporter []



New member
Apr 16, 2009
I just used Google Wave 2 weeks ago to work on a school project with a friend. It's definitely not shut down.
Or did I misinterpret the article?


New member
May 4, 2008
Dr. wonderful said:
...What is google buzz?

Sounds like a energy drink.
Google's Social Network.

spike0918 said:
I just used Google Wave 2 weeks ago to work on a school project with a friend. It's definitely not shut down.
Or did I misinterpret the article?
Development was ceased, and it will shut down at the end of the year if I remember correctly.
Jul 22, 2009
Oh wow Google Wave got shut down... I didn't even notice I haven't used it in so long.

The beta was all right and I probably would have used it if anyone I knew also had a beta key.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
From what I read about Wave the best part about it was not actually Wave itself, but how it handled and distributed information. I hope they will use the technology again in a future project.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
I never knew Wave existed until this article mentioned it. It sounded like an interesting idea, shame Goog never improved or expanded upon it.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Yeah, of course releasing a serious service on April Fool's Day is a mistake. Honestly I can't believe anyone at the company thought it was a good idea.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Fronzel said:
Through it all, she said that Google doesn't really think of these as mistakes but learning opportunities.
They're mistakes whether or not you learn something from them. Annoying use of lanuage.
If a current employee from a company is speaking in public, expect the PR filter to be in full effect. Problems = issues, mistakes = learning opportunities, and deaths = collateral damage.


norwegian cat
Jun 6, 2009
mjc0961 said:
Yeah, of course releasing a serious service on April Fool's Day is a mistake. Honestly I can't believe anyone at the company thought it was a good idea.
I'm willing to believe some key people stayed up all night and just forgot it was april fool's. Google does weirdly flicker between being a ruthless corporate giant and a house full of crazy nerds.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
For me, their biggest mistake was acquiring Youtube. Seems like that was the turnaround period for both Youtube's service to start failing, and Google's can-do-no-wrong policy to waver.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I am not familiar with Deja News or "Wave," which sounds interesting. Google Buzz is something that I know of, but have zero interest in because it sounds like a pointless social networking implementation that clogs up my Droid Google maps and the top of Google search.

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
spike0918 said:
I just used Google Wave 2 weeks ago to work on a school project with a friend. It's definitely not shut down.
Or did I misinterpret the article?
Development was ceased, and it will shut down at the end of the year if I remember correctly.[/quote]

Wait, it's going away at the end of the year? You sure about that? Because I've been using it pretty extensively lately, and dang if it isn't an incredibly useful tool.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Google's 20th Employee Lists The Company's Three Biggest Mistakes

One of Google's first engineers shared what she thinks were the company's three biggest mistakes, and Google Buzz didn't even make the list.

Marissa Mayer was hired by Google in June 1999. She was the 20th employee as well as the first female engineer and her current title is the vice president of geographic and local services. Mayer has seen Google's highs and lows, but she dished about the worst mistakes that the company has made in the last ten years. Surprisingly, the privacy concerns of Google Buzz didn't make her list but perhaps that's because there's a pending class action lawsuit regarding those concerns. Still, releasing Gmail on April's Fools Day and closing down Deja News with no announcement were pretty big gaffes, but I have to disagree with her on calling Wave a mistake. For those of you unaware, Wave was a tool that combined email with instant messaging and internet forums.

"One of the things we do at Google is experiment, launch early and iterate. Part of that process is learning about making mistakes," she told Digg. "With Wave, there are certain things that we've learned from that. There are things that we would have done differently."

"Perhaps shutting down Deja News at 11 a.m. on a Monday morning and not really having any way to post to or browse newsgroups was perhaps a mistake," Mayer said with a laugh. "Launching Gmail on April Fool's Day was widely misinterpreted." Through it all, she said that Google doesn't really think of these as mistakes but learning opportunities.

Mayer didn't specifically address exactly what was wrong with Wave and why Google shut down its development on August 4th, 2010. I personally thought that Wave did what it did very well, but I never had a specific use for it. I do know that the Loading Ready Run guys loved using Wave to discuss and brainstorm ideas for sketches and it was so useful for them that they had to search for a replacement. I myself thought was interesting idea to play RPGs over the web in a better format than forum games do now.

Mayer did hint that UI elements from Wave might end up in other Google products and services. That should be interesting.

Source: Hollywood Reporter []

i didn't know you could say "Gaffes" in english... made me think of Gaston LaGaffe... XD


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Okay, this is getting annoying.
Why is "dished" being used so much now? It's not a verb for speaking. It's an adjective.