Sony: 3D Is a New Creative Medium

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Sony: 3D Is a New Creative Medium

If developers want their game to have more accurate controls and a better sense of space, Sony says all they need to do is add 3D.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe executive Mick Hocking says 3D isn't just some visual gimmick. Quite the opposite in fact, as he thinks that 3D represents an entirely new creative medium for developers.

In his Liverpool Games Conference keynote speech, appropriately enough titled "Seeing is Believing: 3D, a New Creative Medium for Games," Hocking said that 3D could make games more "natural and accessible," and offered significant gameplay advantages. He said that unlike passive media like movies or television, 3D games had plenty of room to innovate and that 3D afforded players greater control and accuracy, and better communicated space and distance. He also reiterated a point he made earlier in the week [], that Sony was happy to train developers on how to best implement 3D into their games. It's wasn't all sales pitch however, as when asked about the challenges of working in 3D, Hocking did admit that pre-rendered cutscenes would require around 50 percent more storage space than their 2D counterparts.

Few would dispute that 3D technology offers new creative opportunities, but to call it a "new creative medium" seems a little bit much. Of course, there's almost no part of Sony that won't benefit if 3D media takes off in people's homes, so executives really pushing it is to be expected. Hocking is almost certainly aware that such grandiose language is hyperbolic, but getting on stage and saying, "Yeah, 3D is pretty cool," wouldn't be anywhere near as effective.

Unfortunately, until the penetration of 3D TVs is much higher, developers won't be able to use 3D for gameplay elements, because the majority of the audience won't be able to see the effect. Even after 3D equipment is more common, develops might be reluctant to use it for fear of leaving people out. The most likely scenario seems to be that 3D will be stuck as neat visual effect until 3D TVs are in almost every household, no matter what Sony says.

Source: Develop []


maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
I honestly don't believe the idea of 3-D being a creative way for developers to make their games. An item coming at me during a cut scene doesn't add to the experience in any way shape or form.

Just like Motion Controls, 3-D will always be a gimmick in my mind. A gimmick that doesn't add much to the experience and is more or less just a distraction from the overall game or story.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
i dont even have a HD Ready tv or a ps3 for that matter.... how do they expect me to buy a 800% more expensive stuff like a TV and Glasses ...


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Yeah... Say all you want Sony, nothing will convince me that 3D is anything more than just a visual gimmick or convince me to buy one of your horribly over-priced 3D televisions.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
SONY see 3D as the best way to stop piracy. They can control how the 3D glasses will work with certain films and program glasses to only work on a specific TVs. It gives them something physical to control and makes everything difficult to pirate because two separate elements are needed.

They'll say whatever they can to make people to think 3D is essential.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
Visual gimmick, maybe. 3D is a new opportunity for development as far as controls, according to Hocking.

And besides, if pre-rendered cutscenes require 50% more storage space, maybe we'll see fewer of them. And that's worth the 3DTV, if you ask me.

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
It's not a new, creative medium no matter how you slice it. Adding a third dimension does not constitute a new medium, only another bullet point on a list of features meant to draw an audience. Besides, 3D has been around forever, so it's hardly new.

I'm starting to get vertigo from all the spin in here.


New member
Oct 20, 2010

"In regards to that we have some new technology that we?ve shown to developers that uses 3D techniques, it allows two players to play full screen multi-player games but without each being able to see the others view, and they have been massively keen on them. There?s lots to come."

To be honest, I'd be more excited if 3DTVs weren't really expensive. I have no intent to buy a new TV for quite a while unless something happens. The glasses aren't really a problem, after a while you'll forget they're wearing them. If the 3D can offer genuinely better gameplay experience while still being optional, then go for it, but I don't think I'll be a part of it.


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
I'll eventually buy a 3DTV once the glasses drop to a halfway reasonable price, but it definitely won't be a Sony. They're just too annoying.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
This is like what happened with the Wii. Everyone said OMG DEES MOTION CONTROLS HAVE SET A NEW STANDARD FOR MEDIA EVVYWHEAR, and it's happening again so soon... sad times we live in.


New member
Mar 28, 2010

wtf is this? this is nothing but a CEO talking out of his arse in an attempt to justify stereographic gaming.

Has stereography changed anything? No! Thus it's a pitiful gimmick.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
maddawg IAJI said:
I honestly don't believe the idea of 3-D being a creative way for developers to make their games. An item coming at me during a cut scene doesn't add to the experience in any way shape or form.

Just like Motion Controls, 3-D will always be a gimmick in my mind. A gimmick that doesn't add much to the experience and is more or less just a distraction from the overall game or story.
Hello? 3D? Survival Horror? Mindfucking? Can people seriously not see how 3D can be used to enhance other game mechanics? I could think of quite a few ways off the top of my head, and say what you will of motion controls, that doesn't mean they can't be used in interesting and unique ways.

I mean, have most of you even played a 3D game or are you just basing 3D's "gimmickry" on 3D movies? You cannot compare those two 3D methods interchangeably, they don't even use the same 3D technology. I've played some 3D games and they're quite a blast to play.

A new "creative medium" is a bit of a stretch, but 3D certainly has potential, especially in video games. Seriously, people have tossed around the word "gimmick" around so much that it's lost its meaning, practically to the point where I'm inclined to think the opposite of it.

We'll just have to wait and see what comes from it.


Sep 22, 2009
I can see how 3D would enhance gameplay as is, but I don't see how it can significantly change gaming as an artform, or be called a new creative medium in the present state of both 3D and video game technology. It would give a better sense of depth and space, yeah, but that's an improvement to what we're already doing rather than a 'new creative medium to explore yadda yadda PR marketing jargon'.

The only thing I could see it significantly altering in a meaningful way would be something like the Kinect, where you would see where something you're supposed to touch is in relation to you. That would literally be a new dimension to that device.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
chemicalreaper said:
But of course. Surely, the only way you can garner the intensity of the full experience is by playing a video game published by Sony, on a games console sold by Sony, on a television manufactured by Sony? Oh, and we cannot neglect to mention that the 'insane' jump in quality must be experienced on Sony's proprietary hi-def format, the Blu-Ray disc.
Too true. What's really sad is that I just got finished watching a Blu-Ray on my PS3, which is connected to my Sony TV, which is connected to my Sony surround sound system. It appears that they have already corrupted me more than I realize. (GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!)


New member
Jan 27, 2010
3-D vision allows you to sense depth, making it easier to tell distances and be more accurate, it makes a lot of sense for it to be great for gaming. I wouldn't call it a new Creative Medium (lots of BS there), but it makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't call it a gimmick, by that definition, having two eyes is a gimmick.

There are some creative things you could do. I thought of the cool idea of how you could make a Silent Hill game where it's normally in 2D, but when you transition in the Other World, suddenly it turns 3D, as if the TV has come alive :D