70% of people in England hate their health care!


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Bullshit. The NHS isn't that bad unless you actually go into hospital, which most people don't on a regular basis. Shouldn't people learn not to give a toss about what Fox say? Especially if it's not even about America.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
firstly fox?
yeah not buying it
we do complain alot lol
but 70% i doubt it lol


New member
Nov 2, 2007
JoshGod said:
firstly fox?
yeah not buying it
we do complain alot lol
but 70% i doubt it lol
Also, "complaining" =/= "wanting to dismantle it and start anew".


New member
Apr 15, 2008
Now while the best way to improve the NHS *would* probably be to dismantle it and start again.

That doesn't mean I don't like it the way it is. Sure it could be improved....but the again so could the American electoral system.... but you don't see fox news reporting THAT


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Fox News can't even get stuff about their own country right - let alone other people's.

Besides, the point people make who don't like this is not to get rid of the NHS, but restart it. It's been going for 60+ years, sometimes these things need to be re-juggled.

And I'd much rather have our health care system than that piece of shit that the Americans refuse to change.


Dec 16, 2008
Well from what I know (england) most people aren't concerned about healthcare at all, they just don't think about it like that as it seems to be a basic right.
But 70%?
C'mon, thats more than pushing it.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
It's propaganda. The only health system better than the UK's is that of France, where they pay far more tax for health care, but it is on a par with private health care. Any country that doesn't have a national government funded health system is, IMHO, uncivilised. If the care you get depends solely on being rich, and mostly not ill, then that is the tail wagging the dog. I know that the mostly rich, not ill will disagree...


Harmonica God
Oct 9, 2008
With my health system (UK-er here) I am content. Although it took going private to cure me of various childhood illnesses, I was still treated by NHS doctors in the beginning and many of them bent over backwards to help me.

You pay for what you get. I can feel safe in the knowlege that if I collapse tomorrow, I wont be paying for it all my life like in a completly private healthcare system. When I can afford to do so, I will go private again, simply because I think if you can afford to do so, you should. It makes sense from a health standpoint and can free up the NHS system for folks who need it more.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Bretty said:
Everything on Fox is BS. It is not News. Just like MSNBC. The only thing I ever watch for US media is CNN. And even they arent what I call great.

But the problem isnt with them really. It is YOU! The viewer for even watching that shit.
His post mentions that he realizes it's bs.
I've heard of this kind of thing before, but I doubt it's true.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Doubt most people here could explain our healthcare, let alone say they are unhappy with it.

If they do hate it, it's probably because they couldn't get an abortion without their parents finding out.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Crowser said:
Yes, I know this is bullshit but I'm curious how people of these nations feel about our media's portrayal of them, especially with all this health care hoo ha going on right now. Funny? Sad? Offensive?
Basically that one, a bunch of greedy Yanks are doing there usual thing whenever something they don't like crops up. SCARE TACTICS!

The reality is they can't bcome up with a sound reason to oppose this, so they're making shit up to make it sound as terrifying as possible. They do this all the time with everything from communists to foreign companies to fuel efficient cars.

France has the best health care system in the world, everyone knows that, our NHS isn't exactly perfect, in fact sometimes it's insanely shit, but most of the time it does actually work.

I certainly wouldn't change it for US style system of insurance premiums, insurance companies are notorious shysters and I womnder how many American patients end up either dead or massively in debt because their policy didn't cover whatever misfortune befell them.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I would imagine that a lot of Brits might feel the NHS would benefit from having some of the middle management cleaned up, there is a little too much red tape going on.

In the same breath though I reckon that most would be happy to know that if they had an accident or a stroke or something that they can get help without going bankrupt.

Does it suck to have to wait your turn? Sure. If you have the money you can always jump to the head of the queue if you want.

That said, I had work-provided medical insurance for a while and getting anything done was a battle to overcome "pre-existibng conditions". Sure, it is the job of the insurance company to evade payouts whereever possible, but no, my carpal tunnel syndrome was NOT caused by the car accident I had been in ten years before....


New member
Feb 25, 2008
ziggybogidou said:
Well from what I know (england) most people aren't concerned about healthcare at all, they just don't think about it like that as it seems to be a basic right.
But 70%?
C'mon, thats more than pushing it.
If it's the UK I can believe it, not because anything's fundamentally wrong, just because we're English and we complain about everything.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
Crowser said:
Just heard this on Fox. Apparently 70% of people living in England...want to, and I quote "Dismantle their health care system and start anew."
1. Fox news? Hah! I watched them for a total of 3 hours while I was in Washington and from just that tiny amount of time I can safely conclude it's the worst news network in existence.

2. FRANCE?! NO! They have the best healthcare in the world. Why would they change it?

3. No, 70% of people here do not want to remove the NHS. Seriously. If a politician proposed that, it would be the end of his career.

Woodsey said:
Besides, the point people make who don't like this is not to get rid of the NHS, but restart it. It's been going for 60+ years, sometimes these things need to be re-juggled.

And I'd much rather have our health care system than that piece of shit that the Americans refuse to change.
Agreed. The NHS is a great system, but it's really, really in need of reform. Hell, most of the current problems come from the marginal capitalization of the system from its truly socialist roots. Different NHS areas actually compete with eachother for funding, apparently, and so you get the horrible effect where one that is failing fails more, and ones that are doing well get even more money. In principal, it sounds right to reward good service, but does that principal really apply to healthcare?

We actually examined the American and UK healthcare systems in economics last week. We came to the conclusion that the UK system was better because, basically, it doesn't allow anyone to die on purpose.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Here in Canada we have the same (if not similar) health care as these countries and pretty much everyone here can agree its a tad slow and a little bit under staffed at least in comparison to the US one. Although everyone agrees that you Americans pay far too much for what we get for free. All in all I can complain a little but I know it could be worse, and Fox News can be put in a giant wood chipper.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
pantsoffdanceoff said:
Crowser said:
Just heard this on Fox.
And then after this they proceeded to tell you how Obama made a pact with the spirit of Lenin through an Islamic ritual to bring communism to America?
You sir, are AWESOME! First laugh of the day, and it was a good one. Have a fuckton of cookies.


New member
Jul 30, 2009
woah this thread is back, although tbh when this was going around there were so many threads about it i have no idea if i have already posted in here. As theres 8 pages to look through i'll just state my opinion here.
"English people like to moan about everything.... its what we do."


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Fox lies.

The only people in Britain who hate the NHS are the ones who haven't been sick enough to see where their money is going. They should be thankful they didn't break their leg, not angry that they didn't get their share of what they paid for.

Fox really, really aggravates me. Normally it's okay, because they're reporting on American incidents. But when they make up crap like this about MY country, I get pretty pissed