72 Percent of Adults Support California Game Law - UPDATED


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Games are the Rock and Roll of our generation.
And most parents/adults are behind on the times and too worried as always! If parents would educate themselves just a little on the subject before forming an opinion based on biased (fearmongering) newsreports we would not have this problem! Lazy parents always telling kids to learn, but are to busy to learn something that actually might help them raise their children better. Hypocrits, all of them.
Same shit, different day, just like 50 years ago.

Blackjack 222

New member
Dec 2, 2009
It is working to prevent it, last thing ANY gamer wants is abunch of foul mouthed kids running around knifing people. GO OUTSIDE YOU SNOT NOSED BASTARDS! But i support blocking any and all video games to minors. Mainly anyone under 16 and 16 is being generous with that.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Let me be honest, statistics are one of the biggest ways of "lying with authority" when it comes to politics. While annoying, consider that this is an online poll that involved 2200 people and didn't seem to be widely distributed, after all I get the distinct impression that few users of The Escapist, if any of us, knew about this poll when it was happening. Thus anyone here who is an adult (like me) or parents (there seem to be some) were not involved in this poll.

It was doubtlessly put out in a fashion to seem open, but where it would attract specific kinds of respondants. Also we have no idea how many times they have conducted similar polls until they got one with the results they wanted. That's a big deal with private data collection agencies, they are hired to reinforce whatever their client wants in cases like this. There is no overall authority on what is ultimatly a private business that prevents them from collecting data 10x in 10 differant ways until they get what they want.

I'd also point a finger to politics as an example. Back during the last presidential elections most of the media networks were claiming that Obama was going to come in with a clear majority lead with like 70% of the vote. In reality we saw another micro-victory in a polarized nation where he lead with like 7%. The point of providing bad information like that is because it helps sway opinion and encourage people to throw in with a clear winner. Of course come the next election people are going to forget this, and remember only the parts where it was being claimed the race was more accuratly "too close to call".

One can also be critical of that video on a lot of levels. One is of course that all of those games are clearly marked, and it's the fault of parents for not parenting if kids play games like that. Another is that when you look at things like the 50-cent game, it's a situation where your dealing with a person who promotes himself that way IRL, it has nothing to do with video games. If one wants to argue that 50-Cent is a "negative racial stereotype" one has to go after the entire subculture he's part of... and really, good luck with that one. The attacks on video games are a scapegoat so that people don't have to address issues like that which become a lot more touchy more quickly. In his case it's transparently a situation where your dealing with a bigger issue that is overlapping onto this. I personally can only guess this video is made for people with ADHD because when it comes to "San Andreas" I personally can't figure out why in a game about crime it's a "negative racial stereotype" to have the guy being arrested when we already saw the guy embarking on a massive criminal rampage and killing cops in earlier video clips. What's more I will be honest in saying that while I do not care for the subculture or the message, context is entirely missing from some parts of the San Andreas bits in paticular. The cops in that game are corrupt, and while a bad guy, the protaganist is an "anti-hero" in the same kind of way as the protaganist of some of the better mafia dramas that have come out over the years. It tries to put a certain "code" into the things he does, albiet I think in the end it winds up trying to project things onto the whole "Gang Banger" schtick that aren't there IRL (there is no equivilent to things like Omerta in the same way). That bit of fantasy however does put the brutality, and the fighting of the police into a slightly differant context for the purposes of the game.

Should kids be playing any of this stuff? No they should not. On the other hand it's the parents job to raise their kids, not the goverment's.

What's more I am hoping people both on The Supreme Court, and in general, recognize the potential snowball effect here. Give the goverment direct power here, and they are going to use it to control other media as well. What's more people are going to be happy to have the goverment taking responsibility for raising their children out of their hands (looked at from a certain perspective) right up until the goverment starts snowballing what is established here into making other desicians that people aren't going to like.

I cannot comment on Postal 2 incidently, since I have never played it. I do however remember hearing that it wasn't all that good, and (if I'm not remembering things wrong) was also very linear despite having the option to do a lot of things. The violence displayed in the clips of that game also seem to be devoid of context.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
Holy shit that's a terrifying finding. Like, how much more is the industry supposed to do?

This is an uphill battle, and it's made far worse by people's ignorance and willingness to believe the worst. The most ridiculous part is that despite all the information the industry puts out, parents, even those concerned about violence still dismiss all games as kids toys.

Just yesterday, while working in a game store, I told a mother buying her 12 year old son a copy of GTA:Vice City Stories that the game was age rated 17+ and her response was:

"Oh, he doesn't turn the violence on, he just plays it for the racing."


I had a similar situation where a teacher was asking if she should buy grand theft auto for her 8 year old nephew while there parents said it was completely fine. Luckily she was the responsible parent and thought it was a bad idea in the first place.

Randy11517 said:
It is working to prevent it, last thing ANY gamer wants is abunch of foul mouthed kids running around knifing people. GO OUTSIDE YOU SNOT NOSED BASTARDS! But i support blocking any and all video games to minors. Mainly anyone under 16 and 16 is being generous with that.
What about the people older than that who are more childish? Also what if the children younger than that are more mature and their parents who are good parents that know this believe hes old enough to do this?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Inside four walls, I live my life, doesn't matter what I've done the governments always right.
Jun 11, 2008
If the parents did their job this wouldn't happen there is more than enough safe guards in place in the video game industry to prevent this if the parents really cared. Also with Postal 2 the violence is up to the player you can play the game without killing anyone.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Mornelithe said:
This poll clearly shows once again, parents giving more control to the government, because they refuse to be parents. Grow up, it's not the government, or societies job to make sure your kids acquiesce to your rules. That's your job.
You good sir, are absolutely correct, and I respect you tenfold.

