6th Grader Shoots Potential Rapist

Chunga the Great

New member
Sep 12, 2010
DeathStreamer said:
"I think it's going to change me a whole lot, knowing that I can hold my head up high and nothing can hurt me anymore."
Sounds like she'll grow up to be an excellent american girl, thinking guns will make her safe and solve all her problems.
Here we go again....

Oh Escapist Forums, how you never change.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
scw55 said:
Faraja said:
scw55 said:
Faraja said:
OlasDAlmighty said:
GunsmithKitten said:
hazabaza1 said:
Yep, because as we know, people who break into people's houses, especially when the person is still home, have safe intentions in mind. /sarcasm
We get it GunsmithKitten. You love guns, you love them with an fiery passion, and you believe that anyone who trespasses on your property is fair game to shoot because they MUST have the absolute worst of intentions. You've made that very very VERY clear.

You don't need to keep proving it to us by posting a counterreply to every single comment that attacks guns on every gun-violence thread on this site just to reiterate essentially these same points again and again.

Believe it or not some people just don't believe that guns make us all safer, don't believe the whole world is out to murder/rape them, and don't think shoot first ask questions later is a smart policy when it comes to home invasion.
No amount of arguing is going to make us suddenly realize how wrong we all are about this topic and how important your gun rights are.

I hope for your own sake that you never end up in a situation like the one above, because I'm about 95% sure you'll end up going to prison for felony (first degree) murder if you do.
You really think he'd go to prison for first degree murder for shooting someone that broke into his house? I can't grasp the logic behind that.
In Britain killing an intruder is murder.
It could be twisted to Manslaughter if you're lucky.
You still killed someone. At the end of the day, there's always less killing-methods of self defence. Understandably if you're in a wardrobe your options are limited.
I would probably hurt the man into unconsciousness myself.
First, you'd only hurt the guy if you were more skilled, stronger, and/or had an iron will. There aren't a lot of methods for 12 year old girls to defend themselves from grown men. Unless all British girls are master martial artists.
Second, if your country really thinks you shouldn't be allowed to take out someone who could have every intention of taking you out, there are some issues. There's a saying, that I'm about to butcher, that goes something like; "the only person who knows how a break in turns out, is the guy doing the break in." It's one thing for you to personally say you wouldn't, but for your government to say no, I can't see how people could go along with that.
Maybe that's just my American distrust of the government and individualism (for lack of a better word) talking.
Usually prevention of the event is better than murdering someone.
I don't disagree with that statement. Doesn't really solve the problem of what happens if prevention isn't enough, though.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
cotss2012 said:
Dear Europe:

Our 12-year-old girls have bigger balls than your toughest criminals. The next time you give us any shit, we will unleash McKenzie on you.


Damn. Her dad's not even gonna have to any "Break her heart: I'll break your legs" discussions with her future boyfriends, all he has to do is show them those videos.


New member
Apr 10, 2010
scw55 said:
Faraja said:
OlasDAlmighty said:
GunsmithKitten said:
hazabaza1 said:
Yep, because as we know, people who break into people's houses, especially when the person is still home, have safe intentions in mind. /sarcasm
We get it GunsmithKitten. You love guns, you love them with an fiery passion, and you believe that anyone who trespasses on your property is fair game to shoot because they MUST have the absolute worst of intentions. You've made that very very VERY clear.

You don't need to keep proving it to us by posting a counterreply to every single comment that attacks guns on every gun-violence thread on this site just to reiterate essentially these same points again and again.

Believe it or not some people just don't believe that guns make us all safer, don't believe the whole world is out to murder/rape them, and don't think shoot first ask questions later is a smart policy when it comes to home invasion.
No amount of arguing is going to make us suddenly realize how wrong we all are about this topic and how important your gun rights are.

I hope for your own sake that you never end up in a situation like the one above, because I'm about 95% sure you'll end up going to prison for felony (first degree) murder if you do.
You really think he'd go to prison for first degree murder for shooting someone that broke into his house? I can't grasp the logic behind that.
In Britain killing an intruder is murder.
It could be twisted to Manslaughter if you're lucky.
You still killed someone. At the end of the day, there's always less killing-methods of self defence. Understandably if you're in a wardrobe your options are limited.
I would probably hurt the man into unconsciousness myself.
False. In England you are allowed to use reasonable force to defend yourself. This does in fact include bladed weapons and firearms (assuming thy are legally held). The law is being looked at to be made clearer for what reasonable is.

As it stands there is a fear for you life test genrally used if it can be believed you had reason to fear for your life then lethal force is acceptiable till that reason dissapates. There have been a few high profile cases on this over the last decade or so and all the ones that have had issues with this there are clear reasons to suspect that the force was not used in self defences. The highest profile one the intruder was shot in the back while seemingly tring to flee, the other that comes to mind after an intial fight in the house the housholder chased the asslaint down the street to continue hurting him.