OT: Its funny how the majority of the violent video game footage is from only 2 games. Way to have an open mind. =P


New member
Sep 11, 2010
I can some what understand parents not knowing what the bold M in the corner of the box mean. but when u buys games called grand theft auto and Naarc that self explanatory right there what the game is about. so either parents muist pay no attenion to the game they buy or they just don't care


New member
Mar 13, 2009
well to all of you that say parents should learn... well go to the game stores and if you see a parent buy a kid a violent video game then tell them not to buy it. Also are minors aloud to buy banned book? Why is this that the parent can decide what book the child can read but not what video game?

Oh that is right children don't read books.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I am in support of this, but not because I support censorship or w/e, but because I WANT THOSE FUCKING 12 YEAR OLDS OFF OF XBOX LIVE.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
A shame cali is ruled by mobs...soon the US is to follow...oh hell we are here already thanks to dubya.......(just saying dubya opened the flood gates for the US to ignore parts of the Constitution just cause the government wants too).

(PS:its not like bama is trying to plug any holes the last admin left wide open....)

Also you can not have a law in the US that prevents anyone from buying media of any kind but porn, and possibly hate group material... and anythign with nude children in it... thanks Clinton for giving the thought police more power in the 90s.....*shudders* free speech is just that its up to the consumer/creator/publisher not big brother or the moral panic mobs.....


New member
Jul 20, 2010
How are kids supposed to attain "ultra-violent" games with all of them being M and arne't ever legally sold to minors in major retailers?


If you don't want yours kids playing GTA then don't friggin buy it for them, stop ruining everyone elses lives


New member
Jun 26, 2010
ummm, they do pay attention to the fact you need to be 17 or have a parent to buy an M game from Gamestop right? and that technically its not the games industries job to determine who can buy what, thats the job of the consumer and their parents, right? right? No they dont, because the people who flip a shit about their kids playing bad things(games) and being "influenced" usually don't really deserve to be called parents anyway.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I can't believe no-one in the media has brought up Arnie's rather large collection of violent videogame appearances, to bring his support of these stupid laws into disrepute, but then maybe there's no-one in the media willing to oppose the bill.

At least in the UK when a politician is banging hookers and snorting coke thru our rolled up tax money, the press generally don't much care what party they are, it's front page news (we have left and right newspapers, but someone will go with it, at least.)

honestly, if this was the UK, his violent videogame past would be coming up in every damn interview he had, until he admitted he corrupted the nation's children for money.

As for the survey:

1. Would you support or oppose a law that prohibits minors from purchasing videogames that depict killing, maiming or sexually assaulting an image of a human being?

2. How concerned are you about the impact of ultra-violent videogames on your child? 3. How would you rate the videogame industry when it comes to protecting kids from accessing violent videogames?

Firstly, 4. How would you rate yourself a parents when it comes to protecting kids from accessing these games, when they're whining in Best Buy and it's easier to just buy GTA to shut them up?

to me that's no more 'weighted' than the other questions. Hell I'm a gamer and I agree with all the statements, however most responsible game vendors will not sell GTA to a 10 year old child, until the parent gets mad and demands that they get it.

Secondly, I'd have been interested in the figures if the word videogame had been replaced by movie.

Thirdly, for a 20 page thread, and I'm as guilty as anyone, it's not us that needs educating here, it's the non gamers. What are the real stats we need non gamers and voters to see, what was it , 5% of all videogame are rated mature for violence or sexual content, 95% being fine? Therefore that video should have should shown around 3 seconds of violence and 57 seconds of non violent gaming to show an accurate depiction of gaming today.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
We also should admit however, that whenever a game does the whole 'the violence is a choice, and it's about the player', I feel that argument falls down when murdering whole townfuls of innocent civilians is just made so much fun compared with playing the scene where you go to a bank and cash your paycheque then buy some milk.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
72% of Californians still dumb as a sack of manure who would let the government raise their children outright if it gave them extra time to watch TV. -UPDATED-


New member
May 12, 2009
imnotparanoid said:
Mornelithe said:
This poll clearly shows once again, parents giving more control to the government, because they refuse to be parents. Grow up, it's not the government, or societies job to make sure your kids acquiesce to your rules. That's your job.
ruining games for the rest of us.
[small]No offence to America, Just Americas parents and government[/small]
no no offense to america. the entire video industry hangs on american buyers. so if say this law passes what do you think will happen? many companies will shut down since it will become practically impossible to get many games on shelves in most genres. americans are lazy lazy people who refuse to accept that they are wrong, as the boondocks said "were americans we dont admit were wrong we just keep doing the wrong thing until it turns out right.

oh and by the way im american and i live in california...i hate my state so much...anyone wanna give me plane tickets to an educated country? like denmark or japan i can deal with gender biase just not rampant stupidity


New member
May 12, 2009
mr_rubino said:
72% of Californians still dumb as a sack of manure who would let the government raise their children outright if it gave them extra time to watch TV. -UPDATED-
technically untrue. i live in california and i have to say this is almost true but not quite. 30% of california are morons of highest calibre 20% cant vote, and 50% wont vote. you see california is lazy in all the wrong ways. this law just doesnt hit most of us as a 'ooh lets vote on this!' thing because most people here are too busy with major problems caused by our idiotic governor in the first place. sure the %'s are rough but i feel they are fair. We need a governor whos not a moron.

The Ghost

New member
Sep 15, 2008
As an adult living in California I do not support these measures. Just remember we're not all bad just most of us.