Given in the UK we've licensensd children to hold shotguns then its not like we can be terribly shocked at in America with much laxer gun controls a 12 year old got hold of a pistol.

In Britan had the girl run to the gun safe (we'll assume she knows the code and that its HER gun) loaded it and unloaded both barrels when the intruder approached her she'd be legally in the clear (reasonable force in any encounter escalates significantly, the smaller and lacking in phisical power the person in place to use the argument of it is).

I have deliberately covered all the UK legal bases here, Evrything about the posssesion and the storage of the firearm was correct (normally to use a shotgun under said license a child that young requires a licensed 18+ year old to use it to hunt or target shoot)and the child in question had clear reason to be fearful.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Fair play to her, even if he didn't want to rape her, you can't take that chance.

Either way he shouldn't have been in the house in the first place. Serves him right and if he was a potential rapist then I think Big Bubba Johnson's gonna deal out some ironic justice during shower time.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Faraja said:
scw55 said:
Faraja said:
scw55 said:
Faraja said:
OlasDAlmighty said:
GunsmithKitten said:
hazabaza1 said:
Yep, because as we know, people who break into people's houses, especially when the person is still home, have safe intentions in mind. /sarcasm
We get it GunsmithKitten. You love guns, you love them with an fiery passion, and you believe that anyone who trespasses on your property is fair game to shoot because they MUST have the absolute worst of intentions. You've made that very very VERY clear.

You don't need to keep proving it to us by posting a counterreply to every single comment that attacks guns on every gun-violence thread on this site just to reiterate essentially these same points again and again.

Believe it or not some people just don't believe that guns make us all safer, don't believe the whole world is out to murder/rape them, and don't think shoot first ask questions later is a smart policy when it comes to home invasion.
No amount of arguing is going to make us suddenly realize how wrong we all are about this topic and how important your gun rights are.

I hope for your own sake that you never end up in a situation like the one above, because I'm about 95% sure you'll end up going to prison for felony (first degree) murder if you do.
You really think he'd go to prison for first degree murder for shooting someone that broke into his house? I can't grasp the logic behind that.
In Britain killing an intruder is murder.
It could be twisted to Manslaughter if you're lucky.
You still killed someone. At the end of the day, there's always less killing-methods of self defence. Understandably if you're in a wardrobe your options are limited.
I would probably hurt the man into unconsciousness myself.
First, you'd only hurt the guy if you were more skilled, stronger, and/or had an iron will. There aren't a lot of methods for 12 year old girls to defend themselves from grown men. Unless all British girls are master martial artists.
Second, if your country really thinks you shouldn't be allowed to take out someone who could have every intention of taking you out, there are some issues. There's a saying, that I'm about to butcher, that goes something like; "the only person who knows how a break in turns out, is the guy doing the break in." It's one thing for you to personally say you wouldn't, but for your government to say no, I can't see how people could go along with that.
Maybe that's just my American distrust of the government and individualism (for lack of a better word) talking.
Usually prevention of the event is better than murdering someone.
I don't disagree with that statement. Doesn't really solve the problem of what happens if prevention isn't enough, though.
Well that gets sorted out after the event.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
My friends ask me why they call this site "The Escapist"

I say: "Well it's where we have serious discussions about rape, gender and violent crime and how awful they are yet have conflicting real world elements"

They say that's not exactly 'Escapism'.

I say: "Well, you have to accept a certain amount of mission creep. I mean if you actually want to talk about video games you should go to a serious site like /V/ or something".

On-topic: what reason do they think he might be a rapist, rather than merely "could be a rapist". Though I really don't care if he was just a burglar, better shoot first and ask questions later than be sorry. Though when you do ask questions later, don't act like it was the circumstance that gave the maximum justification for shooting.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I'm starting to recall something my dad said a while ago when we were watching a movie... He said something like:
"Because of the way the law works, as soon as someone breaks through your front door, the entry way becomes a free shooting range." or something like that.
Anyway, my dad's not wrong. If someone breaks into your house, at least in North America, then anything you do automatically get's the "self defense" label slapped onto it. And in a way, it makes sense. If you're in somebody else's house and they gun you down out of fear, well joke's on you, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Not that I'm saying gunning down someone in your house is a proper thing to do, I just think it's a case of "What did you expect would happen?" Although I really do wonder why the girl had access to the gun in the first place.


New member
Jun 21, 2012
Keoul said:
I thinks we're all jumping the gun by assuming the intruder is a rapist when the only crime they committed so far was home invasion.
Also damn, America needs better locks.

EDIT: Due to a severe case of misunderstandings allow me to reiterate.
1. The bold means it's a joke -nudge nudge wink wink-
2. I'm pointing out that he shouldn't be labelled as a rapist at all, just a burglar.
3. The Lock part is also a joke, that most Americans see their guns as the first and only line of defence, perhaps investment into a stronger door and security screens would have saved this girls from a traumatic experience.
I wholeheartedly agree with point 2. There is no evidence of him being a rapist. In fact, I find it very unlikely someone would break into a house with such an intent.

Point three is problematic though - concept of passive vs. active defence. Passive defence is static, and can be bypassed with sufficient effort - no matter how high your walls are, and how deep your moat is, eventually it can be crossed. Also, I will point out that most houses in US are not made out of stone... or all that much wood. Putting a 20 mm thick steel door when your walls are paper thin makes no sense. Motion sensitive alarms are a solution, but they cost pretty penny every month. Gun, cheaply, puts the defence of your property in your hands. I don't own a gun, but I understand the sentiments of their owners quite well.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
For what it's worth, despite being European, I have no problem with the use of lethal force to protect ones home, even where no violent intent can be established on the part of the burglar/robber/whatever.

On the other hand, the "OMFG RAPIST!!!" brigade look like a bunch of cunts on this one. There's not nearly enough information to suggest that was the burglars intent.

Finally: Good for that lass. Personally not a fan of firearm proliferation throughout a population, but it does always give a warm fuzzy feeling when it's a 12 year old defending herself and her home, and not some weirdo shooting up a school or movie theatre.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Vareoth said:
That girl has guts.
Yes, it takes a lot of guts to shoot people, especially in this country, where we also find courage in shooting young men armed with skittles...


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Icehearted said:
Vareoth said:
That girl has guts.
Yes, it takes a lot of guts to shoot people, especially in this country, where we also find courage in shooting young men armed with skittles...
She is twelve. You're kind of missing the point there...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Vareoth said:
Icehearted said:
Vareoth said:
That girl has guts.
Yes, it takes a lot of guts to shoot people, especially in this country, where we also find courage in shooting young men armed with skittles...
She is twelve. You're kind of missing the point there...
And where I grew up (LA county) it wasn't uncommon for 12 year old kids to shoot and stab others either. My point is that in a gun culture like America bravery and pulling a trigger are, despite what anyone says, mutually exclusive. Armed forces notwithstanding.

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
DoPo said:
Kurt Cristal said:
Keoul said:
I thinks we're all jumping the gun by assuming the intruder is a rapist when the only crime they committed so far was home invasion.
Also damn, America needs better locks.
Well, as the article points out, the intruder didn't start taking things, his first instinct was to hunt down down the girl. So yeah. Maybe we are jumping the gun but still, there it is.
That's funny, because that second article has no mention of rapists, it actually directly states "burglary" in the title.

Also, the first article states that they don't know if the guy was a rapist or not, just speculated there. And all because he didn't get the TV but went for the girl.

I just hate being lied to by the news. Let's examine some plausible alternatives - he didn't get the TV because it's a friggin' TV. Slightly suspicious, and less easy to carry. How about some jewellery or cash instead? Oh and he went for the girl? What if he wanted her to, you know, not call 911. Possible he wanted to do that before even getting the TV. Sure, he failed but I know if I broke into a house, and heard there was a child there, I wouldn't want them run around and complicate things for me.

For all the information we have, the intruder could have been a potentially a murderer, a kidnapper, or a zombie. Yeah, what would the walking dead want with a TV?

Other than that, well, it may have been a bit over the top, but otherwise a good reaction.
Wait, are you defending a child threatening burglar on the grounds that he isn't actually a rapist? What is this, I don't even...
Sep 14, 2009
Blood Brain Barrier said:
TakerFoxx said:
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Can't believe people are celebrating this. "Potential rapist?" He might have been a neighbour wanting to borrow some milk.

Teaching a 12-year old this kind of insularity and mistrust is barbaric. In other words, perfectly in line with American values.
If this is a joke, you might want to make it more obvious. But in case it isn't, he wasn't shot through the front door while knocking. He had smashed a window, entered the house illegally, and was shot when attempting to open the closet the girl was hiding in. Of course he was to be "mistrusted!" Next time, read the article before posting nonsense. The part about him being a potential rapist is silly sensationalism, true. The part where he deserved to be shot was not.
I didn't read that bit. But is it so far-fetched to imagine a situation like the one I mentioned? Breaking the windows is just a minor footnote.

And I could also envisage someone's wife being run over and breaking into the nearest house to use the phone.
that is so illogical, you would bang on the door first to hopefully find someone in the house to help, and if not, it's still fucked up to do such a thing, not to mention the person that RAN HER OVER should/probably will have a cell phone on them.

It is not a minor footnote, if you break in through someone's window and do not previously announce yourself or try to knock on the front door a couple times, then by all means, i am happier than hell that little girl knew how to use a gun and had access to it to get that fucker.

the rapist part is sensationalist to add flair, however he went straight for finding her when she was hiding in a closet, you don't do that unless you seriously are looking for trouble.